~Visualize: An Artistic Meditation for Creating a New World~
by Sol Luckman, 9~2~2011
Visualize your ability to visualize.
This is no small or laughing matter.
Your world, our world, depends upon it.
Visualize your innate power of imagination to manifest the reality you desire.
Visualize hundreds, thousands, millions of people energizing
A similar vision, until one day very soon
The vision manifests as the veil parts
And the light comes streaming through.
This is no new age fantasy.
This is how the universe works.
It is how it has always worked.
In the beginning not only was the Word.
In the beginning the Creator had a vision.
The Creator visualized this world
In all its diversity, glory and majesty.
The Creator visualized our ancestors.
Then the Creator visualized you and me.
In an entirely real sense
Like Athena we sprang fully formed from the mind of the Creator.
In an entirely real sense
We are children of God.
In an entirely real sense
We carry the God-spark within ourselves.
In the words of Marianne Williamson …
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
Or as the Master Jesus said
In words that seem to apply perfectly to these times
Of planetary and personal transfiguration …
As I do these things, so shall you, and greater things.
Something wonderful is transpiring.
Something amazing, something truly uplifting.
A new reality is being created out of the ashes of the old.
Some still cannot see it for the smoke in their eyes.
Yet, a new world is being visualized into existence by a growing number of people
Who are not “sheeple”
Or puppets dangling on a string
But creators ourselves, made in the image of the Creator.
The effect is nonlocal, morphogenetic, unifying, electrifying.
And it is assisted by the cosmos itself
Infusing us with all the energy we need
To accomplish the task of renewal we came here to do
After the passing of the old.
Carl Jung once said that breakdown is a prerequisite for breakthrough.
This is a universal truth.
Presently, we are reaching the moment of breakdown.
The breakdown of the old hierarchical system of control and manipulation
Is to be celebrated, not feared.
Join those of us visualizing a world with no Big Brother, no war for profit, no banksters,
No mortgage fraud, no compound interest, no taxation without honest representation.
Let us visualize a world with no derivatives, no securitized investments,
No Big Pharma, no Big Oil, no FDA, no FEMA, no nukes, no state secrets.
Let us visualize a new world where the earth is revered,
Freedom is respected,
Creativity is remunerated,
And genuine community is reestablished.
Visualize letting go of fear and being in the Moment, in the Now
Of this historical transformation into a world society
That is truly ours to bring about.
Finally, visualize answering these questions from your heart.
Now that we are on the verge of breakdown,
What will be your contribution to the breakthrough?
How will you use your divine ability to imagine a new, better reality into being?
What will be your gift, or gifts, to the world you help create?
Text and images copyright © 2011 by Sol Luckman. All rights reserved.
To learn more about Sol Luckman’s visionary writing and painting, visit www.CrowRising.com.
SO IT IS Thank you for
Thank you for sharing. Its beautiful))))))))))))))))))))))) and manifesting