Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves
Having just spoken of self-love, let us move to the topic of worthiness, of self-forgiveness, of knowing oneself to be deserving of all that one can imagine. And we say all that one can imagine because by and large you do not imagine very big. You have, most of you, an ingrained practice of thinking you do not deserve very much. And you also have the habit of thinking that the big things are impossible for you.
Let’s take care of that little misconception right now. There is available a force that has created everything that you can see and far, far more. For such a force, creating all that you can imagine is no more difficult than creating one flower, and both are miracles, are they not? So just for fun, why not practice thinking big?
Now, please ask yourself, “Why do I think I don’t deserve everything I need?” There are as many answers to that as there are people, but the most common is that you have been conditioned for a very long time to think that way. And you have been told outright that you do not deserve it. And you have believed it. You have imagined all the ways you might not deserve it, and you have believed that, too. You also believe that you carry sacks and sacks of guilt around with you. And we could go on in this vein for a very long time. So let’s do a little thought experiment. You know, the kind of thing your Mr. Einstein used to do. It will be short, so let us propose it, and then you close your eyes and do it. And if it doesn’t feel real then do it over every day until it does.
Here we go. You are standing in front of your Creator. Now first off, He/She is unconditionally loving. Know that. There will be no smiting and damning going on. There will be a lot of loving, however. This next part is for you to feel, Creator’s part has already been done, but you need to know that. So, “Creator (or whatever you call Her/Him) I am sorry for all the things that I have not done perfectly, both remembered and not remembered. Will you please forgive me?” You know what the answer is, do you not? “Creator, I forgive everyone and everything that has ever done anything that I have not liked. I still may not like it, but I know that it has gotten me where I am today.” And lastly, “Creator, I forgive myself for not being everything that I have been taught I must be and have fallen short of. I forgive myself for judging myself, your creation, as less than perfect. I forgive me. I forgive me. I forgive me.” Now, come back to yourself and promise to find something to feel good about today. Find something to like about you. It shouldn’t be too hard. After all, Creator loves you.
So do we, you know, always, always, always. Please begin to think of yourself as one who deserves everything that the universe provides, no less. We tell you that no one less would be where you are at this time. Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
I forgive me
I loved this! Thank you for the reminder :)
Thank you
Thank you Michael and higherselves !!
Thanks Ron.......
Thanks Ron.......