Tones, Tones and More Tones

BrokenSeal's picture

This is a post in followup to Kathleen Kesner's recent post on "buzzing".

As a preface, I have no problems with my ears, I am a very stable person and I would normally not write of such things however.......

I have been hearing? (for lack of a better word) a pulsing hum for several years.  It overlays the high pitched ringing which is pretty much constant these days.  However, around 2/18-2/19 it became really intense and contained 3 distinct tones.  The normal high pitch ring, the pulsing hum and an almost morse code like, louder tone on top of the 2 subtler sounds.

I have somewhat become accustomed to the ringing and pulsing hum sounds but on those 2 days I just about could not bear it.  The hum was relentless and I felt like my skull was vibrating.  The morse code sound did not last long ... perhaps and hour but it was so "loud" I could barely focus on anything else.  It was so distinct and clear I almost grabbed a pen to document the "morse code" sounds.

The pulsing hum was rather disturbing when it started a few years ago but I have gotten used to it.  I almost hate to say so but it also appears to be interactive.  There are days I do not hear it and almost miss it and I have realized that if I mimic (hum with my voice) the precise tone it begins or "responds" to me and begins pulsing.  Alternatively, on days where it is really intense and when I suddenly realize I have not "acknowledged" it that day, if I repeat the tone back it "calms down" and I can continue with my day.  It does not go away but seems to "relax" because I call out to it.  I've gotten used to just acknowledging the tone first thing in the morning so it doesn't "freak out" on me.  It's quite strange.

After the 19th, the tones calmed down to their normal activity and the "morse code" tone has not returned as of yet.

I know this "interactive" tone experience sounds odd but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this "interactive hum"?  I have been hesitant to write about it but after the other day when a third tone overlayed itself and after I read Kathleen's post I thought it worth noting.

Has anyone else been experiencing anything like this?  I would love to know.

Thank you.



Tones & More tones!

Deb Guimond's picture

I am so happy to read this blog!  I have hardly slept for 3 nights in a row, and last night was MUCH better.  I was talking about this with my kids yesterday and posted several things about it on Facebook, to share my current experience with this evolution, hoping to help others.  I have felt and heard this vibration, as if it's a dull roar.  As if it's a space shuttle getting ready for blast off, but muffled, not near the volume.  For 3 nights in a row, 17th, 18th & 19th I have tuned into it as I was half asleep.  I noticed I was already aligning with it as my brain was waking up.  I felt it lifting my vibrational frequency and my body was joining that same frequency. This was happening literally all night long those 3 nights.   I had no doubt at all that this is assisting us now, as the pace has really picked up in the last couple weeks.  These are very exciting times and we need to continue sharing what we are experiencing to assist the rest of our Planet.  I am still continuously hearing this, just not at the same volume.  Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this!


Thank you Deb!

BrokenSeal's picture

Dear Deb,

That's exactly what I'm experiencing!  The pulsing hum used to only appear as I was falling asleep or in the morning when I wake but as I have "interacted with it" it can manifest throughout the day.  I agree with you, in that, it seems to raise my vibration and sort of makes my body tingle.  It almost feels as if it is a connection deep in the earth.  Like the earth is humming at me and requesting a response from me....  Just so it knows I'm there and aware of it. This is my instinctual guess as to what's going on. Very strange indeed.

The third tone overlay was almost like another layer of "language" or code.  I'm not saying I understand what is being communicated nor do I hear voices but it just "feels" like communication of some sort.

I have been doing some base chakra work in which I visually connect my base chakra to the core of the earth.  The pulsing hum began a few months after I began these exercises.

I might suggest that you mimic the tone with your voice (hum the vibration) and see what you get back.  I would be most interested to hear of your experiences.

Thank you so much for your comment!

This is Great!

Deb Guimond's picture

Thank YOU for sharing with me as well!  I feel the same thing, as if it's communicating with me.  I actually hear and feel it 24/7.  However, at night, when it's still, it's been impossible to ignore.  I have been humming at this same tone and I feel it lifting my vibrational frequency.  I have also done some meditations the past few weeks around focusing on my root chakra and grounding it into the Earth.  This is quite interesting that you are saying something similar.  I wonder if this is why it's getting so intense for us?  It's quite exciting to know that we are able to communicate far beyond our current visual World and that EVERYTHING is opening up to us.  I would love to continue to share experiences.  My personal email is  Please keep in touch :)  Deb

Lighted Starseeds and Earthcrew members

TrilliaGia's picture

Please check in with your higher selves and consider that these are GFL ear monitors for communication and protection. We are not alone and are very loved. This began for me back in the late 1980s and then led to conscious communications and reconnection with my star family and beloved friends and mentors. I am a starseed from Sirius A and for me with my relaxed acceptance of my ear monitors that work both ways... a whole new higher dimensional doorway of remembrance and love began to flow.

Thank you TrilliaGia!

BrokenSeal's picture

Thank you for reaching out to me.  I just did another brief post in response to your message of encouragement.


Thank You!

Deb Guimond's picture

Wow!  This is quite incredible and very exciting to hear.  I am completely open to whatever I am being shown and the direction we are to be going.  I so appreciate you sharing this with me.



Wow is right!

BrokenSeal's picture

Well, thank you so much for your feedback!  I actually was considering that I might be "losing it".  So knowing that others are experiencing similar things is a great comfort.  I was hesitant to reach out but I am so glad I have.

I am rather busy this weekend but I would like to have further discussions about what I have experienced with sound AND light both of which have manifested over the last few years.  And also a clairaudient experience I had when I was in my teens.

Thank you TrilliaGia.  I have definitely checked in with my higher self which has manifested to me a few years ago as a surprisingly VERY powerful being with attributes of "robinhoodism" or a defender of the defenseless with a tilt toward righteous indignation or anger but all in the name of love.  It's odd, in that, I have always been a calm and VERY patient person with my anger always in check (I feared my anger since I was young) but I feel that I have balanced out by accepting this "higher self" manifestation which appears to have been wanting to speak out loudly against injustice for A VERY LONG TIME.  I used to keep my mouth shut on this plane but no longer.  I find it very hard to tolerate and let slide any form of injustice these days.  So I don't.  When the anger manifests in love it is in check without remaining silent.  Balanced.

I have never been given a name.  My higher self only ever identified itself as simply "I am that I am" which accepts all attributes of self without judgement and that is how I invoke it's presence.

I heard the third "morse code" tone briefly again yesterday but I relaxed into it and welcomed it which made it less intense.  I was grateful for it's return.

Anyway.  Thank you so much and I look forward to further discussion.  Please, if anyone else reading this blog has similar experiences, please let me know.

Peace, Love, Light, Justice, Freedom, Prosperity, Truth.

ear sounds

Dee Dee's picture

Hi i do get these sounds...they are intimitent but can be very distracting whe trying to sleep. They tend to be more intense at bedtime. I have noticed fluctuations over the last 2 weeks where it is not as strong. I get the muffled high pitched sounds like having my own personnal back ground noise. I have had today like low thud noise briefly or like slight ear poping. As i write this the static muffled high pitch noise is in my ears. Nice to know im not the only one :).