Lia's picture


There is only one way to Ascension.... There is only your way.... There is the way that only you can find... No Masters, no Teachers can give you this answer....


They can give you an example, simple example, if not tainted with centuries of deceptions.... Like Jesus, like Buda, like many others not so widely know at this time....


If we use this analogy of tree and any animal, that they will Ascend with Gaia automatically and without question.... Not because they read every post on Internet, or they meditate daily....


But because, they, plants and animals are fully connected with Gaia, as they meditate every moment of Now, as they do not carry worries in back of their minds.... They live in moment of Now....  They just ARE....


And they trust in Gaia and her Ascension process without any doubts... Following sounds funny to me...


Did you ever meet a tree who is doubtful, and questioning every moment of its existence: "Am I at the right spot?.... Are my roots deep enough?.... Can I get enough sun on this spot?.... Should I be somewhere else, with more water and less wind?..... "


Of course, this sounds quite a challenge, once when you let your roots grow [this only if you a tree...], than you give all your self, your doubts, your worries, all of it to Gaia, have full trust in Her, that She will bring you in to Ascension with Her with all Her Love and compassion that She practiced for billions of years....


Her Love and Compassion is so grand, that She will be able and She will be so willing and happy to bring every single one of US, humans, here on Her to 5th dimension of Love and nonduality...


You can only relax, you only can ground your self in to Her, you can start loving Her with all your heart, you can stop doubting are you on the right spot for Ascension, you can stop worrying are you going to have anything to eat in new and Ascended world, you can stop counting how much money you have left [if any....] to 'survive' till next Ascension....


There is no singe way to Ascension for Humans or for trees.... As simply as you consider, every tree is so unique and yet so part of oneness, and every tree will be ascending in its own way, from its own special place where grew its roots....


Same for US, Humans.... We will Ascend where ever we are, whoever we were, what ever we were.... But we will Ascend only if we choose to.... We simply have to choose to Ascend, by recognizing God within, by recognizing that we did Ascension some time before....


Remembering that there in no division within US how we are going to ascend.... But if we realize our uniqueness in this beautiful Unity of One, we will Know, from our Hearts that We choose this path long time ago....


Ascension is for everyone, you, me, her, tree, frog, dog, bee..... Some of US know this already, while others [mostly humans....] are still doubting bringing in their thoughts fears of unknown, division in opinions, duality in existence, price of Ascension, and list goes on and on....


There is only 7 billion ways to Ascension, as soon you realize that we are all part of One... One Planet... One Love... One God....


With Love, Predrag




Thank you very much for this,

Guest's picture

Thank you very much for this, things are as I suspected.  Thank you for confirming mt intuition.  You made me smile big with this wonderful, uplifting article.  I very much appreciate your work.  Much Love & Blessings.