~Cobra Report~ Negotiations Update~ Asking for a Peaceful Surrender of the cabal~

Lia's picture

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Negotiations Update

I have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.


Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May as there was an unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.


The physical Archons consist of a powerful group inside the Jesuit faction. This group had direct access to nuclear weapons which they were threatening to use if Mass Arrests would commence. As this group was effectively cut away from such access this Tuesday, the Cabal went into panic mode as they had no more leverage to delay their downfall. Therefore they are begging for mercy.


They are cornered and they have nothing more to lose. If their only future would be mass arrests and possible execution, the only option they have is to fight an all-out war until their last man falls. If we give them a chance for a peaceful surrender in exchange for a milder treatment after they surrender, they have a motivation to cooperate. I have been present at many negotiations with members of the Cabal and they all follow the same pattern: as long as the bad guys have some power, they will use deceit to your disadvantage as much as they can and as long as they can. When they are finally cornered, most of them become very cooperative and some even genuinely cross over to the Light.


The non-physical Archons could become a real problem in the Mass Arrests scenario. Please understand that Mass Arrests could not happen without the complete reset of the financial system to cut off the Cabal from their remaining financial resources. At the reset, the non-physical Archons would influence people to spread panic, violence, riots, provoke civilians against the military…Things could really get ugly and spin out of control. 




So peaceful surrender of the Cabal is our best option. If the Cabal tries to manipulate the negotiation process, we can still execute the Mass Arrests scenario anytime we want. In case that things then get ugly and escalate into a war, the Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to assist the Positive Military as the last resort.


Non-negotiable terms of surrender as suggested by the Resistance:

1. The leading members of the Cabal that are public figures must publicly announce surrender of the Cabal over the mass media until a certain deadline. The latest date suggested by the Resistance is June 21st (summer solstice). If the Cabal does not do this, the Mass Arrests scenario continues.


2. Immediately after that, in the next 24 hours, they must permanently step down from all positions of power. They must give in all their property and resources. They are allowed to keep basic food, clothes and shelter for survival. This will free us to create the future we want, with NESARA, free energy technologies, transparent financial system, non-censored media....


3. They must publicly confess their wrongdoings. Amnesty can then be granted in most cases, with some arrests still taking place.


The reason for polls on this and other websites is for the Positive forces to understand the opinion of the general public so they can perform their negotiations with greater confidence. Therefore it would be great if someone could get those polls to a mainstream website so that opinions of the mainstream population and their reactions to this would be better understood. Human masses have been programmed immensely and they effectively became parts of the Matrix and no one knows how they will react.

Even if all physical Cabal surrenders, you need to understand that by this act alone the non-physical Archons will not be removed. That is a separate issue and it will be dealt with in a different way.






Guy's picture

i think its all a bs,what you and Drake are saying,i dont listen to it anymore

..Why would such people surrender?

J's picture

..Why would such people surrender? Have you not seen Scarface? It will become "Each man for his own"



Too much time is being

Guest's picture

Too much time is being wasted, we could be on to the new financial system by now, and programs that will benefit humanity and the planet......it would seem hard to negotiate with people who know how to do nothing but lie.....

Please don't give up

Guest's picture

Now isn't the time to give up!!!

We all need to bond our postive thoughts towards this Happening.....


If we keep all of our thoughts towards the postive we will be able to get things done.....sending Love and Light to all

I have been reading that the

Guest's picture

I have been reading that the GFL was not going to allow any nuclear weapons to be used, how then could the Archons be of any threat to influence nuclear war?

Also, if the Cabal was to go to war with "The People" where then would the battle lines be drawn? How does the common man..and not a "Minute Man" locate any chain of command if  "The People" should so choose to go to war? I understand that the new NESARA currency would be backed by gold and other precious metals, thereby dissassociating it from the "fiat" money, my concern is I'm not fully accepting the fact that this Act would give tons of money to a mass amount of "satan like" people who live in the town and communites, this act would give a bunch of money to people who would buy what?..more guns?..more drugs?..more alcohol?  There are so many people who need to be rehabilated by the Creator before any money should be given them. Just giving a bunch of money to a society full of immoral citizens just doesnt make me as happy as one would think.

thanks a "bunch"  :)


Peaceful Negotiations and Peaceful Surrender

Deb Aughenbaugh's picture

My vote is for peaceful negotiations and peaceful surrender.These people have played a role in each of our lives. They are a part of who we are. I know they have done evil things but then I have as well. Let's show them the love that we are truly made of.


To all souls in darkness, I send you love from the depths of my heart, all you have to do is open your heart and accept this love. Don't worry, I know the horrible things you have done. I forgive you for each of those. I love you. Please release your hold on humanity. Stand down and join us in making mother earth a glorious wonderful place for all souls. You know that it can happen and is possible. Release all of the lower vibrations of hate, greed, power and control. Be filled with true love, joy, peace, and happiness. I love you so very much. Namaste' 

I have one more thing to say.

Deb Aughenbaugh's picture

I have one more thing to say. When all of the Occupy Wall Street started to happen, two days into it I had a dream. I dreamed that all of the Cabal came out in  front of the world kneldt on their knees and asked us for forgiveness.  We were so encompassed by love that we inturn granted them our forgiveness. At that point the world changed immediately.  People love is the key. Please always remember that and live from your heart.  I love you all so very much! Namaste' 


Sonny's picture

People, apparently some of you don't know or have forgotten the dynamics of how energy works........it is when you doubt and fear that you lower your vibrations, thereby reducing what could be your positive addition to the collective consciousness, plus, the Galactics are not working just on THIS timeline, there are other timelines that they have to work on to make sure that they get THIS timeline right..... please, please, FOCUS.....:)