I'm a 27 year old girl from the UK. I'm pregnant with my first and suffer awful anxiety. I want to believe that there will be big changes to my present reality for my sake and my beautiful baby boy's sake, but i feel like the messages on here are all about first contact without any actual progression. Please can you enlighten me as to whether i should hold my breath? I so want to believe that this would can change for the better with the help of our star sisters and brothers. I guess my anxiety gets the best of me, despite my best efforts to heal it. I hope you can provide a little insight into what i am waiting so patiently and eagerly for. I've read the first contact posts over and over and over again, but each time i read them, they make less and less sense. I hope you can help me, and i hope you can tell from my words how desperate i am feeling for something to happen. I'm so tired of people looking at me like am i freak when i try and explain the changes i feel and the faith i have in something i can't see... I guess that faith is wavering. With all my love, Your Sister In the Light~

Hello Sis,
Im very sorry I didnt get back to you sooner. I actually just started using this system as an admin and did not notice I had a message (I figured there'd be some +1, +2 new messages etc indicator, but there is none). Ill Make Sure I check and respond to All messages Every Day.
This Is My Job and I Am Here For You.In Service and its Service Work that We All came here to do at these times. I do not have children, but I know how tough it is for an awakened mother at these times, but know that you Are Not Alone, you never were alone, and you never will be. We are Always safe and cared for.
Do you currently live in the big city? I used to live in NYC, and it was very stressful. I too suffered (and still do sometimes) from extreme anxiety. However, today I know that much anxiety was not even my own, but that of the collective unconscious. We are Very sensitive Beings, and we pick up on A lot of energies, more so than the averae sleeper ;) ... We All work multi-dimensionally, constantly clearing up the lower energies that come into our field. This builds anxiety and other unpleasant emotions. Also, anything personal that you havent been dealing with, will come to the surface for clearing. This is happening with Everyone, so do not take critism or false energy from sleepers personally. And those that are still asleep are still our Brothers and Sisters, and They Will wake up soon.
It is hard to hold a conversation with those that do not understand... is it not? They must follow their own path, reach into their own pocket, grab their own key (which is Always there), and unlock their own chains. Once they do this, they will recognize God/Goddess within, but until then, you might as well be speaking a foreign language to them. This too, will soon come to pass. Right Now, it would be good to focus on Going Within, and quietly transforming the energies that come into your field. I do this everyday, and will do the same to send you Strength and Love from afar.
As far as First Contact: It already begun at the individual level, so some may carry these experiances to help awaken the masses. I have had a cloaked scout ship show itself to me, while I was on my rooftop in the Bronx (of all places lol). Ive had countless etheric encounters with different Beings and Star Family. I am able to consciously see myself aboard a starship, and here, in my physical body as well (multi-dimensionality). I call it "Here and Here".
The Truth Is: All of Humanity Is Aboard Starships. When the physical body dies, the Light body awakens on the ship, the Light being remembers who they are, the reset button is pushed and they incarnate (after a time of clearing and re-integration, only to come back to Earth and forget who they are due to the veil.
This process is now coming to a close. This is why the energy is so intense at this time. It needs to be so that we can clear up the left over blockage caused by the Ego and the collective unconscious, for these 2 things cannot make the Ascension leap because they are illusory.
Duality Was a learning and growing experiment (Earth School ;) that is Now coming to an end and Graduation is soon to come. Oct 28th is the date for Humanity as a Whole. Everyone will wake up to this Truth. Much clearing will occur between Now and then, so Dont Hold Your Breath... Live To Your Highest Potential and Intent.
For Now and Daily:
-Clear your mind and then let go of it and open your Heart
-Forgive Them (those still asleep), for they know Not what they do (dont take it personal)
-Ask your Angels and Guides for assistance around the clock (thats what they are here for...if you ask and are willing to recieve the help, you will recieve... Do Not ever think you are not worthy of recieving help. Know that you are Very Loved and Worthy of All Help and Assistance in accordance with the Greatest Good of your Being.)
-Stay Present in the Now and Stay Connected to your Family of Light.
-Focus on Going Within and experiencing 5D consciousness
-Ask your Guides to take you on journeys of learning, healing, Love and Light (with No Fear, there are No Limits to where your Light body can and will travel...dont be surprised when you see youself aboard a starship ;)
-Focus on breathing techniques for your anxiety and remind yourself that You Are Safe and Protected, and there is nothing for you to fear.
