President Obama will not be the one deciding about another war. Who will decide? The US Congress. When all of the courageous men and women who left Iraq and Afghanistan can be entranced to accept yet another destructive death camp option, they will be directed to Iran. As the military might of an invading, occupier nation, they cannot expect Iranians to accept the loss of their country's sovereignty. Many of these brave ones are going to their death. Why? Because most of the controllers are still in the drugs and mass destruction mentality they conceived during the days when communism ended in the former Soviet Union.
What can these deaths do to man's great majority? Cancel courage. Without advocates against further attempts of the controllers to advance the realization of their once hidden agenda, all can be revealed. This is where the Ashtar command can deliver aid, but we cannot make direct contact until there is no craft defense system left. Are we afraid? No, but to be the ones who offer options, we must first give those who are still able to advance causes against this demise of man's choices the opportunity to act first. Without any choice there's no game left, and with no game there is no growth.
Channels who are delivering clear messages about what the Ashtar command plans to do are not getting the "after the destruction" message, only the more caring concepts they hope to see materialize. Plans are in place to make contact with caring aid, but not to deliver anyone to another dimension or make contact that provides the next advancement to the dream. It will only be an act of aid.
Please, give up any fantasy concepts about future contact with the Ashtar command. Most of you who are already ascended will not be continuing to live through this change. Only those who are not able to accept ascension will dance in this craft filled drama. The change that draws the craft will be totally devoid of any future hope that can enliven what the old dream was before the landing arrives. Change of this kind has no cause and effect details - it is no longer a life sustaining dance. We want to help the delivery of the ascension long before this occurs.
So please don't expect to be taken away by the Ashtar command ships or given new technologies by us. We (my colleagues and myself) are not doing this. We will aid by mental contact, giving advice to those open to receive it, and lighting the way to mass ascension. More of those who decided to ascend are still needing to awaken to this destiny. Beliefs about being advised by Ashtar and contracting for another place to live must be overturned.
What is the latest on ascension? More than 5 million are able to ascend. Now there are about one million of these who have completed their ascension in consciousness. Five million (out of 7 billion) can help to delete a lot of dross for those who are still able to be contacted before the mass ascension. Can they give the light to all? No, but those they do touch will be able to ascend if they agree to let go of their old attitudes.
Are you afraid to go into the next door of ascension? What are you afraid of? Get clear about your next step to draw to you the things you need to take it. No going back now. Being who you are is bringing clarity to the mass consciousness.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
Contrary to GFP
This message strikes me as quite contrary to what I have read here is expected by the staff of GFP. Has anyone here bothered to read it?
Use Discernment
Sometimes the dark can interfere with the connection between a message and a channeler. As always, it is best to use discernment and ignore messages that do not resonate with you.
I agree with Pamela here, this is just an exercise of discerning. The more you read the more you realize that it doesn't have the energy signature that normally has. So be greateful if you spotted the change, because you have advanced A LOT in your journey.
Love and light
Dear Vendo,
Not only that it has been read, it has been written by US...
How do you KNOW it is contrary of we posted here before?...
Who are we to tell you what is right or wrong?.... And how would you react if I tell you this message is one of the most truthful ones for time that is just ahead of US?....
What if I tell you this site never had wrong messages, as we ALL here truly know there is no Wrong and Right message... Message just IS... but how you interpret it, that is different story... Do you interperet it from Heart of analized it from mind?...
How do you react on it, this is important... Are you reacting on events around you, not seeing your True self, and letting your self go with a flow of Life?...
Do you see perfectness in all around You, simply knowing it is there to show me something?... Do you ask self what this Something IS?... How do you truly know that these events will not affect you in any way?...
Simply by not reacting on these events around you... Reacting meaning here, is simply not get driven in to the drama of truth or lie, black or white, jung or jang... patriot or terrorist... yours of mine...
I truly ask for YOU ALL to take this example, and observe your reactions after reading... How did you react, did you judge GFP staff, or you just get the message and went within, knowing that All is perfect...
All is perfect even if comes from GFP or from CNN, as you Know God within... You know who you truly are...
Thank you for daring to comment... As every of these questions raising greatest oportuniy for US to give more Light to our present existance and more Love directly from God...
And, so grateful you used your names in making comments, as this shows great deal of integrity and courage... Thank you for this...
My love and Blessings to you all, Predrag/Saint Germain
My 2 cents
I have to agree this feels off. Mixed signals.
Much love,
does not resonate with me!
I agree that we should be happy we can use discernment
when we read.
I just read and move on now--in an earlier time I may have been upset by something that did not feel right.
Am very pleased for all of us.
About message from Master Saint Germán
From my point of view, this message is so deep that we need to meditate over it many times, and still not get to comprehend it. It might happen also, that our own ego interferes or blocks the light from getting inside our hearts.
Love to All.
really ?
I too felt my spirits shrink and the message did not resonate with me.
I have been expecting to meet Commander Ashter in person and I will.
Don't be so metaphysical, this is certainly now St. Germain as I and he are exceedingly close in DNA, exceedingly. Like Nick said to Meg in "City of Angels" "close you eyes,what am I doing" as he ran his fingers over her hand, her reply, "touching me" he said, "how do you know?" her reply, "because I feel it" GO BY THAT
Thank you all for your comments. It's nice getting confirmation :)