Unusual Dream State

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howsheseesit's picture
Unusual Dream State

Hello Everyone,


Last night I had something very strange happen to me, and I wanted to share it to see if anyone else has ever had anything like this.  Upon "waking up" I got on my computer and wrote the following.


"1:08 am December 5, 2012


I was sleeping on my back, which is highly unusual for me.  I was dreaming, and in my dream I was in a dream within a dream.  The actual “dream” my mom was in the shower and I had left the front door open, but not in this house.  I closed it, but I had a feeling someone was in the house.  I locked the door and then I unlocked it so that I could run out of the house if I needed to.  I was scared, but I was fully aware.


Just then I woke up from this dream to see a figure of a woman standing at the end of my bed.  I couldn't make anything out other than she was a female which I suppose I just sensed.  As soon as I saw her I fell backwards onto my bed.  My heart was pounding and I could not move or open my eyes.  I almost felt as if I was trying to leave my body and go with her, but I couldn’t.  She startled me, but did not scare me.  I laid there motionless I even tried to scream, but it wasn’t out of fear, it was just trying to test my limits.  My mouth opened, but nothing came out. 

Just then I felt some sort of energy enter my body, but not in a scary way (not demonic or anything, I don't allow that in my life), in just an entering sort of way.


Then I “woke up.”  I looked at the end of my bed and nothing was there.  My heart wasn’t pounding at all and I thought.  “I’m sorry if I seemed scared, but you startled me.  Just know I wasn’t scared.”


I sat there recollecting everything, then got my computer and wrote this.


10:13 am


I remembered trying to talk to this person, but nothing came out of my mouth.  I also remember thinking “Just say something to me.  Just communicate with me.  Please say something.”


Just wanted to see what other's thoughts are on this.  I dream heavily, but nothing ever significant, just made up scenarios.  I've never felt a "dream" that was so real, therefore I do not believe it was a dream.  I looked up some stuff online and it all talked of ghost, spirits, and sleep paralysis.  I know it wasn't any of those things.  I wasn't scared, just startled and I think more startled by what I was just dreaming and then seeing her there.  She wasn't unfriendly, she didn't even more as far as I know since I went back on the bed and closed my eyes.  That was all involuntary because I really wanted to face her and speak with her.  I almost felt I was visited by an off Earth being, but as I said no harm was done and no feelings of harm came to me.  I hope she comes back because I'd really like to speak with her.


Any thoughts would be much appreciated.



will's picture
Sounds like like she did

Sounds like like she did communicate with you, just not in a verbal form, but as the energy that entered your body. The information may come to you gradually as your brain integrates it, and you suddenly have new and amazing insights.

howsheseesit's picture
Interesting perspective!  I

Interesting perspective!  I hope that's what happens, I'm definitely open to it.  It was an amazing event!


Thanks!  :)

julie7's picture
sleep paralysis

i have never been to this forum before so hope someone can help me. just recently i have been trying to connect with my inner self thats the only way to describe it. iv tried meditating but cant seem to still my brain,,, never felt that i have succeded at it.

iv also never been able to remember dreams i know everybody dreams but very rarely do i recall them. So my problem is iv tried meditating as im falling asleep and feel im going through a time tunnel with lights etc flashing in front of me. but in the last 2wks iv awakened twice with a feeling something is pressing me down i cant move or scream or anything its really terrifying as it feels like there is something evil on top of me. i was so scared, iv never had nightmares and wasn't having one prior to waking and not being able to move. I certainly dont think about weird scary stuff or watch anything like that on tv. so dont know whats going on really, but then i did have a bad dream 2 nts ago something huge was about to dive onto me this sounds silly but it was like a massive balloon type character from a cartoon i could see an awfull face sharp teeth etc,, i screamed out and woke up, also woke my husband up.

I read that sleep paralysis is just prior to astral projection, but the 2 that I suffered were truly frightnening i would swear there was a presence in the room. any ideas anyone

harveey's picture
Pray and Relax

Before sleeping it's better to clear your mind from everything so that you won't have bad dreams,

S33K3R's picture


Hello I am new here,


My friend described something very similar, a dream within a dream. waking up with a mysterious woman in a white dress, no fear. Later he came to the conclusion this woman was a spirit who he knew in a past life, possibly from another dimension. Once he came to that conclusion she began to visit him more. She told him they are eternal lovers. He said that she chose not to incarnate into the physical here on earth. Maybe because she felt there would be nothing learned, but that she is always here to help and protect him. That is all I know.

I know you had this dream a while ago, it was about around the time my friend had his dream actually.

Good luck!


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