ALthough this is just an idea in its infancy... the fires in Colorado Springs are really getting out of hand, ( I can see them from my front window!) as well as Tropical Storm Debbie flooding my dear friends in Florida! Stay tuned for an update as to when we are gathering together to set our loving intensions to stop the fires, and tame the storms. As someone said, time is up and we need the cabal to be stopped... perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg if things don't start to hurry up! Love to all
Don't be affraid Clarissa
It's just a storm. Here where I live, Gaia is very happy and gives us a very warm winter. Everything is fine with her.
Love and blessings.
Colorado fires are out of
Colorado fires are out of hand. Can smell the smoke and I live in South Colorado Springs
32,000 people have been evacuated
6000 acres burned so far
Please send help!