Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: You are Transitioning into Becoming an Intergalactic Society

Lia's picture

 Entering the Thousand Years of Peace



Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: You are Transitioning into Becoming an Intergalactic Society and Entering the Thousand Years of Peace, channeled by Goldenlight, August 6, 2013 at


Good evening, we are the Pleiadian Council. We do have some news for you on this transitional reality that you’re in, which is holographic in nature, as are all levels of “reality”. Every dimension, every reality, every hologram, is an extension of Source, and we of the galactic realms are also extensions of Source.

We wish to blend with many of you on earth now; we wish to harmonize into a coalescing reality that you may wish to be in. You may wish to meet with us. We have a lot to share with you. There is a global reset occurring. This will change everything….all aspects of your holographic reality as you know it….as you continue to ascend in your higher dimensional awareness. We can meet you in the middle. We could never lower our vibration to show up in your third dimensional world, which is now collapsing rapidly, as we speak. It was too dangerous to announce our presence in the old third dimensional holographic reality.

An easier way is for us to meet in a neutral area, and this hasn’t been possible until now, and “now” is a relative term. As we speak to the channel right now, we are outside of time – linear time as you know it, as we exist outside of linear time. The planet now consists of a multitude of different levels of dimensional consciousness. You are each migrating to various levels of the new higher dimensional realms which have come into existence in your respective “realities” on earth. The collapse of the old world continues, and fades into nothingness, blending with all that is dematerialzing now as part of an outdated, outmoded holographic reality. So many on earth are now unplugged from that and their consciousness is now being attracted into these higher dimensional holographic realities.

The Cities of Light are coming into formation and awareness. These will be higher dimensional learning centers, meeting centers, and healing centers. The first as you know will be appearing in Sedona. This has been written about by Genii Townsend. {Goldenlight note: in her book “Something’s Coming! Universal Cities of Light, Love and Healing!,} and there will be others coming online. There are many intergalactic beings who wish to reunite with those of you who have come from other dimensional realities, and in fact, all of you who are tuning into this communication, have come from other intergalactic realities.

Very few of you are native to the earth…..going back in time, all of you were seeded here from intergalactic species. We knew there would come a time when we could reunite with you. That time is fast approaching. It had to be a time when you were raised out of the old 3rd dimensional matrix, when you were freed of the cabalistic slavery system that has existed on your planet for eons of time, although there were brief periods of Golden Eras on your earth, pockets of “time” wherein your societies flourished with peace and prosperity, loving kindness, compassion and harmony between all beings. You are now entering into such a time again.

You are now entering into the Thousand Years of Peace. Your duality is falling away, and once again you will embrace the principles of Oneness, equality for all, harmony, peace, prosperity, abundance, cooperation, loving kindness, The Golden Rule (“Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You”), Service to All (rather than service to self), unlimited health and wellbeing, ageless, timeless bodies and minds, and expanded higher dimensional learning as part of your culture, with all of the higher abilities of a fully conscious being that are common in the higher dimensions: telepathy, teletransportation, dematerialization, spontaneous manifestation, all these you will be growing into over time, as you learn how to master these abilities and to take great care and responsibility with your growing higher dimensional manifestational abilities.

Focus on our words and all that we tell you, tune into your higher self; invite your higher self into your life. Free yourself of all that comes up now so that you can move on as a higher dimensional soul, as an integrated multidimensional being who has an integrated self. This multidimensional self consists of your higher dimensional self, connected to your soul and your soul group and soul family or oversoul, and your former lower dimensional earthen self… all these aspects of your selves are being integrated now.

Focus on this, on our words, on being a part of a fully functioning higher dimensional society that exists for the love and benefit of All, where equality and harmony, peace and prosperity, joy and enlightenment and more all exist. Picture this world in your meditation, dream it into being. This is why you came to earth during this time, to transcend the lower dimensions. Prepare yourself for this beautiful new life and we hope that when the times comes we may all reunite together, into one harmonious intergalactic society. We will assist you in becoming an intergalactic society… that is your destiny!

