Montague Keen – January 5, 2014
You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.
Try to see everything with a clear mind, without judgment, and remember, they too, are fighting for their existence. They are now frightened of you, for there is a great number of you, in comparison to them. They need your input to survive. They have played this game for generations and they are experts at it. You, on the other hand, have not learned to come together and work together as one, as they have done.
We are now seeing splits amongst them. Each faction is trying to take control. For us, it is necessary to be of one mind, leaving our petty differences, like race and religion etc, aside. You are the human race and you are refusing to allow yourselves to be wiped out. When you seriously consider all the methods they are using to destroy you, you’ll see that everything they do is designed to destroy the quality of life, and to create illness and suffering for the masses.
You must understand that your suffering, anger, fear, and distress, is their oxygen. Why do so many of you, through fear, still live such miserable, helpless lives? When you take control of your own life and make considered decisions, and refuse to believe the propaganda with which you are bombarded, only then will you taste freedom of choice. You must decide what is best for you. Your heart will guide you. You have not been taught the truth, and this is what you are waking up to realise; it throws a completely different light on everything.
You now see clearly that the downfall of the human race was carefully planned, and until recently, you were completely unaware of this, so you can be forgiven for taking a little time to get your heads around it. This is a critical time in the history of man. It is time to wake up and take responsibility. Stop acting like sheep, for time is of the essence. The Cabal has great plans for 2014. They believe they will implement these plans without hindrance from you. This is why it is important that you take heed and act as one.
I have talked, many times since my passing, of the great importance of LEY LINES, and why the natural energy of the Earth has been deliberately blocked from you. Many of you understand this fact and are willing to take steps to remove the blockages that were strategically placed in order to prevent the Earth’s natural energy from pouring forth to energise mankind and your planet. I asked for a special email address to be created, so that people from every country in your world, would act together as one, to reclaim that natural energy. I ask you now, to offer your services for the good of humanity and your planet, and to take whatever steps you are advised to take, in order to create a better world for all.
Mark, who is a scientist, and an expert in the field of ley lines, has created a strategy to follow. He will guide and advise you on this subject. It is time to be active, in order to release this wonderful energy and renew your connection to the universe. This exercise does not cost money, just a little of your time and effort.
I have asked Mark to write a quick résumé of what is required.
“The time has come to continue and complete the work started by the likes of Watkins, Guichard, Lockyer, Thom, Hawkins and Michel et al, as ley lines are fundamental to every soul’s spiritual being. There can be no further hesitation to embark on the quest to re-recognise, re-cover and thus re-chart the sacred pathways and telluric energy centres amid our local landscapes. Furthermore, once identified, there is a need to cleanse and re-purify these routes and sites for the time that is to come. It has to be a global task as no part of the Earth is no less significant than any other in terms of the ultimate outcome – the light of love, peace and prosperity for all mankind.
This announcement is an invitation to participate in a project of unprecedented scale yet having conceivable proportions in its effect. The potential to share and coordinate our individual findings is as immense as the results themselves. Through such dissemination comes the union of the nations by virtue of the re-unification of the ley line network of the Earth.
The Foundation looks forward to your interest and participation in the near future.”
This is a wonderful opportunity for all the people of the world to work together as one. You will be amazed at the results that await you. Together, we will rescue your planet and humanity. Every effort, no matter how small, counts. Every soul matters and needs your help. Let us begin 2014 by taking action, peacefully, and in the sure knowledge that our efforts will produce results that will be enjoyed for generations to come. You are being asked to create a better present and future for all.
Thank you for arranging this, my dear, as it is most important.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
The Galactics must do more!... They aren't doing enough... We do not live from words down here... we need mentors... we need the Cabal to be put away and the monetary system too... If they say they Love Us... If they say that we are the best of the best, and we are getting nowhere, why don't they show themselves up???... We need more then soft talk, then love words!...
Why are they in fear that many of us are not prepared to receive them and will die of choke? Aren't more of us dying for not being able of supporting this low vibrational energies, negativity, suffering... that are of non understanding to so many of us? Aren't Cabal killing and making sick so many millions of us? Aren't wars killing far, far many of us???... So you tell me, will this world ever be ready??? No, it will never be ready!... We will not all ever be ready to receive them, I read so much 'stupidity' in posts and comments in the groups... people are lacking far too much knowledge and wisdom!!!!..... Will this world ever be ready???... Much more needs to be done then simple soft love words!... Please send them an S.O.S. message... we need more.... Much more!!!
The galactics must do more:
I, totally agree people are hurting here on many different levels. You said you need and invitation here it is you are invited! We are asking for your loving presents, support make your presents known at lease to those of us who truly ask and to the hurting ones please come now … Thank you
Blessing. Thank you! Peace,
Blessing. Thank you! Peace, Light and Divine Love
![angel angel](
Blessing. Thank you! Peace,
Blessing. Thank you! Peace, Light and Divine Love
![angel angel](
Candyarts and Flylady
Exactly, thank you for standing up in you tangible words of support for "the cause" while you still have enough uncontaminated air to breath to do so.
