Ashtar ~ It's Time for NESARA!!!Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, 10-04-11
"Well Good Evening, Everyone! This is a 'biggie'! We are here with so much to tell, and you indeed have already heard a lot, have you not? So we shall endeavor to hold your attention a bit longer with some information, and a most honored guest speaker will be joining us for a most powerful Exercise of Oneness, which will be joyful for all.
"For right now, first I want to make a comment or two. First of all, we want you to know, that, yes, there were explosions underground. We made sure that all life was preserved before we did the explosions, and they were not of a nuclear type, because we don't play with nuclear toys. However, they were most powerful! We do have means of doing these things when we deem it necessary.
"Now you may recall that we have told you that we were given the go-ahead, the green light, the charge ahead, so to speak, because so many of you, the Light Workers of Planet Earth, have given us permission to come and be with you more and more. In other words it has been in incremental steps that we have stepped in, or flown in, or however you want to view it.
"Ah, at first we were just observers, you know. We were not empowered to actually get in and get involved. That has all changed. We have had some rescue missions that we have engaged in. You all know that 9-11 was perpetrated to stop the announcement of NESARA, and to provide an excuse through all of the lies, and so on, that were told, to institute some very harsh unconstitutional - in the United States of America - laws.
"And we are pleased to hear that there might be a retroactive recusal.* You can look up and see where that might go back to, because that would perhaps nullify whatever recent decisions have come out of that body that you call the Supreme Court. It might make it absolutely illegal - as it is now on a Galactic scale, immoral and unethical - for some of the doings that have been done recently, specifically the purchasing of politicians and states, and so on.
"Interesting is it not? Yes, and we can also assure you that we have been supervising - and assisting energetically where necessary - in the arrests and the removals of the prime beings. There may be some clones or doubles, and definitely some holograms in their places, because the World has not been ready yet, not quite ready. But, discernment is being practiced, and there are many, many, many now who are discerning exactly what has happened behind the scenes, and they know all about who's been running the show!
"But, there's still a lot of confusion about Obama, and we will say this one more time. He is a White Knight. He is working with the White Knights. He is an ambassador from Sirius. He and his beloved wife, his twin flame, have come here in mission to serve, even though it may seem as though they have permitted, or perhaps even condoned some draconian laws to be passed, some draconian decisions to be handed down by the Supreme Court, and agencies - you know, the alphabet agencies - to be what we would perhaps observe as running amuck, the banks and so on, to do what they have wanted to do - the CEO's and all of the ones at the top of the heap - instead of what was for the good of the people, even though Obama has told them to do what is good for the people. You don't hear about that, because people are really busy pointing their fingers at him, so that he will be what they call the 'fall guy'. Well guess what, that's not going to happen!!!
"Obama very much knows, for instance, about NESARA, and he supports it, and he knows that this is the answer to everything that is deemed to be a problem Worldwide!!! This is not just for the United States of America, and we want to make that very clear. This is for the World. The Announcement, so long delayed by the various ploys, lies, shenanigans, black ops, and everything in between, is about to come forth. It needs a push! Obama needs to hear from you. That's why we asked you to sign this petition, and we ask that you to sign the one that is correctly named so that it stands!!! ***
"NESARA is from high dimensional source. It is what St. Germain wanted to inspire when he gave compound interest to the World. Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case might be, because you know you've learned some grand lessons in between, that was not how compound interest was used. It was used against the very people that St. Germain was here to help and benefit. It was used against you, Beloved Ones! The Voice and the women happened to stop in at a place for a different purpose, but it is a place that cashes paychecks, and it will loan against paychecks coming. This place was charging 900% interest for a one-day loan - 900% - not at all what St. Germain had in mind, or has in mind, shall we say!
"So, it's time for balance, it's time for harmony, it's time for Peace on Earth, and NESARA is the key. It is absolutely the key that opens the doors to the Golden Age. We have said this. Believe it, love it, and call it forth! Yes - sign the petition, find others to do the same. Send it out. Be mindful of how to work the electronics, and be sure that you make it so that you can continue on our list.** There are plenty of words, and there will be more on what you call 'tips and hints' to get it accomplished. Spread this Worldwide. We would like, ideally -and we hold the vision for - one million signatures or more. Now that's pretty small, compared to the seven billion population of Planet Earth!!!
"'Yes we can do it!' as Sekhmet will undoubtedly be arriving to say,**** before we say farewell to this gathering, but we want you to know that we already see it done, and we shall be discussing more ways to get it done. This is coming, inspired again by St. Germain, and all of you, your higher selves. Beloved Ones, this is what the World is waiting for. It's not just about money! In fact, even though it will solve all of the financial problems that anybody could possibly have, it's about going past money. It's about Ascension preparation. It's about Ascension. It's about being ready to stop considering money to be the most important thing in the World!
