The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~8~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Boost Of Energy Increase Incoming~
Greetings Love Beings, Just when you thought enough energy was coming In to process, we sent in an extra Boost today. This is to assist in some of the resistance which occurred through the Transit. Many were not ready for this Energy of the Venus Alignment. We had Anticipated this resistance and we were Prepared with a Pre~ Plan In Place.
We Prepared an Extra Set of Codes to Be released today as a Boost.These Codes are Like Extra Dose's of Love Energy. This has Successfully been Accomplished.The Goddess of Love and Truth will not be denied.
Its Your Love
Daily Sun: 07 Jun 12
Sunspot 1494 poses a threat for M-class eruptions. Credit: SDO/HMI
Our Sun is still remaining active with our Current Sunspots now moving to the Other Side of the Sun. We have had some small flares in the Past 24 Hours. We Still have a Chance for some M Class Flares. Earthquakes for the Most part have been Quiet today.
Blue Star Ufo Report:
Earth Allies Report:
Important Messages from The Earth Allies:
The Divine Goddess Energy of Unconditional Love, True Divine Justice, and Compassion along with the Original Divine BluePrint of of Love Everywhere Present has Been Completed. We will All Process this Now as We Spiral towards The Solstice Event to Balance the Masculine. This Will Create the Foundation for Complete Balanced Harmonics on The Planet and The Return of Peace On Earth=Heart.
Quoted from Cobra Today" Goddess wants peace. After 5000 years of insane wars, produced by disbalance of feminine and masculine aspects, real peace is finally possible. Goddess wants peace and she will get it. Immediately after the Venus transit, the Cabal made an offer to surrender. Such is the power of our collective consciousness and mass meditations." End of Quote
Since the Energy came through, those powers that were are really noticing their downfall and surrender is imminent. The New Paradigm is About Love and Truth ONLY. One way or the Other the changes for Love's Manifestation Will occur on Planet Earth=Heart.The Creator and Love's energies will not be denied. This will become increasingly obvious.
Fire Falls (Sun on water)
Low Sun on El Captain Falls, Yosemite
Incoming Love!!!
Thanks to Yojman
Mike Quinsey Quoted from Salusa "“You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling. For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end. The detail can follow when we are openly talking with you as we intend to make sure you are all well informed. For the time being it suits our purposes to keep a low profile until we are ready make our appearance.
Our allies are extremely busy pushing forward a number of projects at the same time, and it means there will suddenly be a burst of activity. Our presence is having the desired affect upon the dark Ones who never thought that their crimes would catch up with them. They now know they are to be tried for their crimes against you and that there is no way out to escape justice. We ask you not to dwell upon such issues inasmuch that there are more important ones that directly concern you. One is releasing you from the draconian laws that have taken away people’s rights, and putting all forms of injustice right and giving back freedom to those wrongly imprisoned. Secondly are the governmental changes so that the right people represent you so that there is no chance of the wrong people representing you and delaying the necessary changes. They have already been selected and prepared to take up their positions, and that will help create the ideal circumstances that enable us to speed ahead.” End of Quote

In Truth Resitence is futile, the Changes Uphead as we Move Humanity out of the old paradigm are Inevitable and the Divine Plan is in Full Activiation. AS We have shared many Moments, We Are Truly Unstoppable.
Decreed by Heaven, The Grounding is Complete of the Original Divine BluePrint of Love Everywhere Present in Balanced Harmonics. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission Here Unfolding On the Galactic Free Press~ We Love You!
WE are Currently 2450$ Behind in our Funding Goal
In Our Last 4 Updates we Have received 4 Love Shares. We are Here In Service to All of You 24 Hours a Day. If You can Share Thank You For sharing with Those Who Serve Love Consistently. In the old paradigm money was used to support the illusion. Money as used right now is Energy. When You Share with those Who are Also Utilizing this for Love, this Energy gets returned to you. Maybe not always back in the form of money, usually Much Grander.
~Only Love can Be Consistent and Constant~
Total Love shares for June 594.01$
June Funding Needs 3000$
Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.
Thank you for Only sharing if You Can. With 3000 Members and everyone sharing a little, we will all have enough.
Join us Live Every Saturday for the Internet Love Party. At 1:30pm Pacific.To Help Bring in the Higher Energies. This will Be Announced On the Press Every Saturday. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~
~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra
WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~
Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~ 444 ~ The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.
Through Marie Mohler: Cosmic Wash Cycles and Cosmic Cleansings
The earth is undergoing more and more cosmic changes and effects on a daily cycle. This summer, it may some days feel more and more like the spin cycle . . . as the quickening does its work to shake debris free. The quickening doesn’t have to be frightening or uncomfortable. It’s just the phase of cycle that goes deep within every fiber . . . to release any must . . . any darkness . . . any shadow . . . that may try to evade the Light. Just as no laundry can escape the wetness of the rinse cycle, there is no particle of your being that can evade the brightness of the Purifying Light upon your planet. All cells will shake loose their dirty laundry if you will. When/if the Light is allowed to purify, the wash will come out bright and clean. Almost effortlessly. If not, there may be resistance and thus struggle . . . and the fibrous cells may try to hold onto the must and debris . . . that has so long filled its center, core, and vacuum. This is a major spring cleaning if you will, of heart, mind, body, and spirit. You start at the top, and continue downwards until all particles gleam with a heart-centered, heart-woven, and heart-opened divine shine.
