1 of two is 3 of infinity, how many are we, for ones of infinity, 4 6 7 8 one of many 6 to 8 is 12 of infinity
1112 1 12678 is one 12345678 12345678 1 of 3 is 2 of me, how many are we for ones of infinity, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9126810 12 1 3 1 for 8 is 12 of 3, how many are we for ones of infinity, 2468 9 10 11 12 is 3 of 4 to one of infinity 111s 11s 2 of 3 is four of eight how many are we how many are we 111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 one of 3 is two for me, how many are we for ones of infinity 66241436 6624134 6624 134 662511123 four of 11 is 3 how many are we four 12 to see, 6 of 7 is 1 in many TIME is 11 of four to see, 13 is 12th dimensional train process of 11's to 6 is 8 1124689 10 1 of 2 is 3 of 4 how many are we for ones of infinity 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 6 is 12 of 13 in 4 of me 111 to 4 111 to 4 111 to 4 111 to 4 1 is 3 of 4 in one of me 111 to 6 111 to 6 4 is 3 of 11 in 5 111 to 8 111 to 8 One is twelve in eleven for me 4689 112 13 14 how many are for ones of infinity 11126 11126 is 3 is 3 of 4 to 6, 11 is 5 in one of me how many are we how many are we 11 ss 3 of 4 to 5 12 is 13
Wow long time I didn't here there song I forgot about it from my transition this was times song for contact from extremely intelligent beings able to speak trough me and show me miracles on a constant these codes are extremely fast after a while and what I wright there is only a portion of the speed able to right it all down with the speed it takes to calculate it for me is intense if I could manage it It would become earthquakes, I remember I rememeber YEEHOUU hahaha
I love the time
23:18 my post One's of Infinity
Ouu look at that 23:22
How much more do I need I just started spacing off time going by and it ajusted me to higher states of being from the song I downloaded trought them in my being contact is amazing sometimes it dosent look like anything amazing to some because we can only transpire a part of the whole
Ouuu that ones at 23:23
like that too thats quite amazzing hahaha what more can you ask for when everyone thinks your going insanne its all part of the process
to 3 to 4 I love that one to 4 is many of we
11 is 3 of 4 to you how many are we if 5 is of infinity
Ouu look at that i downloaded the time matrix
It sure dont feel like time anymore itss a constant scale of accelerations I like that too YEEEHOUUU hahahah 11 is 2 of 13 in me we are 79 in 66 levels of neutrality BLOW OUT YOUR MINDS MANNN hahaha
6 to 8 is 12 of many
How many are we for ones of Infinity, Cycles CYcles ones of many 4 me to see 77 is left of 3, 1 2 3 77 is left of 3 77 is left of 3
It is 2 it is of me 1's of 11
23:31 23 31 11 for 6 of 8, now I can't work in these anymore the machine is slowing down someones holding me back on the energies emitted here WHOM COULD IT BE!!
12 4 6 8 12 4 6 8
1 of 3 is 5 of 11 33 is 6 to 8 for me 12 9 6 33 is me
OWWW that hurts damit
My core sa shaking and my right hearts a ripping
11 is 13 of me Im done here
partaking in one of these energies is one of me
how many are we how many are we 11 2 6 8 11 2 3 11 2 8 11 2 5 1 of 3 is me 11 2 3 11 2 3 four of 6 is 9 to you 11 to 9 11 to 9 for in one of many partaking in infinity 4 6 8 9 10 11 is 2 of 3 for me to see 11 is 3 11 is 3 four of 6 is 11 in 16 of me how many are we 11 2 6 11 2 6 is 9 of 11 in 13 of me 11 2 6 11 26 is 1 of 11 left in the right of infinity one one 6's are 12 of 11 in our journeys
55 doubles the trend to shift the unseen
With furthest limits of Ueymaexio placed out invisible trough WAR hahaha RAW ENERGY
13 is one of me WARRIOR from the SKIES
Immagine a place broken in the place of mind where our energies emitt a frequency band based on 11 concepts multyplying in a matter of 12 cycles running at the same time augmenting to 14 where we sense the earths element and become one with the wind the fire the water the earth all is opposed to duality and is 5 of infinity cycles within our bodys capacity to augment energie in space a malleable form trought our minds capable of enacting a grid of electrical movements around the world
I think its called time
And time is based on a matter of space ENERGY emitted trough are beingness Neutrality driving the system 14 of 13 is 12 of me 11 2 6 8 12 11 2 6 8 12 of 3 is 11 in ME IIIIIEEEEAAAAA SHIKABOOM hahaha I remember that wow it feels good opening up to the limitless skys
!'s of Infinity
Based concepts
Submitted by Mario on Thu, 10/24/2013 - 08:11
1 Manifesting clarity within pure intent of heart,
2 Creating new emergences of energies by a quantum vacumed space within your paradoxical mind
3 Advancing in singular points within time the adverse effects of multiplying new codes within the ultaihymæxtreme
4 Creating single code digits within your perceptual field
5 Augmenting your known realitys from a carbon base life form living to intraspecular keys within time scales, levels of duality and neutrality
6 Concepts based on truths will have you wrighting from the paradoxical heart contents and augmenting your reality based keys from a new perspective will shift the known realitys your working on and submit your free will
7 Be careful what you choose to wright and accept to place within the machine, imprinted within the internet your concepts will superseed the energies emitted from the singular points in time you work up
