Support For Legalizing Marijuana Grows To Highest Point EVER In Gallup Poll

Eddie1177's picture

For the first time, more than half of Americans think that marijuana usage should be made legal, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans now back legalizing marijuana. That represents an 8-point increase from the previous record of 50 percent in 2011, and a 10-point increase from November 2012, just after Colorado and Washington voted for legalization.

"With Americans' support for legalization quadrupling since 1969, and localities on the East Coast such as Portland, Maine, considering a symbolic referendum to legalize marijuana, it is clear that interest in this drug and these issues will remain elevated in the foreseeable future," wrote Art Swift, Gallup's managing editor.

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Legalizing Cannabis

Rhiannon's picture

I haven't voted since the year Ross Perot ran for President.  I am a registered voter in my area of the State of Georgia now and I fully intend to be there early and vote so that my voice will be pitched in through the vote for the legalization of this miracle drug of holy proportions for the healing of God's children. That was a gift to us from God/GAIA


As a professional nurse of 18 years, I was once totally against marijuana.  I was taught by many that it was bad for you,that it would stunt your growth and make you infertile. So I was to frightened to smoke kit because I wanted to grow a little taller and all I  ever wanted was to have children of my own to love and cherish. Well guess what, I am still short and in God's Perfect timing I had kids anyway. 


While studying as a Student Practical Nurse, I worked in home health care sitting with a most gorgeous, long brown haired, blue eyed young man of 29 years of age.  Before being stricken down with severe multiple sclerosis, he was a light man for a famous band.  I forgot now which band it was because it was so long ago.  Anyway, this young man loved smoking his mary jane.  So I zipped my lips about it because I was supposed to report it.  He had a couple of his close friends that would come over and smoke a joint with him.  They had to hold the joint for him because his tremors in his entire body was so severe that he couldn't do even the small task of feeding himself without getting injured by the fork.

The doctor's had this poor handsome crippled and charming young man so doped up on all kinds of narcotics for his tremors and anxiety because he was so young and would never have a wife or family of his own.  When I sat with him every weekend from sun up to Midnight, he would refuse some of the narcotics and tell me to put them in his secret hiding place and not tell his Nanny that lived above him in the house (he had his own independant apartment downstairs) that he hadn't taken it.  So I did as he wished and kept quiet about it.

Anyway, I started carefully observing him and his friends one day during and after they smoked it.  I have always enjoyed silently and unknowingly studying human behavior.  I noticed that after he smoked the marijuana it calmed him down better than any narcotic the doctor prescribed for him.  When he was calm, I got a break because I had to physically pick him up  physically out of his bed every day and shift to shower, toilet and eventually into his motorized wheel chair and to the toilet every two hours without the use of a lift and with no one present to assist me.  He was so anxious and afraid of dying.  After he smoked, he calmed down and relaxed and would get on his computer.  He had a special gadget made to go over his key board that he could place his fingers in that would allow him to type on his key board.  And when he settled on his computer he would look at me and say, you look tired and you need to study too.  If you want to take a nap right there on the sofa with me right here you can or if you want to study you can, I will let you know if I need you.  So me and his little weanie dog would cuddle up on the sofa with my nose in the book.  It literally calmed him down for hours and about the time it wore off his buddy would come back over and smoke some more with him and calm him right back down.  He liked folks to think I was his girlfriend and not his nurse and refused to let me where scrubs.  He despised being handicapped and liked having some since of independance and I allowed him to do that.  He and I would go shopping at the mall, movies post smoke and  visiting with his friends and their parties watching boxing games.  They would puff puff pass it all around and I watched them and got tickled silly with how happy that were after.  He and his family loved me and accepted me into their own family.  But I never told on him.  That was his Right and his Choice.  Boy when he got the munchie's we got all kinds of pizza.  yummy.  I would get a little silly in the head just from them smoking it in the small downstairs apartment with me in the same room.  When they finished, I would have to spray his bedroom and living area down good so his Nanny and Grandaddy upstairs wouldn't smell it.


I also have a close family member that has been HIV positive for 28 years and he is still alive and well.  The different trials of drugs that the HIV/AIDS patients take are almost as lethal as chemotherapy and radiation for cancer patients.  All of these different cocktails of drugs makes one severally nauseated and continuous vomiting.  This male relative of mine had always enjoyed a little smoke so he kept on.  It made the nausea and vomiting less severe than it could have been without it.  Also, I would like to personally Thank Sir Elton John, because of him, when my brother was diagnosed and poor couldn't afford the HIV meds( >1K per month)  and he was accepted into the Ryan White fund that.  When my brother started getting financially able and no longer needed the assistance, he started paying for his own meds so others would have the same opportunity he had through the fund. To this day his t-cell levels (HIV) are undetectable and have been for a very long time.  The HIV/AIDS, and Fight for a Cure are the charities closest to my heart as well as the Susan Komen fight for freeing women of Breast Cancer.  

Professionally, I am all for it because I have seen with my own two eyes and now with personal experience that it is GOOD MEDICINE for many ailments and can be used as a tool for connecting with the spirit world as the Native Americans have always done.  It is the best anti-anxiety med, mood stabilizer, and pain reliever of any med on the market whether over or under the counter.  Also the plant itself can be used for making clothes, shoes, parchment papers and many other things and some possibly not yet discovered. The best part of it is that it is non-addictive meaning you will not have withdrawals from it if you happen to run into a dry spell as this happens often. In my Vision I see it being passed and soon the rest of the United States and the rest of the world will be legalizing it.  It has been Legal and you can buy it in all sorts of flavors and smoke it on the open streets in Amsterdam because he has gone there many times for vacation.

Professionally and personally, I give it 10 **********

So get your sweet cheeks out there and vote on November 5, 2013 and let's "GET R DONE"  lol, couldn't resist that one.




FKA-Rhiannon Yellow Star

Now: Pergamum Sage

Blessed at be at PEACE!

Teach Only Love