~Humanity's Mult~Dimensional Newspaper~ Sharing the Real Truth, Through Being and Sharing the Truth~
We understand Many of You are still going through the Energies of 11~11~11 and the 12~12 Portal. Now, Welcome to More Transforming Energy Incoming with this Solstice.
All of Humanity will continue to go through these transforming energies until they are Through and out of the illusion, this is the way it is.
~Welcome to The Eye of The Needle~
~ Many might have had an expectation that this process was going to be easy. We and many others have shared, that indeed, this was not an easy task. Easy in choice, but not easy as you make your way out of unconsciousness or darkness.~
~There is a Light at the end of the tunnel, as this is Guaranteed for those who are on the Path of Ascension. Keeping your Eyes and Your Focus on the Prize so to Speak will assist you through any challenging moments. What is the Prize? Your Ticket out of duality, illusion, all the pain and suffering, and to the Complete Experience of Heaven on Earth. We cannot make the walk for you. You must do the walking.
~Everything that Humanity and Lightworkers across the Planet are now going through we already have [this is why we are "The Ground Crew"], so that we understood how the process felt, and all that came along with it~
There is no easy way out [and you were all aware of this, when you agreed to come in here to this Realm], once you understand this, then you can Move onto the Real Reality and the Real Truth. The only way out is through, and this is by facing yourself, looking at what is Real and True and letting go of what is not.
What is not real and true is ego, what is not real and true is anything that is Not Present in the Moment of Now. What is not real and true is all illusion. Face these things, Step into Real Reality, and Take Back your Light and True Power, which is Why you are here.
~Truth Transmissions~
Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Many Magical Synchronostic Events, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Amazing Wonder, as You Are Present in the Moment of Now.
With the Highest Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, and Beyond...We Are the Ground Crew For First Contact, Your Earth Allies, and Representatives for the Upcoming Events! We Are Here in Service To You, ALL of Humanity, and To Mother Earth. We Love You Unconditionally.
The differing in experiences right now is how clear your body hologram is of conditioned belief systems, which also keeps the left brain or ego program running. This Prevents the Being from Experiencing Heaven on Earth. Clinging to belief systems prevents and will hold a being back. The more bs a being is holding onto, the more challenging experience. The More the being has let go of all bs, the More Love energy comes into the Body Hologram for Grander and Grander Experiences in Love Everywhere Present.
Letting go Every thought you have ever had is key. SO that the Higher Thoughts of Reality=just JOY, may enter.
In these incoming energies. its important that you have Let go of all of the fantasies, Let go of anything you have ever been taught or told, and in this Way you will Be Closer to the Truth, because only Truth remains when illusion is gone.
The more you hang onto the belief systems the Real Truth does not have the space to come in.
~What Planet Did I Come From?~
The Real Reality and The Real Truth is that Each Being on this Planet's Home is Mother Earth. Before You came to Earth, you came Through the Pleiades. This is where you received your Earth Schooling. You are from Everywhere, You Are Royal Angels of the Highest Kind, You Are God. We are All One, and ALL One Within Creation.
Some of You may have thought , that you were from another Star System [Such as Sirius] because many of you have visited these places before. But they are not your Home Star Systems, Mother Earth actually is. Humanity is a Unique Species, made Of Royal Angels, Gods and Goddesses, why else would All Of Creation have their Eyes Glued to Planet Earth at this Moment? They are All awaiting the "Homecoming" and The "Surprise".


Events~ Making your way through the "Eye of the Needle", the Light at the End of the Tunnel. Keep Going... We are Getting Closer and Closer to the Most Wondrous Events you could Ever Imagine. Keep Your Focus on this and Keep walking!! We are in some Magificent Energies. Many Celebrations Await You, as You Discover The Grand Beings You Are! All of Creation has their Eyes on YOU!!
~Humanity Will Make it Through~
~Angel Numbers Doreen Virtue~ 222
222~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
Keep the Press up and running, we are 1100$ from our funding goal.If The Galactic Free Press is assisting you in your Joy, and in your Awakening~ Thank You for sharing and Caring for those in Service Completey to Humanity and to Love.
Our Last Press Release we received 0$ donations.
~ In The Deepest Gratitude to Our Family~
~A Simple 10 or 20$ Share from all our Members each Month will not only Keep us going, but this helps the flow go to all. Miracles do Occur~ Love Serves those who Serve Love.
Funding Needs 2000$ per month.
Total Love Shares 874.66$
skype~ father.mothergod.amon.ra