Note: Visions of the New Paradigm~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


Hands touching a globeBy Caroline Aguiar

Before I begin with what I want to say today, please understand in no way am I attempting to put myself out there for selfish reasons.  I’m simply a messenger, and I’ve been guided in the most loving way to relay what I’ve seen to the public, and that’s what I’m going to do.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about what I saw this morning and yesterday, as real.  Please be patient with me.  This is brand new to me, and I think it’s a big part of what I’m supposed to do in this present lifetime.  Looks like I’ll be writing more too.  :)

About two years ago, I had a reading with Archangel Michael, and Linda Dillon.  I remember he told me I was a communicator. Of course I didn’t say anything, but in all honestly, I found it hard to believe.  Not that he would make things up!  Of course not, but at that time, because of underlying issues I had with myself, I chose not to believe it.

Ever since my Higher Self has come back, although I haven’t mentioned it before in specific detail, she’s showed me things in the way of visions.  It’s like a movie playing in my head, and I can see every detail perfectly.

With that said, this morning, she showed me another movie, and this is something I need to relay to the public. For what purpose?  As another outlet of truth which hopefully will bring further insight and understanding as to the magnitude of change which is truly happening all around the world.

We are moving into the new paradigm, but it’s up to us, if we want to step over the line.  Many of us are straddling duality, and the new paradigm, which is literally what I saw myself doing in this morning’s vision.  The indication was, many of us are doing this, and it’s that final leap of faith which is needed to completely cross over the line, and leave illusion, and duality behind forever.

My Higher Self wants me to speak of what I saw, and gradually I think she will show me more, and more.  For instance, she showed me enormous pillars of what appeared to be crystals placed in different areas all over the world.  I asked her to tell me what they were, but she indicated, not yet. We know them as the great Pillars of Light, but she indicated to me, there is something else about them that she can’t tell me about, yet.

I will be writing a series of what I’ve seen so far, and as the visions occur, I’ll continue writing about them.  It’s hard to express in words, how real this is, everything that’s happened to me, and the changes that are occurring, and I guess I’m hoping to convince you who read this, that I’m telling the truth. Of course I can do that.  All I can say is, Archangel was right.  I am a communicator, and now I understand what I’m supposed to communicate to you.

With all my heart and soul, I’m telling anyone who reads this note.  Everything you’ve felt, experienced, dreamt about, imagined, is REAL!  It’s happening everyone, the world is changing and by God we have an incredible, unimaginable legion of help right beside us at all times!

I hope you feel inspired to read the articles which follow here after.  I’m going to get to work on what I saw this morning.  I finally have a job!!  I’ve waited for this for such a long time.

I hope all of you have a wonderful New Years Celebration.  We are moving into a magical time of change and growth.  My best wishes to you all!

Love and many Blessings,




Onward All

01061971's picture

I'm so elated for you Caroline! I'm in practice of The Shift as well. I look forward to your insights! 


This is Great

drmoe's picture

Your enthusiasm for what you saw and then what you felt comes through in your story.  Now you're an Inspiration to the rest of us.

Thanks for the share.