can you please help me, anyone?

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nadya1994's picture
can you please help me, anyone?

hey everyone

i am 19 years old and was spiritually enlightened when i was 17

during that time i suffered with depression and anger issues because of my past (my mum used to beat me up daily and my father abandoned me). i live with my grandma now who is really supportive for me

she is paying for different qualifications for me because i wish to pursue a career in spirituality and help others, i recently gained my level 1 reiki 

a turning point in my life was when i had a dream about jesus when i was 14 who told that ''everything is going to be fine, you are on the right path''


well i am desperate

i am still depressed. i don't do anything. i have no friends and suicide is a regular thought

i feel as though i am half in the light half in the darkness and i don't know how to get out

even now writing this is making me cry 


can someone please give me some legitimate advice instead of the usual ''you'll grow out of it'' or ''exercise and healthy diet''. seriously, i have been like this since i was 15 and i eat healthily and exercise and i still feel like this


i know i was put here for a purpose (lightworker) but i don't feel like i'm getting any where and i just want to end it all

i guess you could say i am a lost soul that's swayed from their purpose


please, anyone?

Tonago's picture
Hi Nadya1994

I appreciated reading your thoughts and think you are a smart person for being brave enough to share yourself so intimately.   Your story reminds me of my own life including "issues" coming to a head in my early twenties.  Beyond that, I want to make sure you know this last year has been emotionally harrowing and deep for many people.  As much as I love life and my life, I too have had fleeting thoughts of suicide, even in this last year when all the new energies have manifested on Earth. If you can just trust yourself, that moment DOES pass. 

I think if I were in your shoes, I would always consider Jesus came to you.  That is a special thing you have in your heart.

Remember what he told you in that dream,  You are going to be alright.

On a medicinal note, I find making Lavender  Tea really settles and tranquilizes your nervous system.    The first time I tried it I felt like my depressive thoughts went away completely, like in minutes of drinking it.    Keep in mind though I made it double strength, which I DO NOT recommend for regular usage!!!

I am also finding just standing in the sunlight in a natural and peaceful environment also works wonders.

Mario's picture
Have you

Ever considered dooing what you would like to do? Insted of following others advice? By wich I mean, what gets you "conected" with your self and the Universe as the simpless ways to being. Being in full control of your Reality, realizing that you are a creator in any way you want to experience your life Being it bad or good. And I am here co creating with you as many others have been in your path, either being in their awareness or not haha :P In the start of this month I said oh this is going to be a challenging month and added I like challenges, days back I was loosing my mind trying to get the puzzle right!! and the more I tryed the more I suferred within, yet I know deep down I had chosen to experience it, and Am Glad to experience it, even tho I have know clue about it. I laugh at my problems many times, Because I remember who I AM. Forgeting is easy as waking up in the morning, or as loosing something, getting ahead of yourself caugh up in you own mind, letting "things take over" you know haha, there is allways more to everything, Good Bad (Dualistic) or Both as being In control of your reality as not letting one or the other get to you, are natural state of being I AM from no beliefs haha, your making me create things I had no Idee of seeing in this way haha thanks.

Be at One, Namaste

arun's picture
yes you are here for a purpose.

hi, i think you need to meet your soul family, who will support you . Go to

its a free site,become member and post this help request there. There is a group connected to Jesus ,they were his apostles in their past lives, the ainu ra group. Chat with them and will definitely give you the answer you are looking for.

email me and i will give you some names on the site.

take care

love and light to you

Ra-Raela's picture
can you please help me, anyone.....

Hello Nadja. child of love and light!

For that is what you really are! The team dark would like nothing more than to distinguish the light that you are, here on the physical plane. Even more of a reason for you to hold on to your true essence. It sounds as if your soul has chosen a difficult obstacle to overcome. That of of loving yourself, in spite of being told that you are worthless, and unworthy. It is a great challenge indeed. Add to that the incoming energies, which bring anything that isn't of love and light, to the surface. A real double wammy!

It all must start with loving yourself, and remembering who you really are! I suggest, you look in the mirror, every morning and every night before you go to sleep, and telling yourself with all sincerity, that you love yourself! It will be difficult at first (make sure you have a tissue box handy!) All sorts of negative messages will come up. When they do, thank them in a Ho'Oponopono way:

I'm sorry, Please forgive me, I thank you, I love you.

Be diligent about this! Nothing must escape your forgiveness of yourself and others. This will free you. It's like cleaning a lamp, that has lots of dirt on it. As you continue to clean the lamp, more and more light will shine through for you. 