We the Pleiadians do already exist in an intergalactic society. We can travel all over, between dimensions, galaxies, universes. You too will have this ability someday if you choose. Your world is expanding…your consciousness and viewpoint of the world is expanding. The net in which your planet was captured is being released and there exists now a bonding of us with you on an etheric level; a psychic level; an energetic level. Tune into us in your meditations and you will begin to become aware of your particular connection to other star systems and you will begin to tune into your particular missions, your soul contracts.

For example, one of the the channel’s missions, among others, is to be a receiver and transmitter of the higher dimensional communications, such as this one. Another of her missions is to bring forth higher dimensional art for the enjoyment of all. She is in the process of developing this talent, and more will come forth…..and…..there are others that she hasn’t discovered yet. So let this be a journey of discovery for you, wherein you discover your true your true origins, your true mission, your soul contracts, and open yourself up to the possibility of living in a higher dimensional, intergalactic society that is full of peace love harmony joy abundance cooperation and love … a society in which there is harmony between all beings on the planet and off the planet… your society will be a free-flowing source and conduit of higher dimensional, joyous energy.

You will be tuned into light-filled and loving emanations from Source which will circulate around your society, from one to another, lovingly, joyfully. It is a beautiful society… of peace ….of harmony…the channel is now tuning into this light-filled, creational realm that you are all breathing into being as you are all Creator Beings.

We are the Pleiadian Council and we love you all very much, and we yearn to converse with you all. We look forward with great peace and love to that day that we may be with you openly, converse with you, share with you, assist you in healing and learning….and being a part of your new intergalactic society. Thank you for being a part of this transmission… and know that, as we are outside of time, all that we speak of is already occurring, as we state once again: there is no time in the higher dimensions, so all is occurring simultaneously or in the Now. And this world that we speak of is existing in the Now. We invite you to lay down comfortably, close your eyes, and see this world that we speak of now, and know that you too are a part of it. We love you and welcome you to our higher dimensional realm.


Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel.



1000 years of peace, then what ?????????

williewonka50's picture

growing up, I learned a great deal of prophecies from the bible. I understood, that the " dark knight " " Satan " " dark energy " etc would be loosed again to reek havoc, and mayhem. So, to the council, what is after this so called 1,000 years of Golden Age ?

Larry in St. Louis, Mo.

I don't believe it will only

will's picture

I don't believe it will only last 1,000 years, as Galactic cycles are far longer than that. I'm pretty sure it's just an expression based upon past mythology.

I'm curious

David Porter's picture

curious as to why they continue to impress us with which "City of Light" will be on line first?

I also understand that we will be in the photon belt for 2,000 years, so Will you may be correct on this being a figure of speech, but if so then why wasn't it worded as same to us by this "Advanced Society?"

I just read a blog that was supposedly the Pleiadeans that stated in their words to us that they will not be entering into our space, ever??? When you get exact opposite information from alleged channels or anyone else, then one of them is correct and the other is cabal.

I will continue this "full scale investigation" until I am satisfied as to where truth is coming from, and which is not truth. I will not lay down in this, my graduated state of Being and do as I was forced to do in the schools based in cabalistic conditioning.

This life experience NOW belongs to ME and I will have my cake and eat while it's with me, and when it's all gone I will manifest another. 

Happy Entry`s

David Porter

Author of the series


Haven't you read enough

will's picture

Haven't you read enough channelings by now to realize they're not worded by Advanced Civilizations? They're worded by the channeler, and often things are lost in translation. Not only that, they often contain the channelers own wishful thinking. A Being from an Advanced Civilization would never "take over" the channeler, and force them to write something, they always respect the channelers free will.

You seem to treat channelings like they're either the gospel truth, or cabal disinformation. Such dualistic extremes are not healthy ways of looking at them. Most are messages of inspiration, and while often flawed, they're usually better than the information most people consume.