~High Council of Orion message for10~2~11 ~

Lia's picture

We walk amongst you dear ones and as we do we send out the LOVE that IS from our hearts to YOUr hearts. Many are now aware of our presence and we give much rejoice for that shows the illusion is breaking down across the planet. Many are now able to stand in their power and their light and to have faith in the process that they go through. We send much love and many blessings to ALL across the planet earth for reaching this point in human consciousness. Having FAITH and TRUST is paramount to moving through and beyond the point that YOU have reached.

Many still struggle with illusion and we guide for ALL to detach from trying to work out why through the mind. It is understandable that illusion will teach at points through this process for without illusion to guide as to how YOU have been manipulated how do YOU find TRUTH? Many are still being hard on themselves for not stepping out of illusion and this dear ones will only lower the vibration YOU hold. Do not berate YOUrself for something that had a planet in its grip for aeons. When YOU find illusion work to weed it out and then have love and compassion for YOU, for YOU walked in what YOU believed was TRUTH at that moment.

YOU create from moment to moment and this can be changed from moment to moment. We watch as many human BEings fall into the illusion of “time lost” and guide ALL to detach from this teaching. It serves no one to have a human BEing in angst over not being able to see that which was in front of them. The eyes of the human race have been veiled for so long dear ones it may take a little time to adjust to the new and to be able to fully see and appreciate the new.

We guide at a time when most humans are still forging forward and not taking the time and space to fully absorb all that has passed. We guide STRONGLY against moving forward at a rapid rate as the absorption of TRUTH will determine whether or not illusion has a small foothold in YOUr human life experience. We note that many are still firmly in the belief of events outside of themselves and we question why. Why would the belief that events are external to the human BEing experiencing them continue if the new has been absorbed fully and processed?

Human consciousness will rise and for many this will be a rapid rise hence we guide strongly for a period of adjustment, of rest and processing of all that has transpired. To move quickly through the process may result in mass confusion and chaos as the human BEing moves from mind to heart to mind and back again. At any point that the mind is the focus on the human life experience the processing is not complete. We guide ALL to be aware of this, human nature has been taught that humans know best and we guide ALL to be wary of this, this touches on ego and a human BEing who is ego driven is in touch with the lower self and not the higher self.

To assume that YOU know how the day will unfold is to dance with ego and illusion, for YOU are in control of that day and YOU have the power to change it. We watch as many state in their minds how awful the day will be and then work to provide the awful day for themselves, unaware that the stating and assumption was the red herring and they followed it. Do our words resonate dear ones? Do you see how the assumption that the world is the same as it was a few moments ago can take YOU off course? Can pull YOU back into the illusion that YOU seek to walk out of?

Many are triggered by the media which employs illusions smoke and mirrors to guide and to lead the human life experience. Know that by interacting with the fall of the old YOU dance with illusion. It will try to teach YOU that all is in chaos and that all is the end, that is not TRUTH dear ones, YOU have more access to TRUTH than at any other time in the history of planet earth, yet it is hidden in clear view before YOU. Many are dazzled by the smoke and mirrors of illusion which seek to pull YOU away from what is in front of YOU. To make YOU blind to the power that is YOU. For the human BEing has unveiled much power and it is this that illusion seeks to hide from YOU once more.

Where YOU spend the day in frustration believing that the dreams YOU harbour are not coming to fruition YOU hand over the power that is YOU to illusion. The ego is feeding YOU the concept that YOU know more than the universe, YOU know the way to make the dream come to fruition and have decided that there is only ONE way to achieve it. This is illusion dear ones and we guide ALL to detach from this way of BEIng.

The creation of dreams is in harmony with the energy of the universe. To create the dream is to breathe life and energy into the dream, to hold the image of the dream unfolding and then let it go. We cannot emphasise more the letting go dear ones, for the human BEing alive across the planet at this time has not reached the level of consciousness that allows for the bigger picture to be seen, human BEings are now stepping out of containment but are still within containment at this moment. In allowing the ego to drive the dream YOU contain YOU further as YOU are not open to the miracles that surround YOU.

The mind as we have guided previously will look for solutions but the mind is not connected to the heart which is connected to source, the LOVE that IS and the rest of the universe. For ALL ARE ONE but ALL are connected through the heart. This is not a mind link dear ones it is a heart link and the hearts of ALL are connected to the consciousness that IS. To allow the ego and the mind to take control of the dream is to severe the link with ALL THAT IS and illusion will seek to guide the mind. Illusion will seek to guide the mind dear ones, it will seek to teach that YOU must preserve the dream, YOU must not allow others to know YOUr dream lest they steal the dream for YOU. Illusion will seek to move YOU into competition mode and will seek to have YOU believe that humans around YOU are in competition with YOU. This is ego and illusion dear ones and this must be detached from.

This is the way of the old, for the old had illusion teaching across the planet that survival depended on getting ahead, faster, better, stepping over the human BEing that is in TRUTH part of YOU. Do you understand our analogy dear ones? Do you see how vital it is to process ALL that has taken place? To be in the heart centre and to work in harmony with all those around YOU?

Many humans harbour dreams of creation and of helping those around them but keep these dreams locked away lest another human break in to the dream and steal the dream. But this is the teaching of illusion dear ones, for how can a race work in harmony with one another if they do not share? If they do not TRUST? If they do not have FAITH in the shared vision. For the new IS a shared vision, it is the shared vision of a race, do our words resonate?