-Focus on your personal First Contact...You have already made First Contact by awakening...Now, build upon that and more will be revealed to you.
-Live Your Truth and allow your Self to Shine, even in dark times.
I Am With You Sis, and The All Is With You...Always
Feel free to ask any questions or for any assistance. You Are The Light and Your Faith is Unbreakable. All My Love to You Sis. Michael
IF YOU WOULD LIKE MICHAEL TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS YOU CAN EMAIL THEM TO pryime13@gmail.com and also Join Michael on The Forum.

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Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, We Love you!! We Ask You, Are YOU In? Love Chooses You! Please share with your Brothers and Sisters, That We are Here, and Love "Has" All of Humanity and Everyone is Coming Home Into The Light, all they have to simply .do is Choose Love and they Are FREE. We Are Here for Humanity's Graduation Celebration. Love Mother and Father God, The Company of Heaven, and the First Contact Ground Crew Team
Awesome :)
Thank you Michael! On behalf of pregnant women who are undoubtedly feeling these energies, but also constantly being prodded to awakened states due to the movement of little awakened beings within... your words ring very true and the challenge is there to just BE. LOVE. FULLY PRESENT. Which is truly just re-aligning with what we all knew when we were babes... Very interesting... grateful we never lose that KEY! Much love to you!! See you all very soon <3
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Marilyn ;D
Its Always Wonderful to hear from you Sis. Thank You for your kind words and blessings... your Love is felt from afar.
Our Little Ones constantly remind Us to stay Present in Love. I Am Very Grateful for this and that they will not go through all the unconsciousness we experienced in this lifetime. Finally, all that is false, comes to a close. All Children (adults included as We Are All Children) are free to be the Love They Are. It Is Beautiful.
I Love You Sis and I look forward to seeing you soon
Hello Michael Soul brother
I too have a space ship above my house in Melbourne Australia and have enjoyed so many beautiful experiences which I would like to share because even though I know I am waking up I still get despondent. It seems lately that all I do is cry....I figured it was ascension stuff letting go.
The other morning, quite early two stars in a perfect straight line (you could draw a line between them I mean) rotated in the sky and began to move towards me. this happened twice - they stopped when I got a little scared.
On a different morning I watched as beams of light drew gentle arcs in the sky - perfect ovals. There were so many of them.
I love it when I see our galatic brothers and sisters light up for us - it makes the wait seem not so long. I know it will be over in a second but sometimes when you have waited for so long for life to get better it seems it will never get here.
It is lovely to be able to be part of a group like this and on Facebook- I don't feel so alone anymore knowing there are others exactly like me in the world.
Much love to you all.
Your soul sister friend Lynne
Always A Great Joy...
...To see ships... Our Galactic Family is highly sensitive as well and dont like to scare anyone. Its been quite a job for them to do their part to remind Humanity that We Are One Family and that they love us unconditionally.
It is good to release those tears. What I found to be a good meditation is to connect with Mother Earth (picture roots coming out of you and going into the Earth like an immense tree) and ask her to help you transmute your sorrowful tears into those of Joy.
Picture all of your fears and sorrows as a dark energy leaving your body, going into your roots, and Gaia taking that energy and tranforming it into Light and returning it to you. Feel the waves of Love as they run through you.
See those things that cause you sorrow being healed (hurtful memories are brought to the Light; send Light to those that gave you grief and send Light to those places that gave or continue to give you grief). Focus on the Love and watch it transform dark energy into Light.
Now, feel Gratitude for having these things transmuted. Feel that Gratitude and you will become Joyful. Crying becomes very powerful at this point as Tears of Joy. These are True tears. Now, take that Joy and See it healing others. Do this for as long as you feel.
Listen to good High Vibrational music if that helps you (it does for me, but I am seeing I do not need it to get the full affect of this process). These steps are not written in stone, so feel free to combine your own tools with this one and personalize the process for you.
This kept me sane after awakening in NYC. It all comes back to helping others, as the next person is a reflection of You.
So Sister Lynne, I want to Thank You for connecting in. The more we connect, the more we help Humanity awaken. It is energy that is felt Universally. So Be In Joy. More ships will show because they Love to see the Love in Us. Our One Truth as One Family is One Love.