Edward Snowden breaks silence to threaten new U.S. disclosures

MomT's picture

Reuters LONDON | Mon Jul 1, 2013 4:55pm EDT (Reporting By Andrew Osborn; Editing by Kevin Liffey)

(Reuters) - Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden has broken his silence for the first time since he fled to Moscow eight days ago to say he remains free to make new disclosures about U.S. spying activity.

In a letter to Ecuador seen by Reuters, Snowden said the United States was illegally persecuting him for revealing its electronic surveillance program, PRISM. He also thanked Ecuador for helping him get to Russia and for examining his asylum request.




Oddly, Russia is now saying

DeSwiss2's picture

Oddly, Russia is now saying that he can stay in their country, but only if he stops ''hurting'' the US with his revelations of its surveillance and spying on its allies.

Such a demand by Russia begs the question: Why would the avowed enemy of the US care whether Snowden was hurting the US or not?  The only answer I can think of is that we must not be the enemies they've always pretended to be. And if that's the case, what was that whole Cold War thing about?

 - Of course the more complete answer is: We've been lied to all along. About everything.....

Of Course We've Been Lied To . . .

drmoe's picture

And it's still going on. I don't believe anything from the mainstream or "lamestream" media any more. The more we become aware of the Matrix Program we've been living in, the more we become suspicious of everything said by so-called officials.  George Carlin was describing this matrix agenda back in 1992, and probably earlier.  The good news is we are waking up. And yes, the disgusting lies we've been told by religions and governments and so-called security organizations are being revealed to us daily. Thanks to all those whistleblowers. Keep the truth coming. There's nowhere left for the cabal to hide.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!

George Carlin

iliad10's picture

I'm sure this corrupt USgovernment, iluminati, cabal They're all the same. had a major role in Carlin's death. 

That thought had occurred to

DeSwiss2's picture

That thought had occurred to me. But he shot his wad before he left.

 - Said what he came to say.