Martin Luther King
The awakened must come together to realise that they have both the strength and the ability to speak out. Your silence has allowed laws to be brought in that will endeavour to silence everyone who disagrees with the Cabal. Right now, every day is important. You cannot sit back and say, "They would never do that". They are doing it !
They are actually building prisons where those they do not require will go. Many of you are blindly helping them to do just that, by saying, "It's my job" or "I have a family to feed". Although it is understandable, look at what you are helping to create for your family and for millions of other innocent families. You cannot close your eyes to what is being done, right in front of your noses. They are so confident, they do not bother to cloak their evil plans in secrecy. They see themselves as fully in control of humanity.
Every one of you has a voice, so use it. The 3-
Be aware that many who were on the path of light have been overshadowed, and may, at times, be giving the wrong information. You must stand firm in your truth. Your heart will be your guide. Many are going through such internal battles as they try to stay on their true path. The Dark Ones are losing ground and they are becoming more vicious in their attempts to hold on to power. Connect with your own Guardian Angel for protection and guidance. What you are living through at this time was planned. It is the final battle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of Darkness. In your hearts, you know that the light will remove all traces of the darkness. This is when the New Age begins and every country in your world will benefit. Peace will be restored.
Our plans for the future are great. We will disclose them on a need to know basis. Focus your minds on truth and do not be side-
Love is the highest vibration. With love in your hearts, nothing can touch you and nothing can distract you. Never allow fear to enter your lives, and never allow it to prevent you from following your divine path. Everyone with a mission to carry out is being attacked, but you can overcome these obstacles, and when you do, you are all the stronger for it. When you live in a world where the darkness rules, you will be tested by what is done or what is threatened. You need to be strong, firm in your beliefs. You need also to understand when others are being attacked and you must support them. Help them to realise what is being done to them. Hold them in love and light.
Meditation will strengthen your connection to the light. Find the way that suits you best and it will help to keep you centered. Try to avoid the mindless rubbish that is all around you, vying for your attention. It is all part of the plan. Do not fall for it.
Ancient portals are becoming active once more. They will spread their light to invigorate the planet in preparation for what is to come. The future that you are creating at this time is of great importance for humanity and for your planet. Go into this with your eyes wide open in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path. You will be instrumental in removing all weapons of destruction from the planet: the killing will cease, all wars will cease, and armies will then be used to reconstruct all that they were so instrumental in destroying. Feeding the world will be a priority. It can be done quickly and efficiently. We have given much thought to everything that needs to be done. As we see the full picture, we are in a position to guide and assist. This is a combined effort, with both sides of life, coming together to rescue humanity and the planet from the dark forces that have engulfed it and are trying to destroy it.
Look to the time when all darkness is removed and your planet is restored, when all of humanity comes together to live as one in peace and harmony. In order to bring this about, you may be asked to make sacrifices, or struggle a little, but nothing will be asked of you that you cannot readily cope with.
When you stand for truth, nothing can get in your way. Just keep in mind that you are in a battle that you will win. Sometimes, battle plans need to be changed, so what it is necessary to alter will be altered, as nothing is set in stone.
We are on the right path and that is what matters. Our numbers increase each day, as more countries open up to the truth. Know that each and every one of you, is welcome and valued. You are each a part of the whole. How nice it will be, when all barriers are removed, and people live as one, all sharing experiences on Planet Earth. It will not be long now.
On a personal level, you are making progress and we share your excitement. You are never too old to learn. I thank those who are advising you. They were chosen for this task. Support with love and kindness, those around you who are battling with the Dark Forces. Hold them in the light. Hold them in love. I ask everyone to please do this, for those who are under attack and are struggling to come out the other side.
I am ever at your side. My love for you will never die. I remain your adoring, Monty.
absolute truth
Thank you Monty for not making the pot sweet with the nectar of promises just around the corner that are not there. Although you did say "it won't be long now," in your timelines this may be so. I/we would like to see the promised assistance make Their Presence known as they were allegedly authorized by Heaven to do so last Augt, 2012??
I watched a video recently that has a segment on you with a median that answered questions of this "one" that she did not know and she communicated with you "there" and gave specific details of the conference that you made your transition at when you fell out of your chair in the front row I think it was. She was certainly in communication with you.
What you just said Monty, I know is true as you well aware from your view. This is why we as the humans that we are will in NO WAY make this mass ascension on our own accord and you know this. We need "The Back-Up Team" to decloak and assist us in getting this mess cleaned up now before there is six billion less of us to do it and with what will be left a much longer time and lot more efforts to re-establish this once fine Mother that has so blessed us all.
Thank you so much Veronica and Monty for your continued assistance to us, please have a chat with "Big Momma" on our behalf in the concern of free will intervention and why it has not happened after it was given the "Green-Light" a year ago to Ashtar, SaLuSa and The Galactic Federation of Light. See you soon
David Porter
Author of the series
Dear Montague,
Dear Montague,
Thank you for your forceful and forthright words. I think you are right I we are under virulent attack at the moment psychically - such is the level of it at the moment I sometimes I feel I might go under. You are right the only protection is try to meditate and simple prayers - almost the one one I can muster these days is asking Christ and Angels for the light and strength to carry on and the Prayer of the Heart from the Russian Orthodox tradition, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me a sinner. Not very New Age but for me invokes the ancient struggle in this pit of evil and corruption ruled by the Prince of this world! What you say about many people even light workers being infiltrated and corrupted is so true I have had personal experience with my own channelling and have been advised to stop it. So like Prospero in Shakespeare's Tempest I abjure magic and the occult! I will post notes of this dialogue later on this board if any are interested.
Many Blessings,
Understand this is a
Understand this is a channeled message. Much love and light