by Lindsay Ball - 13 January, 2014
The Pink and Silver Flame of Love and Compassion
communicated by The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball
“The pink and silver flame is a very special gift which is being shared at this time for all those who are ready to understand the intention and purpose of its creation."
As you know pink is the colour energy of love, think of the rose quartz crystal energies of unconditional love and infinite peace, hold this energy to your heart and feel the warmth, the softness, the gentleness of this energy warming your heart, dissolving any energetic imbalances, miscreations, misdeeds or other unnecessary blockages.
Feel its warmth and softness melt through any resistant feelings and thoughts, any stubborn resistance that may remain and allow the love to flow through your heart and flow around your body and fill all your senses and structures with pure love.
And then focus on the Silvestre colour, the colour of light, the colour of purity and innocence, of renewal and restoration and new beginnings and possibilities, and allow this thought and energy to fill your consciousness and your heart with freshness and hope and compassion and clearance and lightness. See it clearing and bringing in scope and potential for new emotions, new ideas, new ways of perception and beingness.
And put the two colours together in a pink and silver flame and offer it to all those who you feel are ready to appreciate this strong yet subtle force.
For those who wish to move forwards, who wish to move into the higher energies, who wish to see and understand the bigger picture, who wish to be heart-centred and bigger hearted, who wish to see and understand the pain of others whilst not taking on this pain yet just accepting and understanding and allowing and knowing it is their journey.
Offering the pink and silver flame allows you to offer a great gift for their selves to accept, to take, absorb, integrate and use to clear their own energetic imbalances, miscreations, misunderstandings, misdeeds and collective imbalances through ancestral lines and this lifetime and future lifetimes.
You are understanding their pain and their desire to move through this pain and have great compassion for their suffering; and yet in offering such loving energies you know that you can assist them to feel such love as to be able to clear and release these issues and aspects and so are offering a great gift of love, compassion, clearance, positivity, hope, clarity and joy.
And for yourself, dear ones, you can invoke the pink and silver flame of love and compassion, for love starts with love for ourselves. See yourself within this flame, have compassion for yourself, feel the love that flows through this compassion, feel the warmth, the generosity of love, the strength of the love that is available to you to dissolve and melt all that which no longer serves you, and take in the optimism, hope, renewal that allows you to move forwards with expectation, joy, clarity, understanding and wisdom, refreshed and renewed across all times, levels, and dimensions.
See the pink and silver flame assist Mother Earth to cleanse and release all her aspects as she continues on her journey. See her held strongly and lovingly within these energies of love and compassion, and see her absorb and relish in the energies of renewal and regeneration across all times, levels and dimensions.
And see all living beings within the pink and silver flame, see them all healthy and glowing and happy, refreshed and renewed across all times, levels and dimensions.
And when you see or hear of anything which is not in alignment with the highest and greatest good of all, you may wish to offer the pink and silver flame of love and compassion to that situation or event.
For all intentions of good intent are a significant contribution to the whole, and as we are all part of the whole this will benefit all people and all living things, the stars, the galaxies and beyond.
So use the flame wisely, in accordance with your intuition and know that you are making a significant contribution to the clearance and cleansing of old stuck energies and allowing in the love, compassion and awareness that creates the opportunity for renewal and restoration.
This is all in accordance with the Divine Plan laid down for you all, and is in accordance with the Divine wishes for your future happiness and well-being and that of Mother Earth and all living beings and beyond.
It is our dearest wish that you embrace this gift within your hearts, minds, souls and beingness for the benefit of all humanity, across all times, levels and dimensions now and forever more Amen.
Our greatest love to you all till time again”.
Shanti shanti shanti
Communicated by The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball – Atlantean Crystal Master January 2014
copyright @ Lindsay Ball you are invited to share these inspirational words and intentions provided they are not taken out of context or adapted in any way and it is appreciated that you include the credit Thank you with love and blessings.
OM Shanti Shanti Shanti is so old paragiggim
As a one tit wonder, I would say. Fuck pink and your flaming.
In Love and Light, Teosinte.