Expose yourself to as much sunlight as is safe. Put some coconut oil on your skin. Let the sun shine on your brow and third eye.

(this will help your body to produce melatonin to lift the depressed part of your body)

Eat and drink as many green foods as possible. Plants carry sunlight and convert it to chlorophyll.

You might want to consider a few empowerments. Here are a few websites you can peruse, which helped me immensely. 



Energies of 2013:

Earth Light:


The Spiritual Unfoldment Network (a safe path to enlightenment) (non-denominational)

Judy Satory at "", which has lots of freebies using the language of light. (I highly recommend it)!

This site in particular would be very helpful to you, as it addresses some of you problems in a gentle way. You can listen to the mp3 recordings in the freebie section!

Ok, so here are a few more practical things I can recommend to you.

Get yourself some good seasalt and put it in your pocket. It wards off psychic attacks and purifies your energy field.

Surround yourself with quartz crystals and solenoid crystal. Again, this will help to clear your field and enhance your inner light.

Do some heavy duty forgiveness work on your mother and father. This will help lighten the load!

And lastly, be sure to get rid of any self loathing, negative self talk, while at the same time building yourself up with self-praise, self--love, and inner stillness, through meditation. Join a meditation group if needed. Use the Reiki on yourself, first and formost!

I hope this will help you get on your way to discovering your True Self, in joy, love and harmony! Remember, you are already there, it's just a matter of taking off the costume!

                                                                     Love and hugs, 




mandy's picture
Please hear this in your heart

Firstly: you have friends. We are all with you now. We can be your strength until you are able to see, you are your strength. And after that, we will go on being with you. You are loved.

2nd: please look up meditation. A proper one. It is only through initially learning TM, that my path has been fully opened. It will relax you and can help in multiple ways.o Not easy, but now it is beyond words. It can help you find, whatever it is you are looking for on your journey here on earth.

3rd: keep hanging on to what Jesus told you. Believe it.

5thly: go with you heart. Decide what brings u joy and peace & do it. Have faith and the courage of a lion, knowing always god is in you, and everywhere you look. 

I am sending you my love, courage & strength. Let us be your strlength and set you free, gently.


mandy's picture
Please hear this in your heart

Firstly: you have friends. We are all with you now. We can be your strength until you are able to see, you are your strength. And after that, we will go on being with you. You are loved.

2nd: please look up meditation. A proper one. It is only through initially learning TM, that my path has been fully opened. It will relax you and can help in multiple ways.o Not easy, but now it is beyond words. It can help you find, whatever it is you are looking for on your journey here on earth.

3rd: keep hanging on to what Jesus told you. Believe it.

5thly: go with you heart. Decide what brings u joy and peace & do it. Have faith and the courage of a lion, knowing always god is in you, and everywhere you look. 

I am sending you my love, courage & strength. Let us be your strlength and set you free, gently.


Jeannette's picture
dear Nadya




d'tewa's picture
Hey Nadya! 

Hey Nadya! 

     Feels pretty shitty being depressed, huh?  Most of us know the feeling, but few so bad as to contemplate suicide.  No one should have to feel that way!  No One!  However, you did a wonderful thing, you stepped up to the problem and are asking for help.  Me, I don't believe in coincidences, which makes me think...why of all places on the world wide web would you choose the Galactic Free Press to make your plea?  I mean, you could have went to Ashtar Command or for spiritual assistance, but you didn't.  You came here.

     It's very possible you already know that there are loads of loving individuals here that are ready, willing and able to help you, me included.  It's also very important that you be open to help too, dear.  It would be a very good idea to at least try to lift yourself up out of your frump, unless you enjoy being depressed.  So, this is a two-way street.  It's not enough that you simply read the comments and shrug them off thinking it won't help.  You need to do whatever it takes to get YOU "happy" again.  So, take some of these comments to heart, because those who commented spoke from their heart to yours.  They care, as should you.

     Now, being depressed is neither cut nor dry.  There are so many reasons for someone being depressed.  Unless we're psychic, we just don't know why your depressed other than what you've stated.  I'm sure there's more, isn't there?  Stuff that possibly too private to mention?  In other words, a deep-seeded emotion that's eating you up inside?  Well, let's take a look at you and your depression from another angle.

