~The Void of Transformation and Letting Go, By GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Ben-Arion~
Zine Article Author: Ben-Arion
Life is constantly motion and there will always be changes in the physical. We cannot limit the love in our lifes, life will show us where to go and it may feel as it is a "dense" and rough way to follow. Beliefs and patterns are coming to the surface to be released, ive experienced this myself recently.
The Drama is increasing in peoples lifes and every fear has to be felt. We have many names for this, we can call it awakening to Love. The "shadow" of yourself will knock at the door, because it wants to be loved and seen. The Ego will react in many different ways. Its like dying but its only your beliefs that is changing and transforming into a higher vibration or understanding. Your Ego feels threatened because it cannot relate to the energy of "not knowing" of whats coming.
The Ego want things to be as they have been, it cannot understand that something better can come from a shift like this. Your Ego is like a little child, dont take it personally. The only thing you can do when the "storm" catches you, is to breath, walk in nature, to ground yourself, be still and Trust. Its like life gently "forces" you to be in your heart, because the heart is beyond duality and knows beyond knowing.
Surrender To "What Is"
You will feel like your heart is melting and you surrender to "what is" and in this energy you will be a conduit for higher energies, which will embrace you, like a little child. If you want to be seen in the world and need attention, you should see yourself first and attend to youself. We all want to be loved for who we are, but do you love yourself for who you are?
Life will not always give you what you want, but always what you need to Awaken from your slumber into love, which is worth more than "physical" wanting. Our heart or soul is waking us up gently, because it knows what we are capable of, one step at a time. The Ego will be shocked but the heart will know. You dont have to know everything. You will notice that the "not knowing" will be like a "long lost friend" that will make you step into the Void of the Now moment.
Your beliefs are just beliefs and they will be "crushed" into little pieces. Because everything you believe will be turned upside down and twisted 360 degrees. The heart doesnt depend on beliefs. The Heart is LIFE in itself embracing the moment of now. LIFE does not want you to suffer, it has a reason and it will show you things you couldnt see, because of your Ego. Yes, you will feel alone, but its a part of the process, you have to go through the Void of Emptiness all by "yourself". This is where we will be with GOD or our higher self, we have to start loving ourself exactly the way we are and let go of everything. In the void you will understand that you are never alone and that Love is within you.
Your Ego will not disappear or something, you cannot get rid of it, but your heart will fall in love with your ego and they will merge into a balanced comanioship, like friends holding eachothers hands.
My mind felt good in what "was" and were satisfied with that, but the heart felt otherwise and wanted me to meet my fears upfront and so I did, it felt like a huge seperation and I will always remember what i went through. I would absolutely call it a process. My mind didnt like it and wanted to find a solution to "make it all good again", as you say.
My heart "forced" me gently to go within all of these feelings of abandonment and fear of Losing something, and I did feel alot of things for many days, actually ive never felt so much in my whole life, because i stood face to face with my worst fears. I have cried and i have felt powerless. I knew that Ive choosen this, but saying this to yourself when you are facing your fears isnt as easy as it sounds, you can just "surrender" to you heart, which i did many times, over and over again. The Ascension of the heart into Love isnt always what you expect it to be. I knew I had patterns and beliefs that had to be "lightened up".
Falling In Love
It felt as I was hanging on the edge of a cliff and someone said to me "I want to help you" and then stepped on my hands so I loosed my grip of the edge, I fell and fell and the accelleration was enourmous, it was like 1 year of emotional processing flew by in a few days. I also felt that i didnt "hit" the ground and that I never will, because the love have always been there. Its like "falling" in love without fear of loosing something or someone.
We have everything we search for within us.
Why do I share this with all of you? Because it wasnt a "funny" thing i felt, it felt very lonely. In this moment when writing this I feel alot better and I am happy to be in the moment. I feel connected and disconnected in waves. Youre always connected, but your body has a life of its own, with all of its memories. I got so much support around me, im always cared for and it has helped me alot. I have people in my life that ive always known and will forever know. I love them so much.
