Why some of these words are so disturbing to you?... Do you go out of the church every Sunday 'disturbed' because they lied over there to you All that God is vengeful one?... That You have to pay for clearing the 'sins' they say you did?... Does this make you disturbed, too?...
Why do you think this site and posts like these exist?... Simply to trigger the questioning in all of US, that the illusion we lived for so long starts to dissolve... and simply by questioning it... because, by questioning it, you do not accept fully all the 'truths' they feed US for long... and by not accepting the present answers, you start looking for new ones... [or very old ones, very old truths...]
By start looking for new answers, or new views of present situation, you becoming more aware that 'truth' is much much bigger than simple tv report...
And by searching for your truth, you do not accept main stream media truth' or main stream religion truths...
And by questioning who will benefit from truths like these, you are raising your awareness of present state of your religious views... So, congratulation, dear Not Verified Guest... You just earned your advancement in conciousness...
So, if this is not a play, what is it?... a film?... a story?... a myth?... a fake history book?... Can you ask self "Maybe I was deceived till this point, all these lives, and how come that I did not search for more?... Why I did not look deeper in to existence of God, but simply gave my trust and my faith in local priest hands or pockets?... WHY?...
How come you call Lucifer deceiver, and not your local politician, or local priest, or your boss?...[ when he does not respect your promised raise?...]
Of course, He will benefit the most of ALL... not because He will conquer your soul, but because YOU will find your heart, and fill it with Love, where only anger, resentment, greed, judgment existed... This is HIS true reward... Hearts of Humanity filled with Love and Forgives for each other, and for themselfs...
If you ask me, this Play has tremendous consequence for US ALL: with this grandiose and magnificent God's plan, we [galactic beings from all over the Universe...] had the most elaborate, and most powerful boot camp for raising conciousness and opening our hearts towards Love...
Lucifer is only a stage builder, and duality energy holder, like a move producer who knows that this Movie will benefit US all, once when Truth [with capital T...] become available... Yet, this does not mean that all will be able to see this Truth as its own, as they will think that someone took away their hiding place: No more scapegoat... No more bad and judgmental Angel or God... so, who do I blame NOW?... who will repent my 'sins', when churches close its doors?...
No one, my dear brother... No one but you, you have to realize there is no sins, per say... There is no mistakes which has to be retributed... only actions has to recognized by us, and taken full responsibility for what we are doing and thinking...
Where Unconditional Love exists, all is accepted, and even with this story, [which is just a beginning of much bigger story that is unfolding in front of your eyes here on GFP...], we allow our self to spread the Truth about what is coming for Humanity... And it is Freedom from illusion...
And you said it right: "do not get it fuelled by this..." Open your heart, and see what is in there, and what you find in side, you will know what will full you... or even better: what YOU find in your heart, is the only thing you can give others...
SO, look carefully what you carry in your lovely heart, dear Brother... Look carefully...
With All my love, Predrag/Saint Germain