Anonymous Illegal Defunct Government

AnaShyNa's picture

Greetings, we are Anonymous. (erase this )
This is a message to the Food and Drug Administration.

You're distribution of poison for every man, woman and child in the United States has been noted by Anonymous. Over the years, we have been watching you. We have watched your campaigns of lies, how you ignore the peoples cries of protest, and your censorship of the information that should be published on every newspaper and magazine. Your laws designed to suppress the freedoms of the people, how you kill hundreds of thousands every day slowly. We have seen you imprison those who try to save the people from you. Your corrupted organization has been made clear to us that you do not respect nor care about the freedoms and wellbeing of everyone you were employed to help. Anonymous as therefore decided that the Food and Drug Administration must be destroyed. For the good of the children and for the good of the people you poison, and for our own enjoyment. We see you as a serious threat and we are ready to expel you from the face of the earth and the internet. You will not survive against the wrath of the angry masses, or Anonymous. You may tell those that we have targeted you for destruction; in fact, it is encouraged, for our enjoyment, for the lulz. You won't prevail against us, for we are everywhere.

Your crimes against the health and well being of everyone and your punishment against those who would expose the truth will no longer be tolerated. Your enabling of corrupt laws to line the pockets of greedy corporations will not be accepted. You will be exposed to the people, and you will be removed from the internet and your organization will be destroyed. Your days of deceit are over. Revolution is here. The people will rise up against your profiteering and your corruption. We shall destroy your corrupt regimes. We will cure the poison that is the FDA.

To the people of the United States, we ask you not to buy the foods and drinks at the super market, instead, buy foods from your local organic markets, do not buy sugar free products, do not buy products tainted with monosodium glutamate or toxic preservatives, do not buy any breakfast cereals, do not buy medications with serious side effects, buy products that contain Cane Sugar, buy products that have been grown locally on the farms in your area, buy medication that has little to no side effects. End the crimes of the FDA. Expose the truth.

Operation AntiTox, engaged.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.

group suspects Obama White House of working with these lobbyists to defend genetically engineered (GE) crops and the attempts get these GE crops planted in wildlife refuges across the United States Part of the information which is currently being withheld by the Obama administration is part of an email from January 2011 from a lobbyist to a top White House policy analyst This lobbyist was with the Biotechnology Industry Organization, or BIO, which regularly represents the interests of companies specializing in OpAntiTox GE seeds like Syngenta and the infamous multinational giant Monsanto.Anonymous - Mon(tser)santo Operation AntiTox
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.
Anonymous Defunct Government


Anonymous, this is

Anonymous's picture

Anonymous, this is wonderful....however, I really wish soon you would direct a message to our Congress and President and go after them.....they are the real problem!

We are the change!

dawn christine's picture

Thank you Anonymous and all who are collaborating for the uplifting of Mother Earth, Humanity, and all beings beyond all galaxies. This is our story - this is our time. We are the ONES that we have been waiting for. Let's do this now! Love & Light ~ Dawn