Sept 18 - 24 - Purification Process - Pleiades

annamerkaba's picture

Dearly beloved children of the light. As we have said to you many times prior, there are major energetic changes indeed moving closer and closer to your GAIA, the event is inevitable, yet most do not comprehend with the human mind what this event that we are all referring to is, and so, let us briefly explain to you its importance and what is about to sweep through your planet.

Let us reassure you that the destruction that many of you are seeing in their third eyes,  is the destruction of the old system of thinking and the old system of belief, for there indeed is a new thought process that is originating inside your hearts, a new heart code that is exploding from within, and bringing you into the alignment with THE ULTIMATE TRUTH.

Truth that all of you are magnificent beings, capable of creating worlds close in magnitude to the one that you are presently finding yourself on. You are indeed awaking to your heart code, you area wakening to the real truth, which is, that you are in control of your realities, and you need not anyone tell you the what, how, when and why.

Technically what is about to occur on your planet is the PURIFICATION PROCESS. Many portals on your planet will open up and  the energy from these portals will rise to the central point in the middle of the earth through its axis, the wobble will be changed a few degrees, many events of various natures will occur. Massive cleansing process is going to take place.

All earth ancient portals systems shall activate significantly and release the knowledge that has  been laying dormant for eons. Your scientists are going to discover proof of what we are talking about here to you. More and more newspapers will report the new findings of scientific experiments to support all the “theories” that we lay forth before you.

But let us return to the dates at hand. September 18th – the 24th of your earthly time, what is about to occur on your planet is the gates yet again are going to open, but this time the energy that you will experience will not be coming from any celestial body but your own GAIA.  What you are about to experience is major pruning, sweeping of your earth, energetically, physically and mentally.

Please understand that the changes that are about to take hold of your planet are the changes that have been set into motion many years ago, and so with the quadruple affect you are moving closer and closer the unification of the minds, to the unification of the system.

What we mean by this is NOT the idea that all of you will begin to think exactly the same, on the contrary you are about to awaken to your true magnificent selves, awaken to your hearts, and to remember the true reason that you are all now here, to awaken to your creativity, to awaken to your individuality, and yet ONENESS.. to understand that all of you are here as pieces of a puzzle in order to unite these pieces to build one whole. One whole – full of a multitude of colors, vibrations, musical tones of such variance,  that once put together, will flow like a river in the same direction, in the direction of love, light, understanding, compassion, and abundance.

That is not to say that you must give anything up, except  one thing the idea that you are all separate, for you are not. For you are all one and the same, but you come with different vibrational frequencies. And so, by giving up your hatred for one another, by forgiving each other, by forgiving yourselves, you are moving closer to finally playing together in unison a beautiful melody of freedom from lack, freedom from war, and freedom from dis-ease. For once you are in tune with your own selves, once you are in tune with your own creative forces, once you are following your hearts code, and living out your life as you are meant to be , as you have decided to do, it is then that the puzzle can finally be put together and the melody can finally be unleashed form earth  and travel fast into the universal frequency of love, and it is then that your earth, and human beings, can finally join into the interplanetary confederation of light.

And so, we will repeat this again and again, hear our call, hear our tune.. you are to forgive, each other, you are let go of misconceptions towards YOUR SELVES, and those around you.. you are to stop trying to change everyone around you and you are to look deep within yourself and begin with you.

Do know that those of you are who are here to activate the grids, who are here to activate the portals, will be called to duty, be prepared, we ask that those of you and you know who you are, to be prepared by drinking enough fluids and by staying attuned to the notes to the sounds entering your hearing channels, i.e. your ears, you will hear a variety of sounds , sensations, you will hear different tones, you will feel heaviness in your ears, you will feel quick changes in the atmospheric pressure around you, it will feel as if something is being pressed up against your energy fields, you will feel energy drops, sudden tiredness, sudden alertness, sudden noises that normally do not hear. All these are calls for you to pay attention for you to attune to yourself.

For you are being called into action, action which will take place from the 18th to the 24th of September. Action to activate the grids of the portals of GAIA.

Please understand that this is a STEP, this is merely a commencement of the event, a preparatory step, and you will be called to duty many times over, throughout the duration of your present incarnation. For not only are you here to activate the grids, but also to lead assist humanity as they move from one dimension to another, as they move closer and closer to the understanding of their MULTIDIMENSIONALITY.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Pleiades High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –



It may seem uncomfortable at first

dreamer's picture

I still sit with attention to each new vibration that enters my space. As a man, hot flashes are not nessisarially part of our daily experience. I physically break into sweat followed within minutes of a cool clammy feel. As if the humidity just increased to 100%. In the clouds type of experience while sitting at my computer desk in my living room. Sometimes when the pressure increases my ears pop again similar to a rapid change in altitude. There are brief moments with feeling of paranoia since it is our nature to do so when unknown things happen physically and energetically. The moments of feeling tired with the inverse of being super awake/aware have increased. For the most part I just lay down and take a nap when feeling tired. But, when that energy passes I seem to just jump from the chair, couch or bed as if it is a totally new day. These up down moments have been going on for me for 3 years. This year the daily thing increased to a max of 3 nap times. Early on I was getting associated headaches of a migrane nature. But, taking a shower would ease these "pains" to a dull almost nill ache. Asprin or tylenol would always make it worse. It has now been several years since I used those things. Essential oil such as lavendar or euculiptis (sp?) work well also. The higher vibration of Rose Absolute is becoming a favorite and when put on my forehead the dry patch in front of my 3rd eye has gone away. As these energys progressed I found my diet was also changing. What works for each individual is the right way. Please stop trying to be a vegan if you haven't been on that  path previously. Trendy isn't cool. Listening to your self and fasting from one thing at a time will give you the best messages. For me Ice Cream is a mere memory and oh how I loved that stuff. But, it clearly didn't return the energy. Mountain Dew, candy bars, most bread, all fast food have been removed from the to do list. What ever I do consume is blessed to serve me to the greatest good and that all things which do not serve to pass with no harm.  A new thing has recently come up too. There seems to be a vibration similar to a higher heart rate. I checked...still very normal. But, there seems to be a sensory increase systematically. Tingles on the crown, tweaks on arms, rapid blood flow in intestines, to numbness in all parts. Only to go away as soon as I look consciously at it. The over all vibrational energy is clearly higher. I see things visually sometimes as shimmering holographic images of static objects. I can only conclude that the place where we are going is quite different from anything we could possibly imagine. A reminder to empaths out there. When we feel an energy first discern if it is your stuff or someone elses. Energy other than your own needs to be let go of asap. No need to chew it to death. These things will only confuse our systematic change. Be true to yourself. Deal honestly with all your stuff. At this time there is no longer any need to suffer for extended periods of time over any thing. Let go of the need to be in a state of dis ease. Allow the true self to emerge unencumbered with 3rd and lower 4th dimentional belief systems. I wish all a safe journey.