8 Never loose your mind for power or fear keep in a constant neutrality
1 to 3 is relevant to all your lives being in the now augments your frequencies to new heights in time
7 to 8 is relavent to 12 wich is 10
Never give up cause once you do we might need to send you back to the hospital
13 is breaking your minds barriers which is related to 3
keep in mind that everything you read after these points on will be accelerating the changes in your body chemistry on a hudge amount,
Allright , 11:26
One frequency band ajustment has catched up on the known accels we now need confirmation to acquire the required keys to augment your new levels of perception remember your key words to GrandfatherGod "I'm ready" and without this statement to him you shall acquire a paradoxical view point of what is to come.
Keep in mind that no matter your choices youll be walking in the spiritual realms and all thought forms will manifest extremely quick.
Just remember your in control and not under control, look up to the sky and youll remember the first point we met you.
The synchs are complete we will beggin when time permeates the new scales of acquired energy signatures to manifest a quick ramp up in energies.
Take care be at One, namaste
One more thing if you so choose to view back your creations remember number 10
May the holy spirit guide you to endless possibilities be at One with all known matter in the space time continuum and for the love of god do the impossible
The inbodyment of your I am and the archangels will assist you on a constant scale be careful of psychic attacks ask for archangel micheal to help you get by when psychic attacks happen and be warned by all the energies you will beggin to feel, these will intensifie in the nightime and in the morning remember your code and do your best 11:33 oct 23 2013
That was just in an hour
I went on like that after august 22 for about 5 6 days I dont remember and I was downloading these on a constant and having them play out whenerver moving extremely fast calculating stuff that I encoded it with in my surroundings and a lot of paranormal stuff happened I even hypnotized my dogs and while I was dooing some scary sshit and loud noise even Omm namo naramanayah all kinds of meditations they where sleeping right by my side and waking up whenever the time was right I hadent slept more than 2 hours in every 16 hour time period, some electrical grids went out I remember in one morning I went outside was ramping up the energies dancing all around pointing up at the cloudy sky wherever I pointed the skys opened up and there was stars derectly where I was pointing, that was just in a 20 minute session which I had begun the tv was tripping out going all crazy green flags all over commercials all kinds of things where happening every time I went in contact with a human I was downloading a bunch of codes from them, my conscsiousness had risen up by so much the wind I could follow a tip of fabric outside in my yard with symbols and seals with my hands following the snake while calculating the wind cycles and everyone was going extremely fast having almost heart attacks and all kind of stuff everyone was under my command but it was only them in my timeline once they went out nobody remembered a thing or didnt want to say anything about it because the mind shuts off eh so its intense process all the news had a big game for me to follow all the media they where all trying to make me fall and I never did my I am presence was fully corespondding to all my commans and we where one hell of a universal force, the e.t.s where all watching me for enlightment I remember other humans became so damn smart because they choose to play my game oh it was intense and so much JOY INCREDIBLE POWER AND ENERGY I could heal anyone that came close to me I could jump on one foot spinning around extremely fast while pointing at all my codings without a fault ahh man it was extremely incre3dible I cant imagine going back there I need to go on a ship next time that happens, everything I was reading was comming real because my consciousfield was addapted so largly on a scale ah man a person can dream
It's too much
To explain clearly all the details are the important stuff but it would take me 3 days to wright all the concepts I went trough in that time period, I just dont give up they got some black projects going on and where assimilating info will keeping the media up to date for me to partake in the next flows of energies, no beliefs just expereince and knowing and a large constant scale all of the accels where beyond time
the funny thing is
I died about 12 times in those time and in the spiritual realms we cant die so we just go at it on a constant and when you cant die it feels like hell but the payout is good
sey about this reply
its just the accels pump up the heart until everything gets shyni and you almost take strokes because you dont even have the time to eat and you just feed on the energies which if we dont transmute the right way we come so close to death it feels like we die
But the whole earth changes