Life cannot be planned to much in these new energies, because moments are fluid and in constant change. I had to Embrace the unknown and you will also meet the fears you feel within you and discover that it is a "path" to understand the light that you really are. People call it the "dark night of the soul". I call it "The Awakening of the soul".
I think its important to share this because it isnt just me going through this but every human on this planet is going through this shift. It may feel good if you know that you arent alone in the process.
Love does not come from someone else, but it can be shared with others. Relationships will play a big role in the awakening to love. Things you didnt dare to look at before will "pop out" in front of you and you will feel seperated and fear will arise. Fear isnt to be feared, its a powerful wave, like a tsunami washing through your body, which will release the density in your body. I resisted the fear for a little while, but there came a moment where i had to Let Go, because i knew it was the only way to go. My Heart and soul knows this. I feel different than before but i cannot "name" whats different.
Feeling safe in a relationship because you know that you have eachother and maybe that you "own" eachother. You may create "silent" contracts between eachother how the future will be, how everything will go acording certain plans etc. This is the time when relationships will take "EVERYTHING" to the surface, that may seem as Chaos but it will bring forth the love within and make you to remember that you are the love, not someone out there.
You often give love because you feel that you dont have it, but you will realize that Love isnt given from anything, it is who you are.
All the Safety in your lifes may come to a point where you think everything is going to "die", but its the death of the Ego, love always wants you to evolve through the heart.
The old cannot be brought into the new, thats why you face situations where you have no other choice than to let go and start to TRUST the process.
Embracing Your Fears
There is no certain way in embracing your fears, you have to really be in that fear and it will fill every cell of your body, you will believe its real at times. It may feel really painfull to feel all of these things. There will come a point where your heart says to you "LET GO AND BE IN THE MOMENT and I will guide you. Your fears will show you a greater light of situations, you will look at things different, but people will see you as you always were. You will take things more lightly and arent afraid of being who you are. A sense of peace will grow within because all the fear you felt and went through will make you stronger and you will understand that within all these fears was a greate purpose which was to know your heart more fully.
It isnt easy to say this when you are in the process. I for example just took long walks, had much time for myself, doing nothing. I didnt "think" my way through this "fear", I was totally in it and i couldnt escape from it, it was really painfull and my mind went crazy. So dont think youre crazy or not spiritual because everything is "though". Life isnt always a "pink cloud experience".
As I read a while ago, we are moving into a New lifetime without leaving our bodies. We will leave the "play" of karma. To leave the play of Karma, we experience all of these things that is at the bottom of the bag and we also get rid of the "old" beliefs that is holding us back from creating our hearts desires. I feel i have some patterns left in my body and mind, that cannot or will change, because its a part of my "life -blueprint". There is no right or wrong way in this awakening, im just sharing my experience of it. To follow your heart isnt always easy. I feel like time as I knew it before has changed. I cannot live in the future anymore. Im always "guided" to be in the moment more and more. It feels good. No one can resist the power of love and its light.
Its like my heart is telling me that I can create whatever I want and always wished for in this eternal moment. Its like my Ego believed certain things it wanted, which wasnt really important. All things is being stripped to its core and my "Heart desires" can blossom. It also feels like things are repeating themself in cycles and ive always known about these things, but it feels more real now, its like a "click" in your heart, beyond logic.
I dont Work anymore, im playing with my life experience. Life dosnt have to work, life is. Who I think I am isnt a name or a personality, its a Energy that is moving through me, which is eternal and is a part of everything, everywhere. Love does not struggle to survive, love is. The only thing that is trying to survive is the little belief of "me". The "me" is becoming the Energy of "I AM THAT I AM". I am you and you are another me. We all touch eachother in multidimensionality and everything is connected. As Jesus said: "Love can move mountains".
Life will continue and my thoughts will continue, fears will still be there but in the "comfort" of My Loving heart. Changes are constant, learn to ride the waves of life by being in the moment and trust the process. I know, things will be played to its edges and things will fall over the cliff, where they will transform into love.
I feel very empty at the moment but I feel alot of love to, which doesnt involve any kind of action or "have to". The love is simply there and all things are ok as they are.
Love <3
very nice, ben-arion...I am
very nice, ben-arion...I am in the same space...namaste