Ascension and Transmutation of the Human Body : Lord Metatron
Profound message from Lord Metatron about Ascension and Transmutation changes in the physical human body ~ Part I of V
I Am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension.
This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will “move up” to third dimensional lifeforms.
Humans, or third dimensional lifeforms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent.
The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all.
Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle.
In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind.
That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times.
The Resurrection Cycle ( Resurrection Dispensation ) Now is the Ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a Higher Dimensional World. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared.
It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical.
As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light.
This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the “sins” or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light.
Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression.
This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete.
Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic Convergence.
It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all lifeforms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe. There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated.
In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you. You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society.
I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process.
This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells.
The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body.
The more light you hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process, just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the ascended masters.
Light Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all areas of the life and the spirit.
Light Body is designed to bring up all your human issues as you progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the issues than the layer before it. This is to assist you in becoming clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues emerge, you may allow Christ’s redemption to transmute it for you.
There is a void space at the end of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest as depression or a sense of nothingness. This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step.
The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are to become in your next step.
The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time.
For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it.
You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level.
Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression.
You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels.
( continued see Part II of V )
Profound Gratitude to Laurie Gilmore for bringing forth the message
Metatron and ascension
This is what I have been waiting for and it makes complete sense. Thank you and I so look forward to the next part 2.
This resonates with me as
This resonates with me as well - what was actually a surprise to me is that deep spiritual interest is only achieved above LBP level seven! So, there are only a few steps left for us...the upcoming increasing energy-waves also accelerate this process and this good so! It is exhausting to hang around here!
Metatron part 2 to 5 on ascension ans transmutation
Hi there Where can I find the links to part 2 to 5 Hope you can help
Love and light Eugene