Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/28/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



Free energy zones:


Free energy zones will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects. What we would like to do is put aside your current means of supplying your households with energy and installing a new technology that will better improve the efficiency and the supply of clean energy into your home. These projects will be performed on a worldwide level and there will come a time when each and every household on your planet will be furnished this technological advancement that will supply clean energy without a cost to the subscriber of this technology.


To participate in this program, we ask those of you who are willing to make certain changes in your household to make their names available to us either telepathically or through posting or commenting throughout your online social networks and we will enter your name into our database for consideration for this advancement in your home. What this technology entails is an entirely new way to harness energy from the atmosphere surrounding your planet. This area of your planet is known to you as the stratosphere, and it is here that energy is available for this kind of use through the implementation of a device that is installed in a home or dwelling. This device will pick up radiating energy that encircles your planet. It will then clean and purify this energy before its use to power appliances, heating and lighting in your home. What it will not do is power automobiles, trains, buses and airplanes, but we have other means to power these systems of transportation that at this time are important to your world.


We would like to begin the implementation of these energy devices in the homes of those of you willing to participate in our initial programs to introduce this technology to your world. We will be monitoring the publicly accessible areas of your online social networks to monitor your responses to our offer. We hope to see a large number of you willing to participate in this program, as we feel a large number of you utilizing this technology will act as an icebreaker for many of our other projects that we wish to implement that will advance your world greatly and benefit so many.


We wish to begin the implementation of these energy devices in the months ahead, no later than September, although always keep in mind that timelines are fluid and unforeseeable schedule changes do occur for a myriad of reasons and complications concerning the matter of your criminal cabal. They, of course, will not be very pleased to discover that we are now going to go ahead with the distribution of these free energy devices. This is one of the larger points of their discussions amongst themselves, as they perceive this as a great blow to their power. We relish the opportunity to take away so much of their stolen power and deal a blow to their illegal and unconstitutional empire. These factions of your criminal organizations will begin to see the destruction of their power structure immediately upon the implementation of these free energy devices, as it is the hoarding of energy and its ransom like sale to you, the people, which has lined the pockets of many members of your criminal cabal with riches.


By taking back your right to pure, clean energy, you are taking back your right to exist on your planet without having to pay someone rent, tax or tribute in any way. This is one of our main goals here in your world and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will not leave here until you, our brothers and sisters of Earth, are freed from the tyrannical control of these dark masters. Breaking you free from the bondage of heavy taxation and extortion for energy that can easily be provided to each and every being on your planet completely free of charge is a task we are committed to accomplishing, as we see this as a major tipping point to who yields the power in your world. We wish to give the power back to you, the people, and set certain rules and guidelines to ensure that the people will forever be in power here before we depart to again assist another world break free from the limitations that currently bind them to lives of drudgery, toil and limited freedoms, rights and rights of expression.


Our job here is not nearly complete, as there is a great amount of work to be done by us as well as by you. Help us help you make these changes throughout your society by dispensing this information as far and as wide as you can. Do not allow the snickering and the bickering of some that have yet to see the greater picture dismay you in any way from your task of being a fountain of information for these new ideas and concepts. As we have advised you, you will be seen as a pioneer of your new world, as in the days ahead all will see that what you speak of today is a sneak peek into the future of everyone that calls this lovely planet their home.


What a joy this will be for your families who can turn on a light switch or an appliance and power your technologies with our technology that we will very happily share with our friends. We see the sharing of this technology as a bridge that will be built between our two civilizations, yours of Earth and ours from the stars. Do you already feel how empowering it will be for you to be able to tear up your contracts with those who currently supply your homes with electricity, heating oil, propane or gas? Do you see already how much of your hard-earned wealth you can preserve for better uses for you and your families? We are very excited to present you with our first gift of technology, and we look forward to seeing many of your names provided either telepathically to us or posted publicly in forums in your online social networks. We have staff ready to begin monitoring these online sites for your reaction to our offer to supply you with these new free energy devices that can and will be easily installed in your homes.


How these devices will be presented to you from us is a matter we will disclose at a later date when we are more comfortable with the position of your criminal cabal and their many minions. At this time, they yet roam free in your world, but this will change and it will change for good. We see these arrests of these individuals as a very important step for your world and your people, and we urge at this time your members of the teams undertaking this great task to step up their efforts to make this event a reality. Again, we wish to make it clear that we remain fully prepared, backing you up in protection from those of your world militaries who may choose to attempt to interfere in some way with these procedures.


