Eliminating Ego

Lia's picture

by Angela Lumley


 We are not born with ego at all. Ego is taught and


learned through experiences. An infant is not aware


of self until it sees its reflection in the mirror and then


has to be told what the reflection is. To be without ego


is to be unaware of self and just being in the moment


of here and now. No judgement no labels. Without ego


nothing can affect us. Ego only looks for attention and


needs to be noticed as well as looks for a reaction.


Without ego there is freedom. Everyone has their own


perception, making everyone's reality different in the


way they perceive it. No one can tell someone they are


wrong, but they can remain open to others viewpoints


and then if it resonates that would become their truth


as well. If you take a little bit of what everyone says


or teaches, you will find some truth in it all.


Acceptance is the answer. In the end everyone has to


come to their own realization.




Yes clarity

Mario's picture

haha a little bit of truth in all, lol

The Truth Just Is.

TheFlashRon's picture

It is the ego mind that separates identity from Oneness, illusion from reality, judgment from acceptance and confusion from clarity.