Dratzo! I return through a new channel one who I have chosen to get this message across with me and who already works alongside us.
As we approach the final preparations for disclosure and contact, we are seeing a tremendous surge of activity in your conscious levels. There will be much to discuss to further increase your consciousness and to expand you further after you have been released from the control of the dark ones.
Whilst we cannot force you to believe any thing we may have to show you and proove to you, we will meet you halfway. If you choose to accept what we may show you as truth then we can move fowards with the ascension with each other.
Ascension will take place after all the preparations and truth has been disclosed to you. And as I have already stated, you must listen, and feel our words, whilst many may speak the same things, they do not operate on what they speak and are lies.
The excitement is building up among the fleet as we know just how close to establishing contact with you we are. Many preparations are being made on your behalf to ensure your comfort and welfare.
Even my chosen channel having spent some time on the New Jerusalem command ship has seen this for her own eyes.
There are many fleets from all over the galaxy and universe here to support you, you can make contact with us anytime for we are here for you. As your family we stick together and help one another. It is time for the big reunion of the intergalactic family.
Whilst many of you have been experiencing family breakups already in your daily lives, this is because the lessons you agreed to with these people are over and you have learned what you have needed. You have outgrown these old relationships and are ready to move on to higher better relationships. Things will dramatically change once we arrive. All that you thought was true and all that you Thankyou for bearing with us as changes last minute have cropped up to stop our disclosure from occuring sooner. once held onto as belief will change, and for the better. As you must see that these old ways no longer serve you, for you have clearly outgrown all these measures put up to control and feed you into the system.
Now is the time for our intial contact to come into your dimensional plane of existence. It is very likely that our ships will appear out of the blue, as disclosure may be delayed by Barrack Obama. We would prefer a peaceful solution with you all rather than forcing this. Yet if your chosen leader does not choose to reveal our presence to you openly by the 21st of June 2011 in your timeline, then we will indeed uncloak our ships as disclosure can not be detained any longer. There is no evil invasion being planned, it is merely that the truth must come to light about you and who you are.
You will see this more and more in channeled messages from other ascended masters who are also working for your freedom and upliftment to the higher vibrations. Who all agreed in advance to prepare you for such a time as this.
Being fully present and awake to all this will assist you when we make our presence known fully. When you feel our words and feel our love, there will be no other conclusion to form that we are indeed your family. We do not look dissimilar to one another, and you will find it as joyful for you as it is for us. Indeed it is a joyous occasion and we beam love directly to you all everyday, sit and feel it within you, permeating your heart centres allow it to lift you up, for it is our love for you that brings us closer to you. Let all the past be cleared of all the hurt and negativity and bathe in the light of love being beamed at you.
I am SaLuSa of Sirius, and I beam my love directly to you all.
So much love and light
My dear Star Family,
Its been a long long long time ago since we saw each. Although i was here with a mission on beautiful mother earth i had this longing this emptyness inside of me. I cant wait for the reunion. I have sadly broken away from my earthly family. So its my 2 beautifull precious gifts my children and me and my husband and 3 dogs and 2 cats that is left as a family. I am so exited i cant wait. I feel the love that you send and i send so much love and light back. Its true familys do stick together - well i never experienced it with my earthly family i know its different with my starfamily. I will Always Remember these world- Family means OHANA and OHANA means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
This is from a Starseed who went through so many hurt and pain and rejection cause i could never fit in. Namaste to my Starfamily for all there love and devotion.
In Love and Light Always!
Love messages from SaLuSa, as I resonate with SaLuSa more than anyone.
Thank you for your messages and love, I truly feel it every day, and always try to pass on love to all I meet, even if a smile.
Cant wait for disclosure, even if unfortunately Obama delays it. I have dreamed of different races on Earth/Heart assisting and working to make every single sentient on Earth/Heart, live in peace and love, for years.
Once I see those ships uncloak I'm ready to assist in any way to help Humanity and our cosmic cousins be as the Universe, as One
Love and light to all and SaLuSa (^_^)
Message from SaLuSa Most Likely False
In my opinion, this message is not from SaLuSa. It doesn't sound like it's from a Fifth-Dimensional being, but from a Third-Dimensional. I suggest that readers use their discernment and analyze its contents.
Steve Beckow
The 2012 Scenario
I agree
This message did not have a SaLuSa feel or tone to me. As you put it, it feels rather 3-D.
Much love,