As we have said, we will do all that we can to make sure your efforts go unmolested by any militaries or factions yet aligned with your criminal organizations. This is what we will do for you, but we cannot make these arrests for you, as it is your world and you must take it back from those who have stolen it from you. This is the way it must be, and we hope that the people of your world can understand this and see why it is so important for you yourselves to take back your rights of sovereignty and your right to live in a world free of those who only understand the concepts of more power, more money, more control and more struggle and hardship for those they feel they possess like so many assets in their accounts.


We are here to assist you break free from their bondage, but we cannot and will not do it all for you. We will do everything we can to assist you make these changes here, and we await your move or your request for further intelligence from us that will assist you in your task. We await a response from you, our brothers and sisters on the front line, and we wish you the very best in your efforts to restore to the people of your planet their sovereign right of freedom that has been taken from them by these individuals.


We wish to see action soon from you as there are many programs and projects that we wish to begin implementing in your world that will benefit greatly all of you on so many levels, your current lives will not be recognizable from your new lives of freedom from the toils that are today a necessary component for your survival. Your people will be taking a great leap from lives based primarily on a need to survive, to lives based on an inner desire to express themselves artistically, creatively and academically, and share all the gifts they create with others throughout your world free of charge to them. This is what is possible for your world, and it only waits for you to take possession of it.


Choose now the way you wish to leave this time. Choose the way in which you wish to exit the reality you have come to know as your only option. There are other options available to you that will allow you to experience more freedoms and more luxuries then you are currently experiencing here. There are many doors that can and will open for you upon your knock, and they will lead you into corridors that lead to a new existence, a new reality beyond the current limitations of this 3rd dimensional construct of mind and matter.


There have always been these doors open to you. There has always been a means for you to exit which no longer serves you and your higher purpose in this universe. You, as a sovereign soul on a journey of choice, have never been tied to any one reality that you did not wish to experience further. This law applies to you and to your reality today just as any other day and period in your existence. We look to offer you the opportunity to exit this reality according to your own terms and according to your own time schedule that you have allotted yourself to spend here.


Not everyone will choose to leave this paradigm. Not everyone is prepared for the freedoms that wait beyond this illusion. Not everyone has learned all the lessons available through this setting, and not everyone has experienced all they wish to experience here in the physical. Remember this, and remember that there is no right or wrong choice as all is personal preference, and it is not anyone's right to force their preferences on another as none of us know better what one needs or wishes to experience but ourselves.


How a being chooses to leave here is also a matter of personal preference. Some may choose to leave here through the death experience. This is all right, as for many, this choice and method of exit will lead them to the higher dimensions and the new experience that they seek. For others, this method of leaving here does not suit them and they have chosen an alternative means to exit this reality and begin anew beyond its limitations. For these souls, ascension in body is the method they wish to utilize as their means into the higher realms of this universe. For these souls, they have made a choice that they do not wish to experience death and rebirth again, but wish a continual incarnation without stops and starts to interfere with the steady and beautiful flow of their journey.


All is a matter of personal taste and preference, and we say to you to allow all others no matter how close they are to you to take all the time that they need to decide for themselves how they wish to continue their journey, always remembering that their journey will indeed continue, it is just the manner in which they continue it that may differ from yours. If you could do that you would be doing your fellow beings a great service, as each of us needs to find just what it is that vibrates our heartstrings and makes our heart sing in harmony.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.





As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish




Guest's picture

YES YES YES I am ready for yor technology!!! Just come to us, I welcome you so so so much! I would like to drink coffee with yooooou!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Free energy

Rene Duran's picture

This is wonderful!!

I want to be part of this project.

YES! Count me in! Please.

Thank you GFL

the free energy

jose benedicto lopez's picture

This is excellent! I've been waiting for this for a long time! Please let me be one of yours first that tests one in my house... from Harrisonburg virginia... atentamente....

Count Me In!

d'tewa's picture

Yes, Please.  I'd very much like for my home to be energy free.  Thank you.

Love and Compassion, d'tewa

Love and Light, d'tewa


Sonny's picture

Why wouldn't anyone want this? YES YES YES of course!!! I give my whole-hearted intent!


Yes free energy...please

arun's picture

Thank you, please write my name down in the list...Arun..hakodate-japan.

