or centuries, eyewitnesses have occasionally reported seeing an inexplicable phenomenon minutes before, during or after an earthquake: strange bright lights in the sky.
Just after an 1888 quake that hit New Zealand, for instance, there were reports of “luminous appearances” and "an extraordinary glow" visible for several hours. They were spotted in 1930, during an earthquake in Idu, Japan, visible up to 70 miles away from the epicenter. Among the dozens of earthquakes that reportedly produced strange lights, their qualities varied widely: People reported seeing white flares, or floating orbs, or rainbow-colored flickering flames. The lights sometimes appeared for just a few seconds, but other times they hovered in the sky for minutes or hours at a time
I've wondered about this for
I've wondered about this for some time. Here are some volcano eruption lights that happened 6 days after the Fukushima meltdowns.