"They" want brave, that say we are that, they may get more than what they bargain for who ever they actually are, we know well who they claim to be. But if you had several quantillions in your purse that you stole VIA taxes to us etc etc etc, then you would have every possible means of networking and media-izing all the support you could ask for to assist in stalling us all until we "hear that train a coming," Is this accurate or what?
The continued BS that so many of the alleged "Lightworkers" are being fed is how much authentic? They are as easy to fool as the Christians or any other conditioned ones.
Monty, the ladies have a point that can no longer be overlooked. I for one am just dumb enough to actually believe that you are who you say you are and not just a woman that claims so for dollar bills.
Are you clear on my meaning as this comes from every single being on Earth all seven billion plus, some just don't have the conscious understanding of what they the Soul is calling for.
ENOUGH WORDS, ENOUGH TALK, IT TIME TO WALK YOUR TALK, WALK IT RIGHT DOWN TO MY FRONT DOOR AND THE HALF OF THE PLANET'ARIANS THAT ARE READY. The other will never be ready for what they cannot see as they are blind. You know this, so what is the stall?
We know the FEMA camps are now open for business equipped with millions of coffins and head-slicers, so who are you working for?
We certainly believe in ETs, the "real" ones. We believe in our Ascended Masters, the real ones, we believe in the Archangels, the real ones, but many of us are catching on to the fact that it is not only ascended ones bring us these messages. Most especially "promises or gifts etc and claims that go by the way-side time and time again.
It is your promise that "later" is an illusion, so NOW is the time we intend.
David Porter
Author of the series
I've not been in this group as long as many of you... I believe I came to it awakened, and knowing already within... David, my first when reading your posts almost a year ago challenging all that is spoken from our "mentors" I was, at first put off of your lack of faith... I apologize.... We are all hearing the same things over and over and over again.... Monty is one that I do resonate with..... However like I have previously posted to Blossoms last entry....
let all of us hear be HEARD... Let those channeling our good friends on this site respond to our "friends" that we have more than heard their preachings!!! We get it!!! We will assume our responsibility and be the ones to do our part!!
If we were to be given a mass sighting, an overwhelming show that something that cannot be explained is something undeniable.... That we will DO OUR PART!!!
Our part....we shall do, just give me a position on one of the ships, planets or a deserted Island and I will maintain my post with valor, and I know you will too. The post we need to take now are located in the White House (and all other residents of the cabals earthly mansions) #1. and Japan # 2 for clean up purposes. We will need the high-tech promised us for the last several years for all these missions.
So Sky teams show up or hold your tongues. Your words are not what is needed here now and if you were actually Beings of Light you would know that, so who are you and what do you want with us or our planet?
David Porter
Author of the series
It is hard to believe the silence of action, the deafening numbness of anything on the positive note or of significance taking place is truly unbelievable to someone from the sixties. Where did all the Americans go? Why can't we form a large body to hold common court trials and arrest these people. How can these disgusting pigs like Kissinger walk freely. It is January 6, 2014 and nothing, nothing, and more nothing. I'm in a wheelchair and majorly physically screwed and maybe for my own good I was put in this situation but enough is enough, its time for something to happen that will put these murderers in their place. Believe me, if we can take that fat pig Kissinger first, dominoes would begin. We have to start somewhere and the list is long!
Future Promises = Lack of Credability
Allow me a moment to share. I used to read and say Wow, this must be real and true. Now, I skim and say Cabal Hack, Egomaniac, Poor lost delusional child. My point is channeling is tough to get right and far from an exact science. One must be spiritually mature (to focus and keep ego at bay). One must be pure of heart (probably 50 % or more of channeled information is simply Cabal paid writers spreading disinformation). One must be a spiritual grown-up (having the seasoning and wisdom to get past the Unicorns and Rainbows stage and get down to the hard reality of a 50,000 year battle between good and evil for the control of the planet and all it's souls). So we, as Lightworkers, need to be able to discard about 90% of what we come across as bunk or worse and still hold the vision and frequency for the evolution of this small bit of rock in space and time.
Do I have it all together? Oh, far from it. But I am getting clearer and I hope you are too. Wide Awake and Sober - Aware - is what is needed at this time. David: I support you. All the rest: Stand Up and Join the Fray with Eyes Open! Galatics and Angelics: The time for politeness, protocol and diplomacy has long past. be the Warriors of Light that You\We Are! Be Here Now, Join Us, Let Us Shift this Reality Now, Today. I Charge You in the name of all that is Holy to Act, Now.
Ever in Service, Blessings to All.