"It's because, those of us who are observing, know that the Great Heart of Planet Earth, the Heart of Humanity does not value money just to have more, and more, and more, of it. The Great Heart of Humanity only places a value on money because it can help - it can provide housing, food - it can infuse the companies, whether it's one individual or more, to want to spread the word about the new technologies, and make them available, with our partnering. It can provide education for those who want it. It can help artists, and musicians, and dancers, to be free to share their great gifts. It can help people to travel around the World and meet others. And yes, it will help all of you who have desire to do so, to hop on a shuttle, or hop aboard your ships, which will be manufactured very quickly and brought forward, to travel outside of Planet Earth! And it will create Peace upon the Planet, lasting Peace, and you will be welcomed to a seat in the Galactic Federation at their round table, and Planet Earth will open its doors openly, with publicity, to visitors who want to come from all over to embrace Oneness with all!
"And that which is Lemuria shall shine forth again! And everyone who chooses will have a grand homecoming to who they really are in the higher dimensions, and NESARA is the way to do it, because it ends the struggles. It ends any separation. It ends the feeling that you're here all by yourself battling against, well you know who, all the Yertles***** of the World. It does away with it. It brings forth a balance and a harmony so that each and every one of you in the human bodies, the Light Worker volunteers, the Ashtar Family, the Ground Crew, can step forward and shine your Lights and help assist and support and teach and learn. This is Mission Accomplishment, Beloved Ones, and this is the way to do it!!!
"Now we have yet another piece to offer. St. Germain will be our next speaker, and he will be taking us all to a place of wisdom, of knowing that things must change, but where the answers to how to make the changes are not well known. And that, Beloved Ones, is what we're going to ask you to participate in.****
"Send this petition out! I, Ashtar am now a presence on that, ah yes, that Facebook place.****** We invite you all to go there, and fabulous Fran will have more information on that. The petitions will be getting around that way. We ask that you share in the spreading of the word on that Facebook, in your emails. And if you have a website it can be posted. Step up - the Light is with you! Shall we say the Force is with you, and we're talking about Love, the most important power in the World! We are One! And we do this together, Beloved Ones!!!
"It's not just 3D we're talking about here. We're talking about the great One We All Are, getting together, and doing this. And there is one more, one more way that this can be spread, the word of it can be spread. And it is to bring it to groups, thousands, hundreds of thousands, yes, even a million or more.******* And it is very simple. It is to join in Oneness and solidarity with these groups, and begin the process of showing the way, of providing answers that NESARA gives!!!
"Is it perfect? It will be with every one of you and with all of the Light Workers of the World participating! We are clearing the way even as we speak, and it is to go the last bit of the way together, One Family. And so we invite you to stay tuned. We invite you to look for our emails, expressions, yes, publications which will be going out on the airwaves in what you call your tomorrow. There will be more helps. There will be links.
"And we are suggesting, Beloved Ones, that those of you who are nearby, go and join with the Wall Street Ones, or anywhere around the country! There is a website you can go to and find out where the events are.******** NESARA flyers have been passed before at events, and gatherings. They have been received with mixed thoughts, depending upon what the gathering was. Because there have been delays, the Announcement did not follow soon enough upon the heels of those flyers, and many of the people who received them have forgotten, but it's not gone from their memory banks, it's just not right up on the tippie-top of their brains at the moment.
"So for those of you who live in these areas, we are asking that you come, follow the links in the emails, get the flyers,********* print out a few copies in the black and white. Remember the Indigos are the ones who have started the movement on Wall Street. They are being joined by many, many, more. The Indigos have the inspiration and the vision, and they also have these little toys where you can get right onto the internet, and they have a lot of capability to do that, and a lot of them can be signers of the petitions, the two of them - don't forget Disclosure, but we're emphasizing NESARA, because we want you to join, and feel the Harmony, and the Peace, and the Abundance that NESARA brings.
"We're here, we're there, we're everywhere, and you know we're with you, and many of you are waving to us in the skies, and this is wondrous indeed. But we want you to be feeling all of the Love, feeling the high vibrational energy of St. Germain, in the NESARA Law. This is a high dimensional law, and it is to bring it forth with your heart, with your empowerments, with your high vibrations.
"And yes, for those of you who are living in a proximity where you could go. It is to take the answer, the solution to the problem! Yes, the protesters need to march. We have said many times, what will make the changes, what will bring them about - people need to get out in the streets and raise their voices - not, not, with violence, but with loving Oneness, with a sense of purpose!!!
"And knowing about NESARA is the perfect way to inspire that purpose, to call it forth from the highest realms, no matter if there's one, or a million people in the streets. Print what you can - take them - gather together - meet each other if you are in an area where there is more than one Family Member, and we promise you that in every major city where these protest demonstrations are planned, there is more than one of you, Beloved Family, and we shall be putting that out in our call.
