Kp Message 9-21-13 One Moment at a Time

Lia's picture

20130916-021812.jpgSo I’m reading a few things around the internet, and lots of them are about this period of time, let’s say 9-19 to 9-22, and then there’s the ones that say 9-21 is the equinox (although my link says it’s 9-22-13 at 2044 UTC, which, even in Hawaii is still 10:44 AM, still on 9-22…).

Then there’s one article that says 9-21 is a special day, and it’s a nine month extension of the 12-21-12 Ascension date, and all this and all that. And by the way, I loved reading that article, and have no issues with it at all.

My deal is, after going out and returning back from multiple missions on multiple days in multiple locations around this planet and particularly, the last three months, Turtle Island, I’m not paying attention to any dates. None. At all. Period.

Honestly, after the multiple excursions into things like, “[So and so date] there is an [alignment, energy event, convergence, divergence] of [this and that] and there will be a [something or other] that happens and we will all [ascend, be saved, go up to the ships, see the Dinar revalue, become millionaires],” I am through with all of that.

Here’s the deal (and I’m speaking just from my perspective)…

“Do any of those ‘dates of (so-called) importance’ have anything to do with how I Live and Be and Do, in this particular now moment?????”

My answer is, “NO”.

What a thing all this “date” stuff is… To me, it’s often seeming like a grand “setup” to give the opportunity to feel disappointed. Or upset. Or P’Oed.

Pardon. But I’m not buying into those anymore.

I am living now, one moment at a time. This moment is all there is. And that [future, past] moment has absolutely nothing to do with me. Or who I BE. Or what I DO from my “this present moment” BE-ing-ness.

This is about following my own understanding of Higher Guidance… One moment at a time. Although occasionally numbers, dates, times, etc., are presented, I only follow the Higher Guidance that comes from the ‘Now’.

So, I repeat, with Joy and Emphasis…

“I am living now, one moment at a time. This moment is all there is. And that [future, past] moment has absolutely nothing to do with me. Or who I BE. Or what I DO from my “this present moment” BE-ing-ness.“



lol, in defense of 'dated

josephandchristine's picture

lol, in defense of 'dated meetings'... i liken them to an opportunity to come together in unity for a moment, for a common cause for the good of all... not as a 'crutch', but as a tool, for now perhaps, during these transitions... :)