You know, at first I was confused by the energy I felt from this message at the beginning. So, I put it away and read it again when I was more attuned. Following up on our conversation from yesterday, I so appreciate your infinite wisdom and insight for us to either embrace or not.
You totally nailed it when you said that these channelings, groups, etc who sell "books, courses, materials, etc." who further disenfranchise - seperate all of us from the oneness consciousness are NOT benefitting us at all.
"This group is the only way" or from Telos..."You must have read book 1, 2, and 3 before you can come to an event. You MUST have read the attunement book - another $37 to come to one of those workshops and hey! you must not take drugs at all b/c I channeled this message from Adama....hmmmmm you opened my mind FatherMotherGod to REALITY in Consiousness....
There are no "rules" in 5D regarding he is better than she or this is better than that...IT JUST IS....ALL IS ONE...All things, creatures, beings, are divinely part of the source and all are ONE in LOVE and LIGHT TOGETHER.
There is no differentiation - no striation - no better no worse - all is PERFECTLY DIVINE in Creators Grace.
I thank you so much. I LOVE you so much for sharing this with me.
As we all strive to attain our higer level of consciouness - to raise with GAIA to 5D, we need to remember...
WE are SOURCE - WE are part of the divine - WE are ALL LOVE VIBRATION.
We do not need to follow any one particular school of thought but rather recall our OWN DIVINITY - OUR OWN CONNECTION TO SOURCE
It is WITHIN US ALL - each of us individually have the power to reconnect with FMGod and Source - WE are POWERFUL within ourselves and do not need to follow the limiting teachings of others to ascend.
Just sit still, meditate, be grateful, connect - expand your mind and then your heart, send this love energy everywhere and your world will change in the blink of an eye.
I am so grateful FMGod for your wisdom and patience and LOVE for all of us.
Love to all of you from me on your journey. We are ALL there and need to stop seeking for the answers as the answers lie within EACH of us and our Akashic records....we ARE all one and shall be together on the next plane as soon as it is meant to be.
All of my Love and Light,
Thank You. You answered questions I had that I hadn't even formulated
In my mind yet. And your message gave me an extra dose of Inspirational charge to carry forth our work here. BE LOVE. BE TRUTH.
Thanks for your good work.
You ARE quite a Gal!! Thanks
You ARE quite a Gal!! Thanks for the giggles, too!
Guardian Star