Greetings Love Beings, You Can Join Ali this Evening beginning at 4pm Pacific till 6pm Pacific For Free Tarot Card Readings In the 5d Room at This Link:
Greetings Love Beings, You Can Join Ali this Evening beginning at 4pm Pacific till 6pm Pacific For Free Tarot Card Readings In the 5d Room at This Link:
starseeds and contact...... just onother brother coming to you with love and the hope that i might be called for a higher purpose that i have felt i was made for all my views and beliefs from childhood have all been confirmed in recent days....people used to call me a fruit cake for what i think and believe.....but i stand my ground and try to educate all who will listen about anyuthing i may have on my mind........though i have had everything in my beliefs confirmed i nrecent times......i still have not been able to find what im searching for in this life....i do not know what exactly it is...nor how to go about attaining it....but i do know that nothing short of true contact with another race will remedy this driving passion for knowledge of my purpose and there any way i can gain aid in coming into contact so as i can fulfill my desytiny whatever it may be.......simply living and existing is not enough anymore......
We Offer Awakening Sessions
Here is the Information! Remember Love Is Real!
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!