
Deborah Taylor's picture


I find it hard to connect to what I am reading lately.  Some of the writings are leaving me with the feeling that I/we are more spectators than participants in our own ascension.  I am reading about arrests, Galactic Interventions, UFO’s, Illuminati and a cast of characters that are worthy of being cast in an explosive episode of the Sopranos.  I have been opting to move past this information because it does not ring true for me but may for others.  There is no right or wrong and in fact, I think that a lot of the articles are heartfelt and the majority have a great deal of validity regarding the self appointed powers that rule this planet.  We live in a world of contrast and polarities, so nothing surprises me.  It can almost become a righteous addiction though, watching the “bad guys” fall and setting ourselves up for a triumphant day of redemption.  This to me is still being in the “game’.  It has the flavor of a Romanesque theatrical event, watching the dark forces getting their due.  Really?  That’s what ascension is all about?  I feel that this circus atmosphere potentially keeps people from themselves, from their heart centers.  A person that has a connection to the heart beat of this earth feels the great cycle of life and knows that change is gradual, the arrival of change is never a surprise.  Because of our conditioning and feelings of being held down and suppressed in this third density, it’s natural to feel a sense of joy in knowing that our time has come.  This however, does not mean that it should involve the tearing down of others.  Everyone and everything teaches us, even the “dark”.  The idea is that when we are busy looking and pointing at events outside ourselves, we once again give our power away and take from ourselves something that is precious and sacred.  We take away that sense of self, that spiritual awakening that we have come here for. In an effort to appease readers, some writers seem to have fallen into the trap of portraying events as good and evil, a blockbuster battle of galactic force that can been seen at any movie theater on a Saturday afternoon. It’s not.  We are at the end of a cycle and you can be cognizant of that fact or not.  It really doesn’t matter.  What does matter is that there are cycles to everything, nature being the most immediate example of visible change, and we are ending a cycle, the last of three cycles each measuring approximately 25,000 years.  You can set your watch by it ... but even THAT knowledge doesn’t matter.  The “bump up” in density, the “Harvest” as RA calls it, is here.  All things change and that is for certain.  We are finishing cycles of experience.  No magic tricks there, just cold hard facts.  What does that mean?  It means that we are balancing and that my friends, is a good thing.  We are naturally being separated, by our own choices and by our own vibrations, we gravitate to that which is most comfortable for us.  In other words, what you are compelled by, what you reach for in the dead of the night, what you dream of in your heart of hearts, you will be/become/are.  It’s as simple as that.  We are in what is called Third Density, with Fourth Density vibration available to us.  We all evolve and through experience will find ourselves where we need to be.  Our decision, if not consciously rendered, will naturally unfold.  So why is this important?  It’s important because if you are becoming seduced by the mayhem and the theatrics, brace yourself.  There are more to come.  We are not even half way through 2012 and it’s just heating up.  Truly, all of the illusion does not matter.  What is of importance is that this year of delineation is the end of a cycle of experience and a time where we will be “measured”.  The earth itself is moving on as well.  It too is an intelligent life form and will make her ascension.  Fourth-density understanding is desirable for the Earth and for the people on it.  It’s time to wake and move on to a more expressive and conscious light being.  I as a Light Worker, a Star Seed, a Wanderer, am compelled to write this, not as an alarmist because there is nothing to be alarmed about, but as a friend.  Someone who is gently encouraging you to remember as I have, the opportunity of advancement that is within our reach ... right at our fingertips, so very, very close. That was the plan, the agreed upon desire that we set up for ourselves and it’s just a matter of “time” before we reach our goal, some sooner, some later.  It’s like a great shoe sale at Barney’s.  I just couldn’t let it go by without mentioning it. 


While I agree with your views

Devi Cholet's picture

While I agree with your views around the final act here as the cabal are possibly 

taken out of control and examining how we may be participating with our own

judgements of good/bad, right/wrong and the potentential arrests and

convictions etc.  My view is that this may be a necessary scenario in the

actual freeing of many peple who are still asleep.  I frankly cannot see

any other way for this to happen to allow many more to awaken.  


You and I and many on this site as well as all the other sites that include

starseeds and those that are already awake, are in a very fortunate

position right now as we can see the higher road of spiritual values

and thinking/feeling.  And while I feel much compassion for those who

are caught in the web of deceit and criminal activites, it does give

me some sense of satisfaction that the many who have been slave of

this barbaric system will be freed and may even have a chance to wake

up before this all comes to a close.


That is how I am seeing this all and I am also aware that there may 

be a middle timeline and planet for all those who need more time

to get used to the idea of spiritual values and searching for this

instead of materiality and money.  


My desire is for all of humanity to be given the fairest chance possible

for them to make it successfully through this time.

Blessings, Deborah   Thank

Guest's picture

Blessings, Deborah


Thank you for taking the time to write this article. To me the first step in attenpting to learn how to become a light being is to take FULL responsibility for everything. I know you understand this. For the readers:  WE allowed all of the cabal's chenanigans!!! And really, I don't think many on this site has missed too many meals...We've had the houses, cars, jobs.... I think this concept IS THE BIG WAKE UP!


THANKS, AGAIN, DEBORAH... I see and hear that you are not only awake, but a beautiful soul.

You are welcome and it is a

Devi Cholet's picture

You are welcome and it is a pleasure to be a part of this time and this particular



I have just recently lost my home to foreclosure, have not had a car in 3 years

and lost really all my possesions.  In this I know that I chose to go the route that

I did because I no longer believe in hanging onto anything material.  LOL

But even though I feel this way and know the true wealth and life that we

have waitng for us on the other side of the veil, it was and still is very hard

to let go.  I also knwo that I needed to go through this so that I would have

complete compassion for all the people who may find themselves in this

position.  I wanted you to know this as I am sure it is effecting the way that

I see what is happening right now.  Trying to stay impartial, but there is

somethng so wrong in all of it and it has touched certainly my material world.


I am now taking it a day at a time.....


Much love to you too!