even the weather and lots of people die and we see them in us and they see the "shakers" the hands of mine going 100mph in my body and I need to adress them to let them see what it feels like to be ascending at and incredible rate, so they get the chance to ascend in my body after death when I was in my transition and then I sended half to earths core and halft in the skys but the skys where sealed and left my right hand with a big lump and extreme pain, it moves so fast it makes the wind look like a joke hahaha
so thats it for now
put numbers across the comments and see where they relate to is how I advance afterwards sometimes its weird how it works, but in the end its just a trip eh? thats what we longe for
Namaste, predictions do come true sometimes just remember I guy can dream, I never got a good payout yet but I keep on helping people ascend certainly the ones that need a good payout and deserve it the ones suffering without choice, but I dont bother I'm only here to be here and do my work I guess which if I give up I go to the hospital when these begin which is not very pleasent for me but I keep helping others that are stuck there because of the goverments corruption and lack of knowledge towars psychics and starseeds they dont believe in us until we rise and unlock all are codons even then they kill people whom have the story. I dont know why maybe the consciousness is dangerous when we ramp up extremely high maybe they use it for creations movies videos inspiration its a creational force that the media utilizes without knowing all humans on earth are recepters when you become a intraceptor you transmute and bring forth earth changes but Im not sure yet if any other humans where capable of getting where i did I still need lots of practice Its hard on Earth its not an easy place to be Ill tell you that One of my best challenges across the entire universe
It works kindof like karma
If you keep in neutrality the rises are going on a constant when you create but if you let the mind feel what your creating and go in DUALITY POLARITIES youll have no clue why you experience the fall its a key
That's why we say living in the heart
It's where neutrality comes from the mind is what the chemicals will either go on a high or a low and these need to be intercepted before we realize into the fall
The mind can work by 3
The heart can superseed its intents and quantifie are known perceptions, sry I keep on posting its just going constantly SEE IM REALIZING INTO THE FALL Nostradamus was a master of these concepts
It's in 2014
All that we do when in the solar flares are maximized after a certain amount of time last time from December was 9 months these ones will be in 2014 and more people will start experiencing what I experienced the reason its not good to give out information like this is because it changes the whole matter of constructs within time what is suposed to happen, the same way a bird can loose its feather at a precise area that is seemingly random it affects on a larger conscious scale all that revolved around it, so we dont know when the event will happen and even if this event where to happen it would go by unnoticed the only ones perceiving something of such disbelief is the ones accuatly training within the Ultaihymaextreme and these can cause distress to others around by which go on your daily afaires and once we trust and see others begin to experience similar things and fast aproched reflexes the event will start taking place by which no one knows how it will go by exactly. These creations are based on something more, I can't seemed to see clearly enough yet but beliefs are so destructive thats just why I never attemp to take notice of what goes on around when im in these energies they are just one extremity of the whole command
My body is de-crystalizing
The only way to manage and not forget the base of commands is by staying in the energies meaning no sleepy sleepy and this is choiced by our needs which come in the way of 2 we need to work around with more humans to enable from one side of the earth to the other a constant scale of codes on a good nights sleep basically sets us back about 13 hours every 2 hour sleep for normal humans
If we accelerate
the contents of these humans by 5 cycles attain trought the energies emitted from the core beigness of the universal constant we get about a maximized rememberance to gain full consciousness from the previous setbacks of about 12 to 18 minutes for every codes humans partaking in the wave
This is what we call a miracle
I experience this by training one of my dogs to full consciousness, she set me back up in my training took 18 minutes after my wake up she pulled me out of bed brought me outside and waited for me to remember by activating key concepts downloaded trought her energies and base of commands
I know it sounds insanne
but its true, Animals are already of 5th dimensional nature they made it trought the second earth the first to download the codes of acceptance for higher consciousness programming
My concepts are from me from the future