     We're living in extraordinary times, to say the least.  If you're paying attention, you notice that chaos is everywhere, all of us are being bombarded with CME's, bad weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, AND...the incoming Light Energies.  These incoming Light Energies that are being beamed to us right now are very intense, and they're serving a purpose.  Now is a time of "reflection" of the Self.  It's a time that we need to look deep within ourselves and get rid of whatever it is that no longer serves our needs.  It's a period of cleansing and releasing, and this is where you are right now.  This depression your feeling is what you've found and no longer want, and you're reaching out to someone, anyone, who will help.  Suggestions are wonderful, but dear, this is not how you solve your depression.  Yes, the suggestions help, but it's YOU who has to rid yourself of your own depression.  No One can do this for you, but YOU!

     Perhaps a little insight will help.  You see, I Am an Empath.  I feel what others feel.  Besides, I've been there too, a very long time ago.  So, I know what it is to be depressed, lost, and totally immersed in the negative emotions that eats us up.  Yet, on the flip-side, inside, you harbor a survival mode that says "I can rise above this!".  For, if you don't, you lose the battle of your soul.  Your depression will sink so low that you will eventually put an end to your suffering.  Ask yourself this right now:  Do you really want to end it all by killing yourself?  Be honest.  Dig deep into yourself for the answer, because that answer alone will either rise you up or take you down.  It's your choice.

     My Dear Nadya, these incoming Light Energies are designed to make you dig deep within yourself.  Evidently, what you haven't learned yet is that you are stronger than you think!  Your soul, your higher self, will get you through this.  I strongly suggest that you do 4 things:  1) Take a good look at your depression and why you feel it.  2) Acknowledge it and accept it for what it is.  3) Let it go.  Give it to Our Creator, God, or whoever it is that you have a connection with (in your case Jesus), and 4) Forgive yourself and move on.

     Once you've done that, replace those negative feelings with good ones.  You'll have a lot of room for it, because depression can take up a lot of space within you.  Fill yourself up!  Start fresh, with a new perspective, a new life, and a new you.

     You are your worst enemy.  It's almost like looking at yourself as two totally different people.  When you look in the mirror, who and what do you see?  If what you see is not what you want, then you, and only you, have the power to change it.  No one else.  Be defeated, don't be defeated.  You claim you're a Light Worker.  If someone came running up to you and said they need your help, what would you do?  Would you help or run away?  A Light Worker feels from the heart and helps when and where they can.  A Light Worker never runs away from the truth of what is and One's Self.  A Light Warrior never backs down in the face of truth.  But, we are also human.  We feel so much, and we hide even more...until now.  All that was hidden inside each and every One of us is coming out into the Light.  Yours included.  Let the darkness inside of you flee.  Let it go!  Once done, you can get back to who you truly are.  A Light Worker (who helps others), A Light Warrior (whose challenged the darkness) and a loving, human being who's got so much to offer to this big ascension picture.  The big questions are...Can you do it, and will you do it?  Do you have what it takes for this final test of strength?  Or, will you take the easy road and do yourself in because the going got tough? 

     I feel you.  I already know you've got what it takes.  I think you're the only One that doesn't know that yet.  So, now you know.  Get off the ground, pick yourself back up, and get on with your new-improved life!  You are the only One holding yourself back.  Wake up, Dear!  Your time of suffering is over if you WILL it so.

With Love and Light,


Love and Light, d'tewa

lynmarie8's picture


I was just at an expo and the woman across from me has music from source - it has many healing and meditations - music clears out depression, addictions, endocrine 'immune system, diabetes and more CD is 20.00 or you can call here and she in intuitive and can help you piece out the right CD - I thing there is one for what you got going on. I work with source directly and I was being directed to send the people to this woman all day after sessions with me. or  she is a respective in the us for this music. direct  or     source said it is transformational healing in this music.


I am also being told to surrender your ego to your I AM Presences and surrender your I am presence to Source - it moves the ego right out of the body. Also surrender the carbon density with all the emotions that are no longer serving you. If you need a session you will find my blog and contact info on this web site.





