Change in Perspective- Thoughts

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E Dawn
E Dawn's picture
Change in Perspective- Thoughts

I have a concept that I want to throw out there after writing my piece on Change in Perspective. How many of you have heard of The White Dragon Society? They are a group from China that some FUNDS shall be coming from. Is it not groups such as these that some of us may term "Illuminati" for they are ancient Secret Societies that have kept truth and riches "in the dark" until the mass population were ready to receive them fully. So in this perspective may these groups we call Dark really be the ones whom shall assist us with change...change of OUR perspective and change on this Planet. 


There are some that know themselves to be the ancient "Gods" of the past, and some that have not realized it yet. Yet look what occurred...we were worshiped we had slaves ect ect. These societies were built up upon this understanding and knowledge of what was and what was to come. Prophecies HAD to play themselves out...all part of manifestation and the "Game" of Awakening. If this is the case then it would only make sense that today we have come back to express our equality...our love for humanity and serve as the Light to show them the truth and assist in their awakening process. Sometimes Truth is stranger then Fiction.



Blessings of Love,


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
In the third dimension

In the third dimension 'TRUTH' is always much stranger than fiction.


E Dawn
E Dawn's picture
Is it really now.  :)  I

Is it really now.  :)  I always thought that in the 3D fiction was pretty far out there and only what people could "dream up"..... that reality was pretty black and white.  Switching to 5D it seems to be a Rainbow spectrum that creates the Light...seeing through ALL the colors and experiencing them all as one....even the colors when shades of grey are added.  This 5D reality can boggle the rational ego mind.  To others it's just life and amazing at that!  :)  Crazy how multiple dimensions all exists in the exact same moment/space and time and you realize...wait no space...We Just Are In This Moment!  :)

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