From "Hard Truths"... This Should Heard And Understood By Every American!!

Ra-Raela's picture

This is the truth in a nutshell. This is why things have been so screwed up. I felt compelled to listen to this document. Everything that is happening now and has happened in the past makes complete sense. The economic machinery has been exposed as the secret weapon of choice by the elite. They think we are too stupid to figure it out. Maybe they are right, and maybe not. Only time will tell. If enough people hear this and wake up, the house of cards so carefully build, can be dismantled. So share this with as many people as you can! Everyone deserves to know the truth!



My boyfriend posted this

MichaLinn513's picture

My boyfriend posted this document on his Facebook page, the same morning this was published, here. I went to YouTube and grabbed the link and posted it to his page. He had no idea that the video existed.

My Boyfriend Posted This....

Ra-Raela's picture

Synchronicity abounds. As many people as possible need to hear about and need to listen to the person reading this document. It spells out the whole enchilada in a nutshell. After hearing it, I see the world in a whole new light. Amazing!

It calls for a whole lot of compassion for all of humanity, and prayer that people wake up to the truth. Please share this with as many people as you can, and tell them to pass it on to neighbors and friends. The truth shall set us free!