11th November : 11 : 11 Stargate/Timegate : One of the most important Timegates of the Year.

AdiGaia's picture

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

At this moment all the Shifts and changes that have taken place in the year culminate in the opening of a portal to Higher Consciousness for those who have allowed the new Light Codes to lift their personal energies. This is a time to focus on the New and to accept the Gifts of Divine Grace and Abundance that are flowing to the Planet as Divine Blessings.

So, in this next month, between the 11: 11 and the Solstice on the 21st December, you can expect that the chaos and tumult will intensify, but that at the same time you will begin to see the Magic arising in your lives, you will see and feel the Earth Magic once again, and at the same time you will begin to perceive the changes in your Light Body and your Physical Body as you align with 6th Dimensional Frequency and Light.

In this period of time, starting with the 2nd of February, you have experienced intense Light Code activations from the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic levels of Divine Creative Intelligence and Love.

Then also, the Galactic Council Beings of Light, working with the Earth Councils and the Solar Councils of Light, are preparing for their contribution to this process. In late November, the Earth begins to align with the Galactic Center, and by the December Solstice she is in perfect alignment for the transmission of Galactic Light Codes through the Diamond Light that will anchor these portals and ensure that they become part of the New Reality of a Multi-dimensional Earth. This will indeed be a Magical time, when the Earth will be recalibrated and great showers of Magic and Love will rain down on the Earth in waves of Abundance and Joy available to all who can see and feel the blessings of this Field of Love and Light!

At the same time, the Cosmic Councils and the Star Nations are also assisting this birthing process. There are several Cosmic Radiatation Rays from "deep space" that have been transmitting information and assisting with the new alignments. The Star Nations of the Andromeda Galaxy have been very active in assisting with the anchoring of the Magical Creative energies on Earth, as the Twin Flame Galaxy of your Sacred Rose Galaxy.

All these powerful transmissions of Light and Light Codes will help you to feel and perceive the great changes that are happening on the Earth and all around you, and the great changes that are happening in your lives and in your bodies.

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