Call on us and we can help and with pleasure ~ Lady Maria

Lia's picture

Call on us and we can help and with pleasure ~ Lady Maria through Isabel Henn May 27, 2012


My beloved children, with joy I’ve seen that many of our Light Workers ascended into the 5th Dimension and higher. The largest portion is returned to Earth in order to continue to assist in Ascension of mankind. Gaia is also ascended, her place was taken by Lady Pan. She serves as home to the people that do not want to ascend or not yet ready for it.


The energies that are brought to Earth now are to help people during waking. It is pure love, which is sent to Earth, unconditional love from our Originator, All-That-Is.


We Angels and Ascended Masters help you in this Ascensionprocess if you do then ask. We love you infinitely, and are always ready to answer your call. But we must take care of your free will and therefore we may only intervene in case of emergency, as long as your life contract allows. Call on us and we can help and with pleasure.

You are my beloved children. I am Lady Maria.




Dan's picture

WEVE BEEN CALLING, NOW PLEASE JUST COME! Im not impatient but im just telling you all that WE ARE ALL READY!!!!!

In waiting

maidenhair's picture

Now that the time has come for me to find out that I may after Bone Scan have Cancer

But with having a Cat Scan I wish to remove this from my body if it's actually present in my pelvic Bone

I have been opening in higher rhelms than none a true blessing in disguise for sure

I'm not excepting this being a very healthy spiritual being

I have excepted what I have for the asking silence I am here

in waiting ~ Love N'Light


In waiting

maidenhair's picture

Yes  Mother God I do as well use gmail but my search was absent in finding your source

If there is and for the asking I do wish to intervien with you in order to find other spiritual conditions I can use to rid of this

of course they are wanting to be positively certain by running a cat scan next

In waiting It's like since the findings I have been lifted up and out not to except this there fore I have been in silence of my thoughts

Im in knowing of much more than this and this is why I ask for not excepting this in my body of good health ~

thank you

In Light N' Love




Lia's picture

use the Contact US Form!!! On the Site and we will get the info to YOU

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Thank you

maidenhair's picture

This came to me but I traveled elsewhere in serarch for your source

thank you ~

In waiting

maidenhair's picture

I have opened both links and yet may not be in the area you  have chosen to show me Father Mother God

If not asking to much i know after opening the links I was to find information regarding of healing

Now finding one source is a little boy being cured by all Angels with Tumor

If Im on the right track can you assist me there please

Thank you ~ glenda

Are You Ready?

drmoe's picture

"Are You Ready" is the title of the first song I wrote 15 years ago. It has been revised and brought up to date and now stands as a Rockin Blues invitation to all Lightworkers and Starseeds to step forward and take up their positions for the shift. I will be performing this song along with  a dozen others on June 5, 2012 (Venus Transit Day) in a Live Online Streaming Concert through

I was guided to set this date a month ago and now I see so many synchronicities coming forth as a result.  Titles of songs I'm supposed to perform are showing up everywhere, like in the above comment.  So I'm sharing this here because it seems to me that Yes, We Are Ready to Rock this House.


I'd love it if you could join me that evening.


Dr Moe