Message To Complaining Followers Of Drake ( With Earth Ally Lucas Comment) – 11 July 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Message To Complaining Followers Of Drake ( With Comment Lucas) – 11 July 2012

Uploaded on 7 July 2012 by juliamay11


Sweet Spring, Rainbow of Love, Shasta, Ca


GFP: BTW, if anybody wonders who or what an Earth Ally is... well it's each and every=One in Service to Love, Mother Earth=Heart and HUmanity. And each and Every=One that is in Service of giving the Planet back to HUmanity and Freedom. Who's not an Earth Ally? Who works only for his/her own agenda os separation, that's an ego ally. Enjoy the reading.





Lucas : Indeed I will not post any comment on this. I just relay the info and you discern yourselves or feel whatever you feel but keep it to yourselves. Instead of writing comments for the sake of commenting or  because of your anger, disappointments or for the continuing judgements upon others.  Learn from what you have been learning and do not teach or judge that what is nothing more than your mirror telling you to reflect it upon you.  View the view inside. It is easy and very 3D to blame everybody but yourselves.  You gave all your rights away willingly and let yourselves be oppressed instead of taken that God/Source given right of your sovereign self and be the one in control.  Look at you. Look what you are doing. Trying to seek redemption in things that are not of the highest good for all human kind by seeking uproar, going to spread fears, anger and negativity in not having it your way, wanting violence to be an answer to that what is  not.  Ask yourselves what did you do. Did you peacefully protest or  got civil disobedient. Did you write letters or e-mails, made videos, kept a blog or gathered people and informed them or  did plan for peaceful creative actions of protest with other.  Did you help when asked in whatever way you could contribute or did you just sit back and complaint about the things not going the way you wanted or as planned by doing nothing.  You indeed sometimes are  in need of  a virtual spanking.  Now get real again and read the news that is brought to you by so many alternative sources.  Go and stop being victims and be grown up adult sovereign beings that can defend their unalienable rights and the constitution without going violent or being hateful. Can you seek remedies without seeking retribution or having self justice and uproar?!   Act in unconditional love together on that road you all have to go as a fact.  See that you are having common goals in wanting freedom for our humanity of its oppressing dark cabal, illuminati, the financial system of debt-slavery, the corrupt and fraud politicians, unconstitutional behaviour and injustice, the abuse of power and authority, the military industrial complex, the GMO, poisoned food and pharmaceutical industry  propagators, the manipulators and controllers , and many more things.  If you wanna be free than you can be free in the new golden age that stands for Unity and Oneness and not separation, division and duality. Just get your act together people.  Stop playing around or be played.  The new world that is emerging beneath all those fears of you all is peaking through and if you look you will see it.  It is wondrous and of such beauty you can not grasp it yet. But you will soon. So be positive and loving and not the opposite.

Love and Light,






Barb315's picture

I agree. We are grown adults here. when listening to what is being put forth by either Drake or another well informed individual, if we have difficulties in some of the stuff being said, then keep it to ourselves, since obviously the person complaining didn't really understand the communication.

I myself would LOVE to hear what Drake said, unfortunately for some reason, my access on here to listen to Drake was denied.

Maybe soon I will have access because I was indeed looking forwards to this announcement!!

Blessings and truth always,


Good research

Guest's picture

IMO I can't trust Julia May yet. I have seen her verbally attack people for asking saying the world hates America.This is what I saw from her reactions to people in Facebook on the Global Voice page.

She also claims Bigfoot raped our women and genetically mutated their DNA and the bi-produce of that is what our human race is currently. She has also given false dates. This can be found in her YouTube videos.

I'm not going to comment on her message because that is for you to come to conclusions, but by looking at their integrity you will find a tool to help decode the lies from the truth.

. I really don't think a true leader of the light would react negatively towards their listeners..I know Gandhi wouldn't.....Look between the lines

On the spot.

glr_Andrea's picture

We all Look at those that spread Love, Compassion and Freedom as ONE, which is the Only truth. It's truly Good to learn to discern the messages that Bring Love from those that bring separation. And I Love you Love Beings as I Am One with All. even with those that don't feel it yet. thanks for Being Love

Rule of Law

IdahoSilver's picture

Society has a glue that binds.  A glue that regulates.  Without Common Law we would descend into chaos.  So where is "The Law" in all of this?  The CFTC is not regulating Commodities trades.  The Attorney General is not cornering the Banks in their sordid alley.  Our Military is busy protecting the Heroin crop in Afghanistan.  Our Justice Department is aiding the Cartels in Mexico.  Our Border Patrol is looking the other way letting tons of Cocaine into our Commonwealth. 

"They"  "Them"  "Others"  But to trust "Drakes" and "Cobras" and militias for crisake is to admit the the Rule of Law is indeed broken.  The Prosecuters must prosecute those that were suppose to prosecute the criminals. 

Yet don't forget..."We"  co-created all this!


Yours Truly,


The I Am