If YOU are in competition mode, if the thoughts and feelings of those who work in the same field bring up feelings of despair and of competition then there is work to be done on SELF. We note how those who work in the role of light worker have fallen in many cases to illusion with definition of services and self to the fore. Healing dear ones is just that, it need not be defined any more than that. We watch as many who work as healers across the planet seek to justify why they are better than those around them. There is no better dear ones, there just IS.

If YOU feel the need to justify YOUr existence then YOU are walking within illusion for there is no need to justify who YOU are nor what YOU do dear ones, for ALL ARE ONE. Do our words resonate dear ones? Those who walk the planet and justify and define by possessions and qualifications seek to walk in illusion for that is of the old. The old was the world in which the richer and more educated were valued above those who did not have the latest whatever. Do you see how our words show the new dear ones? Do you see how easy it can be to fall into the old by not being open to the new?

Many are now able to see the manipulation of the human race and can clearly see advertising and the role of the media and the news. This is to be detached from dear ones for it was a world built on fear. It was a world built on fear of non conforming and we guide ALL to detach. The detaching may bring up fears that YOU had not realised that YOU had. For not to define is to detach from the definition, many are afraid of not being defined for that is the death of self. Many are filled from head to toe with fear that they will disappear if they seek not to define who they are yet the freedom they crave is within the no definition. For when YOU define YOU contain dear ones. Illusion has sought to teach that definition is vital to human existence and we guide ALL to detach from this.

Many fear a wander into the unseen if they do not define, they fear being lost on an ocean that they will fail to navigate if they un tether the ropes that have held them firmly in place and contained for aeons. Yet through FAITH and TRUST of self the detaching of the ropes that held them firm will allow them to reach the heights and the creations that have only dreamed of but have not created. Do our words resonate with YOU dear ones? Do you see how illusion still teaches but teaches from afar?

It is not enough to simply acknowledge that the old has broken and is leaving for it leaves in its wake a teaching that is very strong and very hidden within most human BEings across the planet. Know that the more YOU define the more fear that YOU have dear ones, the fear is simply the not knowing, not knowing is the freedom for YOU can create from the unknown at all times. By not having a laid out route a defined move forward YOU are more open to the possibilities that lie within that unknown move forward. For when a human BEing has a defined way of moving forward they are blind to any other possibility. It is this that has seen many human BEings blind to the miracles around them, so fixated on an outcome and the definition of the outcome that they are blind to wider possibilities. This is how illusion has taught dear ones and this is how illusion has dashed so much for so many, promising and then dashing the hopes, all the while building the fear of failure, fear of the unknown.

The unknown is the blank canvas on which to paint the dream dear ones. YOU alone paint that canvas, YOU control the brush strokes and the colours used. To be open to the unknown means that YOU can now see the miracles as they unfold, YOU are more open to what was hidden from YOU before. Can you see how definitions contain and suppress YOU?

Yet many have hung labels around their necks and seek to hold on to these labels. The holding on is the fear dear ones and we guide ALL to go within and to pour the LOVE that IS through the fear, unhook the tentacles of fear from YOUr hearts and step into the unknown and watch ALL transform, for YOUr highest potential is contained within the unknown. When YOU allow the universe to co create with YOU then YOU reach heights unheard of. YOU expand and grow at unprecedented rates but first YOU must let the labels go. YOU must allow the definition of who YOU think YOU are to go so that YOU may step fully into YOU in TRUTH. Do our words resonate dear ones? Do you understand our insistence on absorption and processing of ALL that has transpired?

The old way of BEIng is moving and breaking up, allow the new way of BEing to form for YOU, do not cling onto the old but also do not race forward into the new, for both will rob YOU of the present. Do not seek to define others nor YOUrselves for that is containment. YOU are moving into freedom dear ones, akin to a human who has just stepped out of a jail cell and is having to adjust to the sun on the their skin and the breeze on their faces, YOU are stepping out of the jail that was the human life experience through illusion. Allow the sun to warm YOU, allow the breeze to blow life into YOU, BREATHE the LOVE that IS through every pore of YOUr BEing. For YOU are no longer contained. If this is not YOUr TRUTH then work from the heart dear ones, weed out the conditioning planted by illusion so that YOU can walk in the freedom that is YOUr birthright. We are the High Council of Orion and we guide at this time to help YOU move into the new. The old is disintegrating dear ones, have love and compassion for all at this time and have love and compassion for YOU. For YOU need nurturing and rest and recovery. Allow the process to unfold before YOU, be gentle on YOUrself, there is no race, no timescale. Enjoy the new and breathe. ALL ARE ONE.

Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is stated.



The Orions

pjtuttle's picture

Dear Karen,


I am not sure if you are aware that the Orion Constellation, near the Draco Constallation, consists of  the negative 4th density reptilians, who clandestingly have run our planet for many thousands of years. The planetary "Elite" take their 'cues' from Orion beings. You can find this information throughout the internet, but particularly within the RA Material  5-book series from L/L Research.org in 1984, channeled by trance-channeler, Carla Reukart. It is very famous work, which David Wilcock regularly refers to as well. These are negative off-world beings that hail from Orion. I have seen Orion channelings on Lightworkers.org as well, and despite their 'loving' language, they are a wealth of disinformation. I've been wanting to blog about this for some time now, and seeing Orion channelings now on Galactic Free Press, I felt it was time to insight some research on the part of the readers regarding Orion.