The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure that create frequencies that heal and stimulate the body and potentially lead it to its higher spiritual self. Sexuality is so misunderstood on this planet that, when it is exchanged between two persons, very seldom is there an intent to connect spirituality with it. Sexuality invokes a spirituality that is free and that looks at itself as a creator. However, very seldom is sexuality used as a bridge to take you to higher levels of consciousness.
This article does not seem to me to have been channeled, at least not heavily on the end of a Higher Being, more of it seems to be from a standard human with great knowledge of sex.
However don't let that alter you're reading it, it is very good, authentic about sexuality and well written.
I have experienced and experimented with tantra with a few partners and it is Heaven on Earth to the degree you both cooperate.
Thank you Andrea for sharing this
David Porter
Author of the series
I highly recommend this
I highly recommend this lengthy article - very good and empowering info for men and women. In fact, because we are in the process of exiting a rather lengthy patriarchal age, I feel that men have an obligation to help re-empower women.