You can skip forward to 2:00 min in, in order to get to the part about “libor”, that is when the story begins.
Part 1:
I’ve always loved Jon Stewart to death! He’s a true lightworker and great friend to the people!~ A highly intelligent master of summation when it comes to all of the corruption involving politics in our world, and he always delivers it in a witty and entertaining way. If you want to watch the fireworks display that is the dark cabal and Illuminati going up in flames, I suggest watching his show to easily keep up to date on things and learning them about them in a lighthearted, non-aggressive and fun way! It’s quite fun to watch him metaphorically poke his stick at Mitt Romney as he ignorantly flails about in this world like a fish not receiving the proper amount of darkness he was once used to. The light is growing stronger and stronger, and it clearly shows and is evident at how very desperate and blatantly stupid those dark entities are now appearing in the public eye. They are making mistake after mistake, they are backed into a corner, they are being repeatedly exposed for what they are, and this video and all of its original sources seems to me like the very first HUGE domino that will being flood our main stream media like a wave illumination upon all that dark cabal’s going-ons and wrong doings.
I just LOVE at the end how he jokes quickly around at them being the Illuminati at the end of part 1! Subtly implanting that truth in the masses perhaps to make it less harsh when more of all of this comes to light? Two of the people in charge: Mr. Rich Ricci and Mr. Diamond…… Obviously these people are two puppets controlled by the those true dark entities behind the scenes controlling everything, and the sheer arrogance and irony in their choice of names is as if they were purposely flaunting the whole situation in our faces. It is if a poorly written day time drama or cheesy work of fiction! And another part that is mentioned: finding about libor is like finding out that “the whole world is built on quicksand.” And that couldn’t be more true…
The structure that the dark forces have poorly conceived and set up is falling apart at the seams and is begging to be exposed in its entirety; that should be blatantly obvious after seen these two short little clips here. Now all you light workers stay hopeful, focus your will!
Hiiii the links to the videos
Hiiii the links to the videos are not working :D
Just fixed it, thanks!
Just fixed it, thanks!
Thanks for Sharing
Funny Funny, Funny
Thanks for sharing.
funny I am not to view these
funny I am not to view these videos in the UK!