What is my purpose? That is a very popular question these days for so many people. If you are searching, then I have good news for you. Finding's ones purpose or mission is a natural result of staying balanced and in alignment with the ebb and flow of the tremendous energies gracing the planet in these amazing times. It's not always easy, but it can be done.
As you clear the programming/trauma/ego of who you were, you will naturally vibrate at a higher level bringing you into alignment with your purpose/mission that is already in your energetic field, virtually waiting for you to step into it. This process occurs in steps and is ongoing. As you raise your vibration, coming into alignment with true being, you will find many things you used to enjoy are no longer a match for you. This includes projects, people, and relationships. The best thing to do in these situations is to release your attachment to them and allow new experiences to fill your energy field. The old adage, "Out with the old and in with the new," certainly applies here.
Try not to hold on to the old energies as it creates friction in your field. The universe will only push you harder by sending you experiences made to push you out of that comfort zone. And indeed they will, sometimes physically shaking you if necessary! This is because energy cannot remain static for long and must maintain a state of expansion and growth. In these times of great change, we must endeavor to create alignment within our energy fields and lives. To do otherwise creates anxiety, depression, and general unhappiness.
Following your passion and joy is the best way to step into your mission. Many have already stepped into the flow and found their sacred purpose, while others are working on dissolving the veils concealing it. Whatever point in the journey you find yourself at take heart in the truth that you are growing and moving forward. Also, once you have found your mission, be aware that it will change, as we are continually shifting and reinventing ourselves.
We are in the most amazing times of planetary ascension. This means the purification, or burning away of all unconsciousness in our beings and on the planet. It is a time of alignment with our true beings. We are in the throes of planetary evolution. The earth is key in this process as we are ascending as one united being. As you come into alignment with source you will begin to experience the unity consciousness field, with each other and with the Earth. For example, I was hiking through a rocky pass the other day which opened into a grassy meadow. Instantly, my heart chakra expanded warmly and the feeling grew to encompass my shoulders and head. It felt like a delicious loving hug from Mother Gaia, and indeed it was a welcome home to heart. That connection reflects our natural state of being. Alignment with self and all that is!
Wishing you joyous experiences on your journey home!
Earth Ally Desert Gypsy
yes it is so true-this
yes it is so true-this expanding experiences-yesterday my crownchakra expanded to be one with universe-it was like my mind got bigger and bigger-there was non bounderis of the skull-it seamed to be gone-then i felt the flow of the universe-it was an lightfeeling expanding experience
Lovely post