Okay "Drake", Galactic Federation of Light, et al....
This is your last chance to follow through before you loose what little credibility you have left. You've made such promises and claims before and nothing happened.
Also, These mass arrests of thousands better be high ranking heads of state and leaders in banking, military, and governments. If all you're going to do is arrest low-level individuals with no real power who have been designated as "scapegoats" to be paraded as "evidence" of your actions, then might as well not bother with your charade - it won't work and many will see right through it...
Furthermore, If the Military that you'll be using to carry this out refuses to relinquish power afterwards, you better be willing to step in and remove them. We don't then want to hear the crap that you can't intervene because of some rule. You're clearly intervening now by your own words, so enough with your drama (which is getting old) and let's see some real action. Otherwise, you're just as bad, if not worse, than the Cabal you claim to be against.
Many of us will be watching. Enough with the endless fluffy messages of hope and promises. It's time for you to either DO IT OR GET OUT....
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We chose to Publish this as an example as many may be feeling or experiencing at this time. We ask you if the cabal has any credibility? Or Does the Light? The Light Serves the People for the Greater Good of All. For us this is a simple demand from an ego, who has no clear understanding of the process's we are IN. These events have Spanned a 19 Billion Year Process which is now coming to a final conclusion to forever end the illusions Humanity has been in of fear, pain and suffering. This is a Coordinated event and those powers who were are very stubborn. We have been dealing with them now for 5 years. So, We would Know by experience. It matters not how many chances you give us as we continue On every Moment in Service to The Light, Love and Truth on this Planet. Yes, our Teams Abourd the craft have been given directives to now intervene in this Process. How Are You Helping? you are definalty not helping by trying to discredit those who work daily for The Freedoms of ALL. All we see You are doing is trying to threaten those who are In Service to you and this Planet everyday. We are close, and We Are Here to Give, Up to the Moment News AS this all Unfolds. Its a Process which will not occur in just a few minutes of your illusionary time. This is Your Last Chance Serve Love or the illusion. Whatever Your choice will be Your Experience We Choose Love~ All Our Love The Earth Allies
Perhaps the mindless cult
Perhaps the mindless cult drone comment was too much, so I apologize for that. Unlike others I'm not afraid to admit that my language might have been too strong...let's hope those who attack the likes of Joshua can do the same.
I don't agree with your other statements, so let's just agree to disagree, and let it go in love.
Ultimately, we all want the same thing.
Love and peace.
reply to "Your Last Chance"
28 June
We are a very impatient society wanting instant gratification. Collectively, many have a very short fuse. We want everything yesterday. However, we do not know what is going on behind the scenes and what problems and solutions are being worked out. If waiting some more days will keep everyone SAFE both in the Resistance Movement PLUS all those who are helping from the GFL, then patience is a virtue we can cultivate. The outcome will bring us freedom, and peace, and a new direction NOT foisted on all of us by dark forces.
We can take some deep breaths and smell the lilacs, roses, and lavender and send healing and peaceful energy to those who are helping in this major planetary transition.
That is Being the Light you Are!
Way to go Great One.
The difference between
The difference between Victims and Creators is that no matter what takes place in a Victim's life, they see it as something that is being done TO THEM; on the other hand, a Creator sees everything that takes place in their life as something being done FOR THEM and they are grateful for the experience!
Until the Victim recognizes this truth they will criticize all good deeds that are done for them and be oblivious to the amount of love that those performing those deeds have for them.
Love & Blessings to you all!
I don't see where asking a
I don't see where asking a question about a timeframe is criticizing a good deed. Why couldn't someone say, "Yes, just hold on. You are love and we all are. The changes will be apparent soon, and we will all work together to bring this world to a better place. The love resides in your heart, and even if you wonder if it will all transpire, you will see in due time that it will. Thank you for asking. We have told you before, many times, to use your own judgement, and based on what you have seen in your world so far, it is more than reasonable that your judgement is in a state of wonder. That is perfectly fine, and very shortly you will be able to use that power of discernment and questioning to aid the world in ways better than before. We love you, always!" Now that, to me, is love.
Perhaps it was only a
Perhaps it was only a question, but the way it read to me it was much more than a question, it was an attack, which is a very different approach with a very different energy. My response to what I perceived as an attack (and I apologize if my assumption was incorrect) was to present a perspective, a different way of looking at the events in our lives that can completely transform our reality.
I all capped the words TO YOU and FOR YOU to draw attention to how we look at events in our lives. I work with people on a daily basis who perceive things being done to them, and when it gets explained to them that with that attitude they are powerless to change anything because they have given their power to create their own destiny over to their 'perpetrator' they can comprehend why they are a victim.
When it gets explained to them that their soul wants nothing more than to become pure light and love and it is constantly creating situations in their life that will allow them to heal the deep wounds that have created the separation from Oneness, they suddenly see how they can use each experience in their life to heal themselves rather than being victimized. That is an extremely powerful discovery that changes lives forever.
There is nothing at all wrong with disagreeing with someone as long as it is done in a loving manner. That creates conversation and resolves issues that can be healing for both parties. The aggressive energy attached to exchanges is damaging and destroys any possibility for a peaceful resolution. I only want to present the idea of using a different perspective.
Blessings to you!
What are you all waiting for?
Change is happening everyday, all that look for others to make the world better for their ego's will never quite get it, do you understand what is going on? If you think that others are going poof out of the skies and make all better for your ego's, you don't get it.
Are you going within and clearing all the crud out of your being? Are you ousting out all the strongholds your ego has placed within your consciousness? ARE YOU CLEANING HOUSE???
The only ones I see complaining are the slackers, the ones not doing the real work for themselves for their greater good and all whom they come in contact with, proverbial sticks in the mud.
IMO if your have been busy cleaning house, you would not be complaining because the change that is happening is very real, the effect's are well felt by you and all you come in contact with, confirmations are abundant!
This not time to be lazy and wait for others to do your work! You will miss the boat...
So quit complaining and get to work! Stop waiting for others to clean your boo boo.
Cast out all that is not Love!, ask your Creator for what you want, if it is in your greatest good it will be given! Spirit is on the move, Love is at the helm, your ticket is a clean spirit and your the only one that can clean your temple! GET TO WORK! The reward is more satisfying than words can give justice!
Much love to ALL and gratitude for those who work diligently getting the message out here on the press! THANK YOU!!!
***HIGH FIVE*** Woohooooo!
The more that clean house in
The more that clean house in their own temple the more change you will see in the world, that is the way it works...Mass consciousness in action! the more that break through, the easier it is for others to do the same and the effects will be seen in the world around us. Courage breeds courage, the more that become Love in action, the more you will see Love rule around you. Don't give up, be a part of the change you want or you will get none.
all you need is Love and willingness to face my Fears
Thanks for the Message !