"Perhaps by getting on this Facebook,****** you can meet each other. We'll see what happens with this. We asked to go on this Facebook. We understand there are may be some hesitations that some of you have, but we asked for it. We sent a little message to Fabulous Fran, and she got it! So here we are, and it is only for the purpose of serving more, and inspiring more, and helping you, Beloved Ones, to do the missions that you came here to do as part of this Family, because we are one together in Purpose, in Spirit, and of course in Love, and all of its power and empowerment that it has for the entire Universe. And this is what the World needs now - powerful Love - so let's all power up shall we?
"Walk the walk, run the run, whatever it is. We know, we know, some of you are tired. We know Ascensionitis is a 'biggie' right now. But, we tell you the energies are here to support these changes. Yes, sometimes the sunspots are so powerful they can disrupt some communications. Think about the communications that they're disrupting among the dark hats. Thank, thank, the Universe for these energies that are coming in, and know that there is nothing that is going to be detrimental to you in any way, and if there is some disruption, perhaps even a bit of chaos in your life, or in your being, it is a part of the changes.
"Put yourself in the flow and know that you are here to be in the flow of the changes. Open your hearts as wide as you can, and see all of the wonder, and the Joy that your participation in these missions of ours are already bringing to the World. Now just move it up a bit more. More Love, more commitment, more resolve, more inspiration to keep going, louder, clearer, higher, whatever, you are inspired to do to participate. The energies that are coming in are supportive!
"You all know about the Mayan Calendar. You all know about the waves. You all know about 11:11. We're with you every moment of the way. Do you feel a little tired? Honor your physicality and rest by all means, but do so with the intention that it is going to empower you even more to do your mission - even more Love pouring in, so that you can share it. Pay it forward and send it out even more.
"We're here together, Beloved Ones, and this is truly the most magnificent of all time lines in all of the history/herstory of Planet Earth. So let's just love, and beam, and enjoy these opportunities that being together, and welcoming in these wondrous energies of Love, are giving to all, with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness - yes, absence of judgment for all, even the shrub family - and Gratitude.
"'Thank you, thank you, thank you, that my eyes are open, my heart is open, my wisdom eye is open, and I see the changes to be made, and I know that I am a co-creator of wondrous miracles to myself and the Planet!' You don't need much more of a mantra than that, Beloved Ones. That is Joy, and we are in awe of you, and we stand with you, and we honor you, and we say to you, thank you from our hearts to yours!
"And so it is! Let's get it done! Salut!"
AN URGENT ACTION CALL AND NEW TIPS FOR SIGNING THE NESARA AND DISCLOSURE PETITIONS IF YOU HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL IN SIGNING THESE PETITIONS, DOWNLOAD A BROWSER LIKE FIREFOX OR ONE OTHER THAN INTERNET EXPLORER! DOING THIS HAS SOLVED THE SIGNING ISSUES SOME HAVE EXPERIENCED. Find the time to sign when you are not rushed. If you don't already have a White House account, you will need to give your name, email address and ZIP code. Then you will have to check your emails at that address for the confirmation link (it might be in your spam or junk folder). Once you are confirmed and back on the White House site and ready to sign, fill in the scrambled letters at the bottom and click the "sign this petition" button. Make sure you are signing the correct petition as titled in the link above. You may want to go back to sign from the link we give, so you don't have to scroll through all the petitions, since it goes directly to it. Our Beloved Family Member, Jahliel Robert Cofresi will be handing out NESARA flyers in New York City!!!! Please email him if you can join him - THERE ARE 2 NEW NESARA FLYERS/POSTERS ON OUR WEBSITE FOR PRINTING! FOR EVENTS IN YOUR AREA SEE |
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Thank You for Beaming!
I am sorry, I have no hope
I am sorry, I have no hope for Obama... As we speak he is allowing his administration to ruin more lives of those that are providing medicine to the people that need it. He continues to support this demonizing of the most medicinal plant on the planet, keeping real medicine away from the people to protect the profits of BIG PHARMA! He continues and has ramped up these effort to keep medicine from the people. He has no respect for the masses, only the top 1%. I am tired of hearing this crap that he is of the Light, we know those of the Light by their actions, not by what people say. I will support that fake when he decides to stand up for whats right and refuses to bow down to those that keep the masses in darkness to maximize profit. Change means "spare change" YES WE CAN, really means YES WE CAN fool you again. Why do you people continue to give your support to this fake???
I don't mean to
I don't mean to negative...Just frustrated, all the things he could stand up for and to, Obama does nothing, makes many about faces, he has shown he can't be trusted in the eye's of the people. Now raids are going on in my area and accross the Country, to instill fear in the hearts of man and to continue the supression of the plant given to man for the healing of the nations. Yes there are many more issues in which he continues suppress change for the better, however the latest moves by Obama are right now creating chaos, pain and suffering to those following the law of their States.