~Yojman Chase ~
Street~Wise Ascension
From the Joy of Mt. Shasta
The Plan
Co-Servers, continuing our contemplation
of certain truths and The Truth,
allow yourself a moment of zero time.
Be still and feel the energies of the AM,
the Master Presence. AM, a part of a great plan
to set a planet and Her Beings free.
Just feel the happy inclusion.
The following is True…
There is, and you are part of,
a great and complex Divine Plan
that is the greatest story known in the Galaxies.
You are in the leading roles.
Imagine an out-of-control prison,
and a plan, which entailed you getting arrested and
becoming a convict – repeatedly, over and over –
and not knowing who in the population
is part of the Freedom Team, and who is not.
Now feel as if this is True for you.
The Plan is to become a literal Sun through intent
and the desire to love all life free.
It would entail having a group of beings
show up as children who are already SUNS.
They have no process to go through.
These are the ones who just DO
(manifest everything).
BUT, a new and forgotten Love of such magnitude
that It must be prepared for
or else it won’t flourish, must be in Place and Space.
Contemplate the Power of “a New Love.”
This is the Place where we are.
So, heal all emotional wounds ASAP
Last 2 Updates Video Format
i insist in the fact that the posts here are focusing to much on USA nationalism and stuff like.. "this summer".. hello...... is winter here in Brasil! its 10° CELSIUS out there..
Hi, I'm absolutely fascinated with this website. I feel a real close affinity with all the stuff I have been reading on this site. I am getting confused though and have to start asking questions. What are these codes that have been released? Who wrote them? And where have they been uploaded to? How are they upoaded?
How does all this work? Who's in charge?
Hi Guest
These Codes of Energy are Being released via our Craft Which are In the Atmosphere along with the Sun and the surrounding Planets. They come in through the atmopshere in Energy Streams which go directly into Your Dna, which is being activated. This is all Per the Divine Plan and Divine Intervention. Directed by Love and the Creator. So, Love is in charge, as all of Humanity in Reality are Made of this Love. Maybe Our Last Update will also Clarify.
We also Offer Awakening Sessions to assist In these Types of Questions. You can Find More about the Awakening Sessions from this Link:
All Our Love~~
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
so who are you then?
so who are you then?
Mother and Father God
We are Your Spiritual Parents and We have Physically Manifested Here to Assist In the Shift into Love and Humanity's Graduation home into 5d reality. We Love You Unconditionally.
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
that's quite a bold
that's quite a bold statement. what do you base this on?
We are In Full Consciousness
We are Compleltly Awake and Are Here to Assist. Once Father God found Me Mother God in 2007, we began our Journey of remembering who we were and why we were Here. We have Been In 24 Hour Service since 2007. We do offer awakening sessions if this Helps. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
how do you know this is real
how do you know this is real and not just imagined? i have had many visions of being more than others only to realise that we are all one and the same and no one person is more evolved, or better, or special than another. i also consider myself completely awake and conscious, but do not prefer to wear any titles or proclaim myself as some kind of master over others.
When you're fully awakened
and conscious you also know that the Truth has no fears to tell the Truth.
So you will understand why FatherMotherGod use the name they use. Never, ever claimin they are "more", as your mother and father from earth are no "more" than you. BUt from somewhere you must have come as well right? :-)
And as Heven came to Earth... so did Mother and Father God
Though if you're still not convinced, there's an email and a skype contact and they'll be more than glad to explain all you like to know.
Simply remember, in all times those who came were usually recognized only after they left, maybe now it's time to Chage this as well, no?
All our Love
well, the site gets 10'000 hits a day, and I don't think this is a little.
The reason why it's here and this way, FREE by the way I don't know what you're refering to by paying as anyone can read anything at no cost, is because it gets in touch with those that it has to get in touch.
Even if you live in the middle of the sahara you can be the Love you are, in fact sometimes it's much more easier that if you live in NYC I would say.
Maybe you're missing the Bigger Picture of the Divine Plan, where all are there where they should be.
I could ask you: why did Jesus incarnate there at the time and not somewhere else? Or why did Siddaharta incarnate there? Is it not the same thing?
There are 12'000'000 Ground Crew Team Members on the Planet right now and they are all over the Planet doing what they came to do to be awake and to help others awaken. And I would guess you're aprt of it, are you not?
We're One and here to Unite as One Heart and One Soul.
I hope this help you with your questions.
All our Love
look out for my email ;)
look out for my email ;)
First of all we dont charge anything
For us to Keep going with this Divine Mission, we only ask those who can share share. This Entire Site is Done from Pure Unconditional Love 24 hours a day. We have nothing to prove here, our service work in the Past 5 Years consistantly is enough. We feel you would better understand through having a session. In this way You can connect all the dots better and we can explain more then here written. Our Email for the session is We are not here to convience anyone of anything. Only Love is real, and Humanity has been stuck in illusion for 13, 000 Years. Instead of questioning our intent why not find out for Yourself. All Our Love
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Wow! This has been a trip. Dogs have puppies. Cats have kittens. God has gods. What's the problem with father-mother-androgenous whatever? We're all gods. Or am I missing something somewhere?
Bonnie Smith
Yep Indeed Everyone is God Bonnie
You are Not Missing a thing!!! We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!