10 Shocking Facts About Mercury Amalgam

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Source: www.wakeup-world.com | Original Post Date: March 14, 2014 –


Mercury is toxic to humans and dental amalgam fillings, which uses a 50% mercury base combined with other metals, is one of the most common types of exposure.  Research proving the extensive damage mercury can cause to human tissue and brain function is why I advocate discontinuing their use and, if you have them, their removal. The following 10 facts expose the dangers of mercury amalgam and, after reading these, you will probably want to confirm what type of filling material your dentist uses – and possibly make a change!

1. Mercury Fillings Leak

Exposure to mercury from fillings results from erosion of the filling, or from evaporation from the surface of the filling.  In one study, using a variety of X-ray imaging technologies, scientists examined the movement of mercury through the tooth. They found mercury in the tooth several millimeters away from the site of the filling...
