Huge Sinkhole in Suwannee County, Florida

glr_Andrea's picture


fresh water

Guest's picture

my take on this is that the terra firma is inviting you to accept this new water supply from deep in the earth. I lived in Ireland 25 years ago and in the countryside most people building a new house invited a "dowser" to feel for the supply of an underground water supply and hire drillers to source their supply of pristine water from deep rock pools...a never ending supply of blue water...


glr_Andrea's picture

That's Nice!

following on from above....

Guest's picture

I remember the dowser working with a particular branch of a tree or bush...? Birch, I can't remember...just simply broken off in a V shape...he walked randomly here and there holding the twig downward then there was a definite reaction and he stated that 'the well is here...dig here'. We bought him a couple of pints of Guinness. He was spot on and we had a constant supply of pristine water from an artesion well . Dowsing is a natural gift...nowadays it may be technical engineering at great could advertise for a natural dowser?