Great, wonderful.......maybe this is the beginning.....action at last. Thank you


Mathew's picture

I would love to recieve this technology!! I could probably figure out how it works and make one for everybody I know. I am about to convert my 73 VW bettle to electric so I would love to also know how to make a energy device for it so I dont need batteries! NAMASTE!

make some?

acarpenter's picture

You realize that they have replicators right?

Free Energy

acarpenter's picture

Brian Smith Pensacola Florida USA

The area I live is a prim location to introduce this type of technolgy Please add my name to the list

Thank You


I'm in !!! and will spread the word

GemConscious's picture

Yes I've been waiting for this and will now spread the word.   Pioneer !?!?  Yes That and much more I've been called. LOL



I'm in !!! and will spread the word

GemConscious's picture

Yes I've been waiting for this and will now spread the word.   Pioneer !?!?  Yes That and much more I've been called. LOL



Free energy home device

Guest's picture

Sign me up!!  I have been waiting for years to be a part of the implementation of home free energy devices and hope my skills as an electrician will be helpful to the implementation of these devices.  As I live in a rural area, where electricity supply is often interrupted, I feel areas such as New Mexico are ideal places to start; especially since large areas are Navajo (and other)  Native American nations that still do not have power or water.  Sincerely, Louise Bradley  Ponderosa, NM


cody kronmueller's picture

I would love to have this technolodgy. count me in!!..cody kronmueller

Of course!

Alan Bleier's picture

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what I've been waiting for!! I also would like to volunteer to build this energy devices in my own condominium, I bet everyone would like to have free energy.
I have a lot of spare time so please keep me busy doing these things that I love and give meaning to my life here on earth!!!

free energy

mike nelson's picture

yes,count me in. we here in rural maine could benefit from this program.

free evergy devices

Guest's picture

Beam one down for me!

Question - do they provide internet connections, too?


Count me in.. : ) Feels like

Parren Felton's picture

Count me in.. : )

Feels like I've been ready for this for some years now...

This is AWESOME!

katie queen's picture

Sign me up please.  Nuclear power must be stopped!

Free energy device

Brenda Depta's picture

Please consider me for the free energy device...thank you!

free energy

Chris's picture

This is wonderful news.Bring it on.We have been waiting for this for a long time.Live in Canada.

Order in

King David's picture

Yes, on the free energy divice, consider my order placed as of 5/29/2012.


Please advise me when you can stop by so I can Have the lawn mowed for you for a welcome landing? This is gonna be an exciting year~ 

I was born ready for this

Eduardo Hernandez's picture

I need this inmediately, the dept. Of water and power gansters have increase my bill 500% the last year and keep adding fee's. I now have to make a choise between paying the mortgage or paying my electric bill! Soon I will be homeless because of this. Please help...

I would like to take up your

Guest's picture

I would like to take up your offer of free energy and do so hope that i and my family will be considered,

We find it very difficult paying these bills especially since i have not been working now for nearly 5 years. I do so hope that you can help us.

Look forward to hearing from you in some way or form.

Peace, love and light.

Ludvik Zawada UK.

So let me get this straight,

donnalynne888's picture
So let me get this straight, free energy for ONLY a selected number of people, who choose to give their
names and advertise to our neighbors to convert and place signage on our property? Then
"will enter your name into our database for consideration for this advancement" Another way of highlighting the separateness of humans.
We are all deserving of free energy. ( maybe not the cabal,as I have never considered them human).
NO, only if you give it to all humans on PLANET EARTH! Not interested in creating more separateness , that is what has gotten us so messed up so far, the Haves and the Have-nots!
We are all one.. all human. Stop with this...we are more highly evolved so we deserve to have free energy,  before some poor family in Africa does, crap.


acarpenter's picture

Plaese stop living in fear



Free Energy Technology Offering

inthislifenow's picture

Brothers, Sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light...just in case my telepathic skills are not as good as I would imagine they are, I will respond in writing to your kind offering of assistance. I would except with much gratitude your gift of free energy derived from the technology you described in this post. I would be very blessed if you were to add me to your list of recipients...Thank you for your graciousness and love. Namaste!!

Free Energy Unit

Dan Moore's picture

I can not be more excited about this subject! I am an industrial Electrician ready to learn this technology. Willing to be an installer in my area. Please consider my home for one of these power units.

Thank You.  

     Dan.  Michigan

please put me on this list.

lynmarie8's picture

Hi I have not receved any info yet on this. Thought I signed up for this awhile ago.

please include me. Will it be coming soon?


Thanks - would love not to spend money on a new furnance if new technology is coming.