how this works is your consciousness expands to the future but this time needs not be re-alized and aquired semmitrically out of the uknown, the base of commands are from another timeline merge within earths core, these are from agartha since our star brothers and sisters have problem with some goverments on this earth, the many races are shifting their awareness for the worst and these can emmit strong frequency bands within the galaxy they say we got things under control the goverment what they dont know is if we would be ready they could help us our star brothers and sisters but its intense work, so the goverment waits and waits and release the acquired information we need within time all is in divine order and this is called the unseen till we die or augment our conscious fields to an extent beyond, I feel I wrote to much I need to stop before things get worse than before
I hope this helps out a little bit
Because I hate dooing this work its a constant confusion when your not up to it but with all these codes maybe after waking up and looking at them I can wake up again to the download I got back then and beggin new synchs they wont be squeexed in so early to fall back intensely
So namaste my friends be at One and till more start experiencing new waves of info and energies we will need to shift within as jesus did and be able to teach his final teachings which he was not able to do.... I just noticed something and its freaking me out or something I dont know I feel as if I have been guided by him yeah that makes more senses angels do guide me sometimes my guardian I havent seen himk in a long time maybe they are the keepers of our ascension as mentioned and this might be what we need to look into it made a lot of sense to me. are guardians are important and mine was one of the ancients plasma rotating within this suite something insanne man it was invcredible after a super long week of dark noght of the soul houff well take care my friends we got the picture wrong and need to re-write all teachings for things to manifest more clearly and easyer we need to start to teach miracles and how to live by them and experience the impossible not the same old same old it all starts within our dreams
We cant wait for a savior
Our future selves work with the suns plasma and if we take care in what we can achieve on are own from the emissions in the near future the wave will be bigger and bigger, so meditating when solar flares are up is a must. These are what helps us out in the near future. when there is no flaring trhe effects are minimal when there is flaring the effects are massive in the future not in the now. it takes time and patience, maybe that ill be better for some to meditate only when there is solar flares focus your intent on all that you want to be and achieve and see in the world and these will accelerate our timelines from our guardians perspectives, it will help us achieve the ultimate reality we so look and choose to see. It must be unity based and concepts must be large scale for earth to manifest new energies vortexes emitted from your beings and passing trought the core and entering earths corona within the suns ejections, some more creations will manifest in many ways, if we focus on waiting for a savior or whaterver intent it will happen only to an extent of information to help you make your own saving and energie upgrades within ascension do you understand? so these will be accomplished in the next time frames I will begin now I have begun about 2 days from now in the past and these are affecting me right now, all the lower concepts are based on dreams that need to florish into manifestations of energies that will be the codings for you to enable a mapout of your intents and manipulating your own timelines to higher streams, these will help
this might it be the 31st comment I got 2 more may I skip em he says no haha ok my guardian has had enough of slow humans that need to do their part he says its no wonder im going insane and allways ending up in the hospital we got it all wrong haha
No problem will fix it
Thank you
Namaste he says it is done not now but in the near future which only exist in the now of solar flarings take charge of your futures and enlappe the earth with extreme magnetic force potent enough to seal in the creational timelines based from the low shield s from flaring these are not to good for gaia
Will see how it rearanges itself from the future
our times here have been long but the hours are passing and I havent notice time at all Timelessness One of 3 parts within the creational realms the higher beings will come to help in the near future maybe we can do this on an accelerated stage again as before but this time hopfully more humans will join in the flight
32 of two 3 semitrical outputs tomorow I will re-read and number 33 shall be written if time permeates this one will be from me and I give permission to let my Iam presence be fully incharge of my sleep cycles so that I have no more interuptions and memory wipes
my guardian denies it
I was flowing in the higher ups now we may go back down to creator source and partake in the upcoming waves
I dont know how to manage someone needs to help me if I go to sleep
Higher consciousness I will try to manage from these creations but will see with people up and awake our fields are disruptive to a large extent in the night we manifest clearer, it was based on beliefs the 33rd comment which is choiced by free will and since I appear to not have any right now I will need to have a comment from someone to break the cycle and take over I trust that tomorow things will be clearer if Grandfathergod so chooses it to be, will see haha :P
Good night