Mario's picture
Thank you

May we be at One

star528's picture
You are not a-lone.  You/we

You are not a-lone.  You/we are All - One. 

prt3218's picture
lookit up-PLEASE


lynmarie8's picture
HI I also got you are a blue

HI I also got you are a blue Ray, Please look at information so you can understand



nadya1994's picture
thank you for the replies, it

thank you for the replies, it has cheered me up

i think it all boils down to motivation and my past has been catching up with me. i really do not want the ego to win this battle inside of me. i have gone to numerous spiritual healers and nothing has seemed to work. 

i agree with the raw vegan aspect. i have tried numerous of times, but each time has failed. this is because none of my family are spiritual (my grandma who i live with is somewhat) and they are all dairy and meat eaters. i feel like i am pressuring my grandma to buy organic food for me all the time and i feel strange talking to family members about it. my dad is not supportive of the path i want to go, as he says it's 'complete bullshit' and my mother has 0% love for me. my dad has actually tried forcing me to enlist into the british army because he thinks i am 'too soft' and i need to 'get a grip of myself'. 

i would love nothing more than to be a happy, spiritual person, i am just impatient and my ego loves to degrade me every time i want to try and make a commitment to something, and then i fail. it's a vicious cycle and i wish it would just stop. 

when i think of the dream where jesus came to me, i have an overwhelming sensation where i smile and laugh. 

i guess the troubles of growing up are drawing upon me too, as i am very dependent and quite immature for my age, moreso than other people my age, i.e. i find the idea of getting my house and working very, very daunting 

i have social anxiety because i was bullied by parents and people my age all throughout my life and i don't know how to talk to people, so i come across as arrogant or weird

i guess it's many problems that have merged into one

but thank you for the replies, i really am trying to make the best of things, just sometimes it gets overwhelming and i can't handle any more, an example of this is when i posted this forum thread. i literally sat down at my computer desk and cried for hours 

lynmarie8's picture
Have you ever thought about

Have you ever thought about learning about theta healing - it connects you directly to source. Hear is a link to a blog talk radio show I just did to night.  This modality teaches you how to talk to source as well as how to heal yourself and your family all one time.

Here are 3 links to the show I did you can receive healing from these.



lynmarie8's picture
Have you ever thought about

Have you ever thought about learning about theta healing - it connects you directly to source. Hear is a link to a blog talk radio show I just did to night.  This modality teaches you how to talk to source as well as how to heal yourself and your family al one time.

Here are 3 links to the show I did you can receive healing from these.



nadya1994's picture
thank you lynnmarie

i will most definitely check out this website


also i recently got rid of my black and white wallpaper in my bedroom and underneath it is a light yellow colour and it's seriously improved my mood in my bedroom, i feel calmer and not as many negative thoughts going around and i actually enjoy being in there

and it's really funny xD because i went to a spiritual response therapist two weeks ago and she said that Archangel Jophiel is currently assisting me with my confidence and that her/his colour is YELLOW (colour of the wall underneath my wallpaper, didn't know until i took it off yesterday) and she said she was going to help clear out negative energy in my bedroom

this has really cheered me up LOL and makes me believe even more in spirituality

i admit, my depression has somewhat questioned my spiritual beliefs from time to time but this just makes me feel wanted by someone, even though i can't see him/her and that i have help whenever i need it


thank youu so much guys for listening to me when i was at my lowest. i really needed to let off some steam and let people know how i felt because in real life i bottle things up and then explode for no reason 

all of your replies mean so much to me, i am so grateful

have a good day xxx

divinasion's picture
Hi Nadya! What has been

Hi Nadya! What has been suggested so far will probably take a lot of time and work.

I recommend you seek out someone who can sell you LSD. When used with intent, LSD confronts you with your subconscious feelings. After the experience, you are left with a feeling of clarity and understanding. This paves the way for an enlightened future.

I'm not joking brah. You don't need to change diets and spend money on CD's. Just drop some LSD and you will find yourself again.


Mario's picture
To late now

Already took the stuff, haha nahh I'm just kidding I'm connected on these timelines and well yeah it reflects back on what goes on at each update inplace in this forum. Literally as One experience being explain on a constant and now lynmarie has said I'll have holes in my auric fields so, I guess it all starts from within your conscious creation of what affects in our body chemistry. Well it's very interesting anyhow and accurate haha Thanks :P

Namaste, Be at One

lynmarie8's picture
This is not true it you do

This is not true it you do this you will put wholes in your auric field and attract dark energy. If you want this cleaned Have a session - just need one. I can clear things through all time and space past present and future. Things are suggested, I am under the impression there is not a lot of money to pay for a session. you deside what is best for you.








ParadoxMind's picture
LSD and shrooms are what

LSD and shrooms are what opened my eyes to spirituality. I'd be interested to hear more about these auric holes, though.

KAISUN's picture
Hello love

My advice for you dear reflection is to step into your heart and love all that is...which is all you are.Release those negative vibrations and thoughts as you breathe deep...inhale LOVE exhale LOVE.Go out into nature and see and feel the interconnectedness of all as the divine love flows throught your being...your heart.LOVE YOU.

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