~feel flow
state of letting go
it´s the moment
where you just dont know
presence evolving
dense vibration dissolving
into the unified field of light
love and understanding bright
hearts open
nothing broken
as many flavours of happin-ess
as there are molecules in play
how you learn to savour them
you can always create a way
the world of molecules is always fine
suffering and disease is of the mind
so don’t worry about our physical body
and what we have put it through
it´s not suffering
thats only resistance within you
not that you need to prove this or put it to the test
you just need to understand it
to put feelings of guilt and judgment to rest
relax, it´s all just an expression
apply meaning at your discretion
*Peace, love ´n bubblegum*
I am so ready for bubblegum
Bazooka wif a comic.
love to you from Gaia
In Love and Light, Teosinte.