Recordings from Over the Rainbow

Anonymous's picture

13:20 Calendar, (05.18.12): It’s a Rainbow Dawn!
Art: “Rainbow Dawn”
“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”


revised note to story:I forgot to add, and the most astute and important in hindsight -  the day before the song,sister AndReA told me she had seen an unbelievable rainbow ... and that it was something to see. WOW is it ever!


There is no way for me to explain the story I am about to tell other than to say it's true. Two days ago, we were in the garage sitting around the fire, my brother, our buddy and me. Suddenly I started to sing ...

When all the world is a hopeless jumble 

and the raindrops tumble all around

heaven opens a magic lane

to a place behind the sun 

just a step beyond the R A I N B O W !

I sang it loud and clear just like Dorothy during our high school theatre productions of The Wizard of Oz. It was only a moment, but for that time I was transformed beyond the garage, swept away by the sudden memory of that song. My love Brian did not hear the song because he was in the house making breakfast. Here's what I can't explain in any third-dimensional language:

Yesterday when we were outside under the apple tree, suddenly B's phone rang. He answered it, but there was no one there and the call went to voicemail. The recording was my voice singing over the rainbow ... exactly as I had the day before. It was an identical recording of that moment.

I did not have my phone with me during the song moment. There is no way to explain how his old phone, one day later, rang up that moment to play him Over the Rainbow. When I google traced the call I got as far as learning that it came from Airdrie, Alberta. Just over a year ago, I saw and photographed the first cloud ships I'd ever seen from that town. You can see those photos in Alberta Skies video.

There are so many amazing unexplainable events happening right now. Breathe deeply over the days ahead and connect richly with Mother Earth and one another. There is much to come ... and there is so so much love here for us all. Thank you. dc





Rain's picture

that is amazing. thanks for sharing!

Just got back from a trip to Our Town

Lia's picture

Looked Up and It was daytime it has not rained here in a week, We saw a Huge round Rainbow in the Sky...... Brilliant

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

ONE's great miracles!

dawn christine's picture

YES - WOW MotherFatherGod ~ Andrea your call for rainbow quest - US = ONE HEART ! Infinite light rising! LOVE knows no limits. thank you.