Faithless - To All New Arrivals. ( Peace on Earth )

shininglight777's picture

To All New Arrivals Lyrics


In our world, Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds.
11 Million children die every year of mal-nutrition.
(To all new arrivals, welcome)

In our world, 15 Million children have been orphaned by AIDS. 
30,000 children die of preventable causes every day. 
(To all new arrivals, welcome)

In our world, 2 million children are working in the sex trade this moment. 
1.1 Billion people in the world, earn less than a dollar a day. 

-Chorus x2

To all new arrivals, we love you. 
We would die for you, kill for you, ahhh... Welcome.

If theres a God, be aware, I'm a man newly made.
My son lies here, and only of him, am I afraid. 
As I gaze into that face, I perceive that which is true. 
I created him, and we created you... in his image. 


And I never knew love like this. 

-Chorus x2


My Brother

MaAlaea's picture

I feel your love, your passion, your tender heart, your hunor, your Self and your ONENESS!


I honor your chosen path....


I treasure who you ARE!


Of (Y)our Service as Guardian,



how may I serve

lydia's picture

I feel like there are things Imust do,but dont know if I am doing enough.....please tell me if I am of enough service,or am I falling short ,,,thank you


Tender Lydia

MaAlaea's picture


Thank you for your genuine, crystal love light... we take just a moment here to connect with your energy of offering service... 


Sometimes, when one asks, and this person is soft and gentle, it is a pleasure to suggest, if you wish, to expand in your own personal joy... to discover the higher limits of your being. Ultimately, we all are in self-realization when becoming awake of how we are the ones who set our construct.

Even light beings of all the stars, all the Ascended and Ascending Masters are always reflecting (and sometimes laughing) at how we can remake ourselves in newness - something that we were not aware previously... or how to share and shape that loving gift we wish to bring to another, whether it be human, animal, planet, suns, moons or galaxies.... for the reason of the universes is simply for Source to reflect on the Power of its own LOVE.


it is all awake and now we are becoming aware ---- of going home back into the cosmic awareness that most of them have been living while we were covered in undetectible "foreign" dreams to our individual souls and communities. 


In your heart you have a desire which is in quietness... whatever that is you wish... bring it forth.... from that space of possible development in your inner being.... then you will discover for yourself how to serve others... for now, we will think of you enjoying your own sense of creativity... 


You will discover your authentic Self.... and WOW.. when you begin to express it... Loving and loved ONE!


Whatever you are drawn to...  you may feel a pull or a tug ... you will have some sign within yourself of your needed service....AND in actually, you have given great service by creating your message... everything touches everything!


MaAlaea, the Guardian