Friday, March 30, 2012
Changes You Can Have NOW

Before agreeing, this is what can be done: A great change in health by deleting cravings and diet needs being delivered by mental creation. Think about how this can clear your addictions for all of the deficient meals we cannot advise you to eat. When you ask to be delivered a meal, the body will receive all the food contained in a Master's diet in mega doses by channeling it and consuming it without moving any physical matter through the digestion system. Only the nutrients will be delivered, not the container of those nutrients. You will need to get used to this major alteration in your assimilation of nutrients, so begin this program without disturbing what you do now to consume the things you chew and swallow. As the food we deliver is able to be accepted, less will be taken in by the current method. Chew your food very well to keep the movement of little mouthfuls going through the body. Your natural digestion will not be able to consume bulk once our alterations are made.
Next, we can create new frames for your clothes with this diet management method. All who desire to drop many pounds can do so without feeling deprived. Our new control of your diet can deliver you nutrients in abundance without any calories. Only those physically added by you will be of any consequence.
As these changes in food choices are made, choose only organic and consider the consumption of grain fed animals to be a death creator. No chemicals are compatible with this new, dramatically different eating condition. What you decide to eat can densify the body or allow it to become free of food decay.
Present these new deliveries of nutrients to the cells as you would a "normal" meal. Act as though food is being consumed. Taste the contents as they are led to the mind's channel and chew them with slow and content delight. We will tell you what you are chewing and the flavor can be generated mentally. Then add what other foods you want to eat, but eat much less than previously consumed. What you add can give the body a good feeling by only moving the mouth a few times. Pretend our nutrients are the main course.
You can begin this course of action when you tell us "I agree." Then go to the store and get the things you want to eat and make 1/3 of the current amount you are now consuming. First agree, then get the food.
Next, your memory can be deleted. If there are old, negative feelings that cannot be removed by choosing to complete the dance with an attitude change, we can erase these memories. You must ask us to do this. Are you willing to let go of these disturbances? Can you be an Ascended Master as a consequence? No, but this can eliminate many of the dramas in your mind and clear the contractions caused by them.
And now, best of all: We can create a new answer to all of your negative concerns. Fears can be deleted, anger gone, and the managing control of your mental condition can also be deleted. Only open hearted attitudes can activate ascension, so letting go of negative chatter cannot be an option—it must go. Are you able to accept this offer?
When you are, tell us before going to another dream of the mind or another dream of the chooser of denial. Change is NOW. Are we on the controller's list by deleting anything you need? No, only giving you the ability to ascend.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
Okay, will try! Lord only
Okay, will try! Lord only knows that I am attempting to stop smoking and times are tough but I have to say I am over weight and have been looking for a way to lose weight--so this must be what I need to do and my word I'm not gona ask what you're gona suggest I do next, lol but at the same time while I'm doing all of this my loved ones are still going about doing whatever they wana do and enjoying life all the same, so it makes me wonder, is all of this really neccessary for me or am I just glutten for punishment out of guilt or of a higher calling and Lord knows I'm hoping it is the later but it certainly feels like punishment--then again, not really,cuz I have to admit, that it's all aligning with what I need to do, or rather what I've been wanting to do, so it must be my higher calling but dang it's hard, lol. But, if I could lose this weight, I would be so dang happy! Stress and all of my past has really piled it on seeking comfort but hey, I'm ready for the next step and this sounds like what it's gona be:) Just pray for me, lol
I Agree!!! and accept all
I Agree!!! and accept all nourishment from now on, without need for money and stores! please help me make this a graceful joyous permenant reality! if not i'll just keep doing what im doing and getting what im getting, which sux. i need help w it please. thanks
I agree, and have already begun the process. I have been eating raw organic foods that the Creator made in perfection for me, and Hir Love is flowing through me more and more. I ask for assistance in healing my heart which is holding on to old pains and desires, and memories of places on my path I could have chosen higher love. I ask for assistance in letting go of a painful relationship that is not serving my current evolution, that I may be assisted, that my heart may be held by my team, my guides, my angels, my family, and that i may receive all of the graces that God/dess so lovingly wishes me to receive. Please help me release my attachment to Celestial, that the highest will of the Creator be done with me and my life, that I may serve Creator's will, that I may only be a vessel of pure Light, that I may complete my Mission, that I may hear more clearly, see more clearly, have more power to share Love and Truth, that I stop holding back when Truth needs to be spoken, that I open up my heart completely and totally to the entire universe of Love, and that this process of Ascension may be completed through me, that I may be a channel and a portal for Creator's Love, and be a vessel for Creator to use for The Master Plan. I pray that I may be surrounded by the deepest, most loving and supportive family as this process continues to unfold, it is getting hard to hold it in, and I am asking for immediate and direct intervention, guidance, support, direction, and resources to help me get to a loving, safe, supportive home environment where I can let my Spirit Be in FULLNESS, where I can continue to unfold my wings, and let them dry, and be nurtured by the Love of God surrounding me. I accept this assistance from the Divine within, as I know my prayers are heard and received. I also ask for additional help to be brave to make bold choices when Divinely instructed, and I pray to be able to better discern the guidance given to me, and I pray that the guidance given to me will be given to me in a manner that directly registers within and without, please give me clear and direct messages and instructions, I accept and agree to allow my Spirit Family to increase and speed up your work on me, in my heart, that I may simply by the Grace of God and through Hir loving perfection be united once and for all with my Family in perfect Love and Union Divine. Amen.